The Over-Break System

Chapter 131 - Final Preparations And Planning For The Boss Part 2


"Benny," Cynrik looked away from the little girl, who was humming a light tune to herself and towards her older brother.

"You need to be prepared; you'll be playing a crucial part in the plan."

These words struck Benny like a ten-ton mallet to the head. From the time the party stepped foot in this Egress, Benny had played a relatively small part in Cynrik's plans, except creating the steam cloud. However, Cynrik had just stated casually that he expected Benny to play a prominent role moving forward with the boss fight.

A mixture of excitement and extreme nervousness washed over Benny as he handed over his paper to Cynrik, who calmly scanned it from top to bottom.


: HP 2800/2800 :

: Mana 910/910 :

: Stamina 1400/1400 :

: Stat Points- 0 :

: Skill Points- 96 :

: Strength-  205 : 

: Dexterity- 140 : 

: Agility- 141 : 

: Intelligence- 146 :

: Vitality-  200 : 

: Mind-  111 : 

: Killing Intent- 179 - 3.75 G :

Cynrik sighed in his heart as he read through Benny's Stats. He had to admit that the younger boy had it rough compared to his sister. Of the four members in the party, Benny was the one who actually needed the most help when it came to raising his stats. This was due to him only gaining a fraction of what the others would upon leveling up thanks to his Distribution only being in STR and VIT.

Unlike Brance's balanced build, Benny's build was all over the place, leaving a noticeable discrepancy between his Distribution stats and the others. This could easily be seen by how both his STR and VIT had reached the 200 checkpoint, while his sister, on the other hand, was still 15 points away with her highest stat DEX.

While he had this thought, Cynrik's eyes suddenly stopped on Benny's HP.

'Eh? 2800…wait…what?' His face scrunched up in confusion, and with a wave of his hand, Cynrik brought up his own Status, comparing the two for a moment.

Cynrik                                              Benny

: HP 2800/2800 :                            : HP 2800/2800 :

: Stamina 1400 :                            : Stamina 1400 :

: Vitality-  210 :                              : Vitality-  200 :

'What in the mathematical wizardry is going on here. Tobs, am I missing something? Why does Benny have the same amount of HP and Stamina as I do when his VIT is 10 points behind mine? Don't you dare say it's because I am bad at math?'

-Host Cynrik seems to not only be bad at math but also forgot a key point. Upon Evolving to Tier-1, you and Host Brance both had your Stat's increased by a total of 40 percent. Meaning your VIT raised to 140; however, since this was part of your Evolution, the additional 40 points did not receive the adjustments done to HP, MP, and Stamina; thus, they were raised by the Tier-0 values of 10 per point for HP, and 5 per point for MP and Stamina.-

-Then, after the bonus adjustment was made, any points placed in those stats after the fact were subject to the 20 per point increase for HP and 10 per point increase to MP and Stamina.-

-In the case of Benjamin and Gabriella Sanford, due to them not receiving a Bloodline, they only received the standard 20% increase. Meaning unlike you and Host Brance, they have an advantage of obtaining the additional 200 HP, 100 MP, and 100 Stamina that you two did not.-

Cynrik was silent for several minutes after hearing what Tobs had to say; his face showed no emotion or expression at all. Then, like a statue frozen in time, Cynrik just stood there quietly and mulled over the info that Benny and Gabby would potentially pass them in HP MP and Stamina before long.

Benny quivered slightly, seeing that Cynrik had suddenly gone catatonic for some reason and decided to wait patiently, with his hands behind his back and his head hung down so he could look at the ground.

"Heeeehhhh." Eventually, Cynrik sighed loudly and looked towards the sky above.

"Benny, you and Gabby stumbled your way blindly into a golden opportunity." Chuckling in a self-deprecating manner, Cynrik looked back down at Benny, who was staring at him with a confused look in his eyes.

{Tobs, tell Brance everything you just told me.}

Cynrik shook his head a couple of times to clear his mind and refocused on the task in front of him.

"Benny, for the battle with this boss, I need you and Brance to be on the same wavelength. So we will be walking in with two Main Tanks instead of one Main and one Off-Tank." Cynrik began delving into his plan for Benny, drawing the attention of both Brance and Gabby, who joined them and listened in.

"The two of you need to be light on your feet, never staying still for more than a second. Unfortunately for us, our opponent is stronger and way more experienced in combat. Pair that with the slew of curses and Totem debuffs we will face, and the fight becomes that much more difficult. You and Brance need to keep the Shaman's attention on only you two, so use any and all taunts, hit that fucker as hard as possible, and try your best to piss him off. Don't forget what I've taught you; an angry opponent makes mistakes." Cynrik noticed the arrival of Gabby and Brance and jumped to their roles.

