The Other Side/Rise Of The Crow

Chapter 7 - 7: The Ritual

"Wake up kiddos! I let you all sleep in, but it's time to get up!" Kira yells, as we all groan and struggle to wake up.

"Please… Five more minutes." Mari says weakly.

"I wish I could stay in this bed forever… " Sachi says, as she slowly gets up and stretches her arms.

"Luckily I'm a morning person. Come on guys, we shouldn't inconvenience her!" Jack says as he hops out of his bed.

"Thanks for the tip, Dad!" I say sarcastically, as the girls chuckle.

We all get up and sit at the large table in Kira's hideout. Layla comes in with bowls of what looks like porridge and chicken-like meat on the side.

"Eat on up!" Layla commands as she joins us at the table.

"Thank you!" We all say in unison.

"Yeah, yeah. I can't have you starving on an important day like this!" Layla says as she looks embarrassed.

"Okay, let's get down to business! In 3 hours all of you have to be in the middle of the capital for the ritual. In the meantime, you can enjoy the festival the city has put together. Try not to be shy, after all, we're your people now!" Kira says as she eats her food.

"So how is this whole ritual going to work? Are we going to be okay? You haven't really told us what it even is." Jack asks, his voice full of skepticism.

"It's not my place to tell you. But don't worry! I'll be there to make sure you're all okay! But for now, stop being so anxious. This is your new world, try to give it a chance yeah? Whew, a good ale can really hit the spot!" Kira says as she starts chugging down her drink.

"I feel totally safe now… " Jack says sarcastically.

We finish up breakfast and are almost ready to head out for the day.

"Layla! Watch after them and make sure they get to the circle on time! I have to meet up with the Guild Alliance." Kira says as she starts looking for something.

"Yes Ma'am! Anything else?" Layla asks.

"Oh yeah, you all need to wear these for the ritual!" Kira says, as opens a box full of white robes.

"Umm, are we being converted to some religion or something? These robes have no drip… " I say as I notice that the robes have a triangle-shaped patch.

"This looks a little too big for me." Sachi says.

"This is too small!" Jack says, his voice full of disappointment.

"This makes me look fat!" Mari says.

"Just wear it, Damnit!" Kira says angrily.

"Yes Ma'am!" We all say in unison.

"Good grief, I had no clue human children complain this much. Try to stay out of trouble, I'll see you all in a bit!" Kira says, as she waves while walking out the door.

We all sit at the table as we try to plan out our day.

"So what should we do first? We got some time spare." I say as I lean back on my chair.

"I feel disgusting! Layla, is there any place where we can take a bath? Also, what about a hair salon? Do you guys have that?" Mari asks as it's clear she's very conscious about her appearance.

"There's a hot spring right down the street. But, what is a hair salon? Us Frodians usually don't care about that stuff. Is that another thing from your old world?" Layla asks, her voice full of confusion.

"I can't believe this! I can't do my hair anymore?" Mari asks, her voice full of despair.

"Suck it up, you'll live!" Jack says.

"That's easy for you to say Mr. Woodchuck! Unlike you, I actually care about how I look!" Mari says, her voice full of frustration.

"You guys are so loud, I feel like I'm playing a toxic fps right now… " Sachi says, as she calmy drinks her tea.

"Seriously shut up, my head can't take it anymore!" Layla says.

"Let's just head to hot springs! I actually do feel a little greasy after yesterday." I say as I get out of my chair.

We all leave the hideout and head to the hot spring and the place is pretty empty.

"No one here?" I ask as I look around.

"Everyone's too busy drinking and partying in the downtown district." Layla says.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Are you four the half-bloods, the children of Adora?" A young Windian man says as he hands us towels over the counter.

"That's right bro! Nice to meet ya, my name's Crow!" I say confidently.

"Bro? Is that a term of respect from another realm? I am honored, Sir Crow!" The young Windian man says as he bows his head.

"Woah, it's not that man it's just–" I say.

"You know what? You all can use my springs for free! It's on the house! Just be sure to give me a good name out there when you all become famous!" The Young Windian man says.

"Huh? Wait you don't have to do that! OWW!" I say as Layla steps on my foot really hard.

"Thank you for your kindness sir! We'll take you up on that offer!" Layla says as she smiles at him.

"Alright then, head on in and enjoy yourselves!" The Young Windian man says as he opens doors to the springs.

"What's your name bro? I really appreciate this." I say.

"Talto! If you need anything just let me know!" Talto says as he smiles warmly.

We all walk into the changing room of the springs as there is one side for the ladies and another for the guys.

"Damn Layla, I didn't realize you were that much of a cheapskate!" I say angrily.

"You idiot, do you realize how expensive the springs are? One thing to realize in this world is that everything that is free is priceless. Now stop whining and get yourself clean, you and Jack are starting to smell like a dead horse." Layla says as she and the girls walk to the other room.

"That little… " I say, as I try to control my anger.

"Come on, let's wash off Crow. It'll ease your mind." Jack says as we walk into the hot springs.

We get into the steaming hot water and I already feel so much better.

"So, what were your plans before you died?" Jack asks.

"To be honest, I don't really know… I figured I'd just survive for a while and maybe travel the world with my dog." I say as I sink my face into the water.

"Your parents?" Jack asks.

"I don't remember anything about my biological parents, but I did have foster parents for a bit. Unfortunately, they didn't really love me for who I was. I ran away from them about three years ago. I figured it'd be better to take care of myself than to rely on people with twisted views on the world." I say.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't even imagine having that burden on your shoulder." Jack says as he pats my back.

"It wasn't all bad, it taught me how to take care of myself and more importantly it taught me the value of living for yourself not anyone else." I say as Jack lets out a huge sigh.

