“So it’s rare to receive eggs from Platinum chests… it seems I’ve made a pretty big mistake this time. I have overshared in my haste to figure out what would hatch from the eggs. Hmmm, where did I go wrong, though? I was sure I didn’t add too much info to my descriptions?” Tapping his blade lightly on Phatrick’s neck as he thought aloud had the man flinching each time, but Cynrik wasn’t bothered and continued pressing for answers.

“Calling it rare is an understatement…sir. Although I have heard there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance of receiving a Beast Egg from a Platinum chest, getting two is absolutely unheard of. That was one of the key pieces of data that triggered my own and even the Opurn Families interest.” Phatrick’s heart was beating a million miles a minute. Never would he believe that a simple-looking child holding two eggs could ever put him in such a position. At 52 years of age, he had seen thousands of powerful people in his life, yet not a single one had instilled as much fear in him as this boy.

“Oh? Is that so? Guess I goofed this time. Oh well, it’s nothing that can’t be solved through violence.” Grinning ear to ear, Cynrik pushed the hidden blade into the man’s flesh enough to draw blood and continued speaking.

“You still haven’t answered my biggest question yet. What kind of Beast Eggs am I dealing with, Mr.Fatrolls.” Cynrik chuckled inwardly, seeing Phatrick’s wronged expression when he dug the blade in.

“Ack, I can’t be sure…ack please sir, stop digging your knife in deeper, ACK I think they’re Nátt Hrafn!”

“Eh… Nátt Hrafn?” Cynrik subconsciously loosened his grip and withdrew his blade.

‘Nátt is Night in Norse while Hrafn is Old Norse for Raven…Night Ravens.’ Clicking his tongue inwardly, Cynrik couldn’t help but think of him receiving not one but two Ravens as Odin’s handiwork.

“Yes, yes, Nátt Hrafn, the shape of the egg is a prime characteristic of avian species while the color dictates the Affinity the Beast has. Then there are the red markings. There are very few avians born with Darkness as their Origin Affinity and even fewer that have those kinds of runic inscriptions.” Phatrick tried to massage his neck but suddenly remembered both his hands were broken.

“Tell me more about these Beasts.” Cynrik released the man, dropping him back into the puddle of piss before pushing for more information.

“Nátt Hrafn are extremely rare. Thanks to being born with the Dark Affinity, they have a history of being seen as bringers of doom or bad omens; as such, they nearly went extinct hundreds of years ago. Although a few have been found in territories that lack abundant sunlight, such as crevices or certain planes where Ambient Dark Mana is prevalent.”

“Like all Avian species, they are among the few creatures born at Tier-0, whereas nearly every other Beast is born at Tier-1. And even though this may be seen as a disadvantage as they are naturally born very weak, they grow quickly. In addition, they are considered extremely versatile thanks to their capabilities as mounts in their later growth stages. Unfortunately, the Nátt Hrafn is notoriously difficult to tame, so they are often compared to dragons and wyverns in this aspect.”
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Phatrick licked his lips before continuing.

“All that aside, if the eggs truly belong to Nátt Hrafn, they would go for an astronomical amount on the open market. So when I determined their species, I quickly informed my superiors and was promised a large cut, even a big promotion if I could secure them.”

“Making your “superiors” send over a group of Tier-2 and Tier-3 elites. Seems legit. Alright, thank you, Mr.Fatrolls, you have been accommodating. I greatly appreciate your assistance.” Pulling down his hood and flashing a kind smile to the portly man, Cynrik stepped back and gestured that Phatrick could leave.

Ecstatic that the boy was releasing him, Phatrick jumped to his feet and made a break for the door. But just as his hand touched the doorknob, he heard a faint SHUNK, noise followed by a sharp pain in his lower back. With wide eyes, he slowly turned around only to find Cynrik with both arms raised parallel to the ground and a faint black smoke rising from under his wrists.

“Tsk, I really did want to let you go, Mr.Fatrolls, but too bad you tried to take something that belongs to me. You can die knowing that Ivar The Boneless was the one who sent you to the depths of hell.” With a sinister smirk plastered on his lips, Cynrik turned both his hands while curling his fingers into claws and pulled at the air, causing the two SunFlare hidden blades to burst into flames within Phatrick’s body.