"Gabby, you and I will have the same initial task; we need to take out any and all Totems the moment they pop up. You'll be hitting them from the backline, and I'll be destroying them up close. We have two goals in doing this, the first is to kill off these Debuffs the instant they appear, allowing Benny and Brance to keep the Shaman occupied longer, and the other goal is to figure out the cooldowns for summoning each Totem. This fight won't be short like all of the previous ones. Remember that the Shaman is at the Peak of Tier-2, meaning he's level 30 and a hair shy of stepping into Tier-3." Cynrik rubbed his temples to relieve the headache he was experiencing.

There were too many unknown variables for this fight, and he wasn't happy about it. Gabby and Benny were too green to be jumping into a battle like this, but there were no other options. Cynrik and Brance couldn't take this guy alone, and they needed backup.

"Gabby, when the time comes, the signal I will give will be the activation of my Fyrstr Form." When he announced this, only Brance nodded, but Gabby and Benny were confused.

"Um…Big Bro Cyn, what is your Fyrstr Form? Is that like a skill or something?" Gabby, like always, was the first to pose a question.


Cynrik loudly hit his forehead with his left palm; he had forgotten the Sanfords hadn't seen him use his Sword technique yet.

"Guess you two wouldn't know about my Blóðrauðr Banamaðr Style," Cynrik mumbled while trying to find a way to describe it to his party members.

"Ok, so you know how I always use my swords in a certain way, right?"

"Uh, huh, you swing one sword upside down and have the second one right side up, and go Woosh, swoosh, shing WAHH!" Jumping to her feet, Gabby started flailing her arms around, mimicking what she could remember of Cynrik's swordsmanship. Her little act made everyone except Cynrik giggle.

"Yes, yes, sit down, you rabbit." Then, rolling his eyes and flicking Gabby's forehead lightly, Cynrik started describing his Blóðrauðr Banamaðr Style.

"I have five special techniques that I have created. Each one utilizes a mix of Mana control and Affinity attacks to generate powerful Pseudo-Skills, which I call forms. For example, the Fyrstr Form or First Form is called Sun Cyclone. By infusing one of my Kodachi with Fire and the Other with Wind, I create a…well, a pretty big Fire tornado. THIS will be everyone's signal to move away and burn their XP."

Benny and Brance stiffened as they, too, were now supposed to power themselves up.

"That's right. I want everyone to hit the Main Level cap and start pouring XP into their Prestige on my signal."

"My Fyrstr Form is pretty tricky to control, so I want everyone to vacate the immediate area the second you hear me chant out the skill. I won't be giving a verbal warning to move away." Cynrik smirked and looked at each of his party members for a moment before continuing.

"After that, the real fun begins, Gabby; as I've already said, your main focus is to raise your MIND Stat as high as you can; Benny…." Cynrik had to stop and bring up Benny's Stats' mental image before continuing.

"I want you raising your MIND as well, it is way too far behind, and since we are facing a Shaman, you will need those extra points to help you combat any Curses thrown your way. But don't solely focus on it; I want you to split your points between INT and MIND." Cynrik saw Benny nod in agreement, so he shifted his attention towards Brance.

"I don't think I need to tell you what to do; you have your own weird-ass "Balanced" build, so you do you."

A short laugh forced its way out of Brance's mouth, but Cynrik chose to ignore it.

"Last part of the plan, guys. The instant you get your stats squared away, Gabby, you should be channeling your [Confusion] skill to its maximum potential, hehe while you do that, hehe we gunna shell the fuck out of the Shaman; with Affinity skills." Unable to contain his creepy laughter as he spoke, Cynrik eventually finished his statement.

"Brance, raise up [Air Missle] and [Stone Spike], we going FULL Saiyan this time. Benny, fire [Water Spear]'s galore, so pump that skill up with SP. Remember, guys, keep your Status open at all times when we are in cannon mode, don't let your MP drop below 45%; we are out of Mana potions, so once it's gone, it's gone."

"We stop with our shelling when one of two things happens, either Gabby connects with her [Confusion], and the Shaman gets a status ailment, or we run out of Mana. If she fails to afflict the enemy with the status effect, we run it back and keep attacking until she can get a second [Confusion] off."

Cynrik stood up and dusted off his butt before saying the last part of his plan.

"The final step of this plan is once the target is in a confused state, we move in for the kill shot. That's all I've got for yall; let's go fuck this stupid lizard up."

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