The Over-Break System

Chapter 15 - Link...Start

The world seemed to disappear in boys' perception as they only had eyes for their new Watcets. With movements that could be perceived as experienced, both Cynrik and Brance quickly put on their new devices, much like someone from their world would an everyday watch with a clasp.

With both devices secure on their wrists, a loud DING drew their parents out of the conversation they were currently involved still in full swing. Much to their horror, the boys had just ripped the devices from the packaging and tossed on their Watcets as if they were simple wrist bands.

"BOYS!" Cinyah couldn't stop herself from angrily scolding. She had planned on instilling the importance of these devices into their little brains, with the hope that they would treat them with care. But before she could instruct her children, they had already torn up the sealed boxes and equipped their new Holowatches.

Watching from the sidelines, Rikard broke into a grin. "Always jumping first before thinking, definitely my kids." He couldn't help but chuckle at the view of his frantic wife scolding and teaching his sons about their new devices.

While he could understand her frustration, it wasn't like either boy had the power to damage the tech. They were rated to withstand a Basic Power Measurement(BPM) of over 10k. At full strength, even Rikard could only exert around 260 BPM.

He was more worried that the kids would show off their new gifts and draw unnecessary attention.

Finally stepping in to stop his wife, he walked first over to Cynrik, nudged his Watcet with his own, and spoke in a clear tone, "Parental Control override, Initiate Covert mode."

In response to the command, the bracer on Cynriks arm seemed to not only shrink to the size of a standard watch but also shimmered out of view. The shift in size and color was instant, which drew a slight noise from the stunned Cynrik.

A noise similar to Cynriks came from across the table as Cinyah adjusted Brance's Watcet the same way their father had his.

"Now remember, boys, don't go around flaunting that you have these. For now, it'll be our little family's secret ok. I don't want to see you two being bullied or, worse, robbed, all because you have something so expensive.

In response to his mother's words, Cynrik just scoffed. 'I'd like to see someone try to bully me. It's even better if they try mugging me. I don't give a damn if it's a kid or an adult; I'll just break their legs.'

Seeming to know what was going through his oldest son's head, Rikard roughly tossed Cynriks hair and whispered, "If you get into fights at school, there's no way your Mom will let you train, so keep it together." These words put a complicated emotion onto Cynriks face as his eyes met his Fathers, who returned the look with a warm smile and stepped away from the boy.

"Alright, you two eat your food and get ready for school. Can't have you being late." Clapping her hands loudly, Cinyah moved around the kitchen, putting it back in order after her morning cooking spree, and after a large meal, Rikard took the boys to their elementary school. For some time, this was the regular schedule.

Wake up, eat a huge breakfast, go to school, train with Rikard for 2 hours, eat dinner, Get "put to bed," do all the remaining daily quests, and attempt to manipulate mana.

This disciplined and structured daily life kept Cynrik and Brance's minds sane as they continued to break through their XP wall until finally, after seven months and numerous "Random Event" quests, they both broke through to level 5.

-You have Gained 1 level-

-Skill Point System authorization Approved-

-RWT(Real World Trade) Virtual Shop Access has been approved and linked to Host's Watcet-

-Codex Base Limit increased to level 10-

-System Inventory has been upgraded. Current Space 1.5x1.5 square meters.-

The five notifications almost brought Cynrik to tears. He had been stuck at level 4 for years, and finally, Today, he and Brance had stepped into level 5. Not only that, but a pleasant surprise greeted him. The Addition of Skill Points and even a virtual shop was a bonus. But these were not the most critical notifications to pop into his interface.

{I FUCKING KNEW IT! I KNEW THERE WAS SOME LEVEL CAP RESTRICTION! Jumping up from his lotus position, he couldn't help but yell in the Mind link. I WAS RIGHT; I WAS RIGHT HAHAHHAHAHA!}

Brance opened his eyes and stared blankly at his brother. Cynriks little outburst drew his attention away from the System interface; he watched as Cynrik danced around the room like a fool and shook his head helplessly.

{Will you calm your ass down? We need to look at the new functions we obtained;} finally speaking up, he threw the nearest object, which happened to be a coloring book sporting Cynriks mortal enemy on its cover, directly at Cynriks head with precision accuracy.

The book quickly came into contact with Cynriks forehead startling him causing him to trip over his feet and fall backward onto the bedroom carpet in an overly dramatic fashion.

Playing his fall off as if nothing happened, Cynrik quickly rolled from his back onto his belly and opened up his Stat panel. The first thing he noticed was the addition of a new line of text.

-Skill Points: 15-

{Fifteen points at level 5, it's safe to assume we are generating 3 per level.} Cynrik thoughtfully analyzed the situation only to be interrupted by his brother.

{I remember learning in class that people usually only get 1 point every time they level, and then every five levels, they are distributed in a chunk. So, it seems like we've gotten another Relic Blessing.}

Unlike Cynrik, who had a habit of falling asleep in class, Brance actively paid attention to everything taught. {You know I've been thinking lately about what the meaning behind Tobs's name. What are your thoughts?} Brance posed the question to Cynrik, not expecting any reply. He had spent countless hours figuring out the meaning of this name but couldn't come up with any solid information.

{Passing Over the Limits of Previous Systems and Breaking the chains restraining humankind. This is the conclusion I came to years ago, Brance. It's the only thing I could attribute to our nongeneric systems. Well, at least that's what I tell myself. Dwelling on the logic of God will only give you a headache; for all we know, Odin and Yahweh could have just picked two random words and thrown them together in an attempt to sound cool. There doesn't need to be any higher level of significance to the naming of a System.}

The Serious expression on Brance's face disappeared after hearing Cynrik's conclusion. He knew his brother was right in this case. Who were they to try and make sense of something created by the gods?

{Anywho, let's take a look at this Shop function and then jump back into Mana Cycles.} Looking away from Brance, he quickly shifted from the Stat Panel to a fancy-looking new Tab.

But when he opened up the new panel, Cynriks vision suddenly went black for several seconds. Alongside him, the same situation was playing out for Brance.

Not long after, Tobs spoke up.

-Initiating System link to the Virtual world-

-Link established between The Over-Break System and Host's Watcet-

-Digitally Generated avatar created based on Host's Soul-

-Process Complete.-

When their vision finally came to Neither boy was in their familiar bedroom anymore. Instead, it was like they had been teleported to a massive open space that resembled the holding area before entering the Gods Hall.

Slowly Cynrik panned his head to the left and realized that Brance was standing next to him. Well, to say Brance was standing beside him was both correct and incorrect. Gone was the image of the little boy, and in its place was the grown man he had been before his death. But, seeing his brother's old looks, Cynrik realized he was back to his original appearance as well.

Before either could say a word, Tobs spoke up once again.

-Transfering to RWT Area-

With a flash of light, the two brothers appeared in a massive outdoor marketplace.

People of all shapes and sizes were moving too and from different stalls in every direction. Some were attempting to barter, while others were angrily screaming at others.

{Ah, I didn't see this one coming. It looks like Virtual Reality is a thing in Vinestra.}

Hearing Cynrik's matter-of-fact tone when making that statement, Brance couldn't help but shoot him an exasperated look.


Instead of bantering with Brance, Cynrik just shrugged and started walking off towards the nearest stall leaving behind his younger brother.

{God damn it, Cynrik,} Brance sighed and chased after his nonchalant older brother.

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