"Man, I wish I could live that way sometimes. But for all of my life, I HAD to live for someone else." Jack replies.

"That's right, you were raising your brother on your own before you died right?" I ask.

"Yep, my dad left us when we were still little boys and my mom died in a car accident when I turned twelve. Fortunately, a family friend let us shack up in a guest house in the mountains, but I still had to make a living for my little brother." Jack says as he wipes sweat off of his forehead.

"Damn, how did your little brother take it all in?" I ask.

"I could tell it was tough on the little guy, but he always stayed positive and encouraged me no matter what happened. I was truly blessed to have him… I hope he'll be okay without me." Jack says as he tilts his head up to the ceiling.

"Quite the lives we've left behind huh?" I ask as I smile out of discomfort.

"Yep, life sure is bittersweet. But, all I can do now is move forward for Jacob's sake." Jack says, as smiles lightly.

"We'll figure this crap out together bro! I promise I got your back!" I say as we both continue to relax.

Jack and I stay in the hot spring for another 20 minutes before we finally leave. We go to changing room and put our ritual robes back on.

"Whew, I feel so much better now! I could conquer the world!" I say as I stretch my arms out.

"Yay! You all finally smell decent! You just might get some girls looking like that, might is the keyword!" Layla says as she and the rest of the girls approach us.

"Bleh! I bet your attitude attracts all of the guys! So attractive!" I say sarcastically as Layla shoots a fiery glare at me.

"Wanna repeat that Crow?" Layla says, with a psychotic grin on her face.

Ugh, she's scary.

"Nevermind." I say concisely.

"Hmmm, you know you two would be pretty cute together! What do you think Sachi?" Mari says as she smirks.

"Ummm, I don't really know about this type of stuff." Sachi says apathetically.

"That would never happen in a million years!" Layla says as she starts laughing.

"I could care less, why don't we head to the festival? I'm bored just standing here." I say as we all walk out of the hot spring.

We enter into the downtown district and the capital of Vortiyas is really alive. There are bands playing music, Frodians eating food, carnival-style games, and a giant statue of a Mardian holding a staff in the middle of all of it.

We spend the next couple of hours enjoying the festivities. Jack, Sachi, and Layla went to play some of the games while Mari and I grab some food.

"I can't believe you're already hungry again! You're devouring that food like it's nothing!" Mari says as she eats a cinnamon roll-like pastry.

"I'm a growing boy, you best believe most of my money is going to food!" I say as I was eating a leg of something that tastes like beef.

"Thank god Kira helped us, I was a little worried at first. The money she gave us should last us for the rest of the month!" Mari says as we walk past a group of Frodians that are dancing.

"Yeah, I was worried too. I've been surviving on my for a while, but this isn't the same as our original world." I say as we sat down near the statue.

"How do you feel about being reincarnated? I know you say you want to make the best out of it, but do you have any regrets about your old life?" Mari asks.

"Of course I do. But, the fact that I've been given a second chance is a miracle. I won't let my life go to waste this time, I have to make something of my life. I don't what it is, but I'll figure it out!" I say as I smiled at Mari.

"Wow, you face life like a soldier, I miss the days when I was that way. Before I came here, I actually didn't care about my life at all. Now I don't know how to feel since I have a second chance. Part of me even wonders if I deserve it… " Mari says, her eyes full of pain.

"Mari… Did you finally remember how you died?" I ask.

"Umm, yeah. But don't worry about it, I'll be okay!" Mari says reluctantly.

I can tell she's been through a lot, but she doesn't seem ready to tell me. The best I can do for now is just look after her.

Out of nowhere, the band starts playing very grand and triumphant music! A group of Frodians comes out and each of them has a seat in the middle of the District. Kira comes out and she has a red and black flag in her hand! A middle-aged Windian man comes out and he has a green and yellow flag in his hand! A young Bracadier man comes out and he has a flag that is yellow and red! Lastly, a young-looking Mardian woman comes out and she has a flag that is blue and white.

"Crow, Mari!" Layla says as she grabs our hands.

"Is it time?" Mari asks.

"Yeah the masters are all here, come on we need you over there!" Layla says as we walk to the center of all the masters.

Sachi, Jack, Mari, and I are all standing awkwardly in front of the Masters as everyone in the crowd in cheering.

"Welcome my fellow Frodians! My name is Celine, leader of House Mardian! Today is a momentous occasion! Today I and the rest of my comrades in the Guild Alliance are here to observe the Rebirth Ritual of Adora's chosen children!" The Mardian woman says.

"Who the hell are the rest of these people?" I whisper to Jack and Sachi.

"Did Layla tell you anything about them?" Mari asks.

"Yeah, the Windian man is Master Elmar. He leads House Windian." Sachi says.

"That Bracadier man is Vakgar, obviously he leads House Bracadier." Jack says.

"And as all of us just found out, Kira is the leader of House Scavian." Sachi says.

All of a sudden I notice Kira is giving us a 'stop talking' look.

"Let's keep it down before she kills us… " I whisper.

"These four souls will become our brethren today and hopefully lead us to a better future! Now, let us begin the ritual!" Celine says, as all four of the masters stand up and start chanting a weird spell in a language I can't understand. The chants go on for over 5 minutes and so far nothing has happened.

"Ummm, isn't something supposed to happen?" I whisper.

"Maybe these people are nuts, maybe Adora doesn't exist at–" Jack says, as suddenly a blue light from the sky is pointed at all four of us.

A beautiful Mardian woman with blue eyes, tan skin, and blonde hair descends from the sky. She has an angelic blue aura surrounding her body and her eyes look very pure.

"ADORA! ADORA! ADORA!" The crowd yells, as she finally touches the ground.

Everyone in the crowd grows silent as the angelic Mardian makes her way towards us.

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