“Teehe, Haha.” With uncaring eyes, Cynrik watched the man get consumed by his flames. He had waited until the man turned his back before firing off the two blades, one into the lumbar and the other behind the heart. It only took a couple of seconds for Phatrick to combust and start screaming in agony.

By the time the charred body hit the ground, Cynrik had heard someone clapping behind him, so he calmly turned around only to be greeted by Cinyah, dragging four unconscious adults, three men and one woman by their collars.

“Wow, Cyn, I never knew you were so ruthless; you are indeed my child.” Cinyah shook her head as she spoke before tossing the four lifeless bodies into the center of the room and walking to her son’s side.

“Un, it wasn’t difficult at all; Fatrolls may have been Tier-3, but either because of his unstable mindset due to shock or because he was a support class, he couldn’t do anything to me. Nevertheless, I was able to get some valuable information from him; surprisingly, intimidation worked wonders on the poor idiot.” Dropping his cold and ruthless expression instantly, Cynrik explained his findings to Cinyah, who stood there and listened intensively. Her face shifted through various emotions as Cynrik listed everything he learned, from excited at the prospect of her son having powerful Beast companions to ice-cold at hearing the perpetrators were the Opurn Family.

“Cyn, we have made some serious enemies; the Opurns are high on the food chain alongside the Evasdeen and Jetlensrs. However, the biggest difference is that they are wealthy business owners who have their greedy hands in just about every market. All the prominent families tip-toe around anything involving them. Their monopoly on important infrastructures such as Technology and Pharmaceuticals is so vast that they can quickly bury entire families if they so choose.”

Weewoo wee woo.

The mother and son duo turned their heads as they picked up on the faint sound of enforcer sirens in the distance.

“Heh, you shouldn’t have killed the fat guy, but there is nothing we can do about it.” Cinyah didn’t seem too distressed by the charred remains of Phatrick laying by the door as she quickly set about contacting people on her Watcet.

Even though Valor City wasn’t considered lawless, killings such as what Cynrik had done occurred frequently enough that so long as you had contacts or were strong enough, you could get away with it if the proper excuse, such as self-defense, was used.

When the heavily armored Enforcers showed up, they found Cynrik standing behind his fierce mother, trembling as if he had lived through the most traumatic experience in his short life. He even went so far as to poke himself in the eyes when no one looked to make it appear that he had been assaulted and was crying.
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An hour later, after being thoroughly interrogated, Cynrik’s weak child act worked perfectly, and they were on their way back home with a slap on the wrist. Between Cynrik’s acting skills and Cinyah’s connections, the two were let off the hook, and the incident was recorded as attempted theft of a Beast Egg, along with Assult. Cynrik’s slaying of Phatrick was written as self-defense, and the four Opurn elites were arrested on suspicion of harming a minor and burglary.

Upon arriving back at the Pinhurst Residence, Cynrik wore a smug grin as he pulled the eggs from his inventory and went back to gazing at them. However, unlike before, when he used [Inspect], the question marks and vague descriptions had changed to reflect the information obtained from Phatrick, solidifying the identity of the two creatures within.

Later that night, when Brance and Jessup returned home from a day’s work, they found Cynrik and Aiden lying on the living room floor on their stomachs with their legs swaying back and forth, staring at the two eggs, which had been wrapped in blankets and nestled on their cushions.

“Tell me you two haven’t been like that all day?” Brance kicked Cynrik lightly in the ribs, rolling him onto his back.

“Nope, Aiden got home not long ago. I had a pretty eventful day, though. I got to see Mom beat the fuck out of four losers, and I toasted a fat dude. OH, and it turns out ima have two pet birds from now on.” Cynrik chirped, looking up at Brance from the ground.

“Hold up, WHAT! I can’t even go to work without you getting into some kind of fucking trouble; it’s so frustrating. Why can’t you just be a normal kid and, I don’t know, climb trees?” Unable to stand, Brance plopped down onto the couch and began his interrogation, to which, Cynrik happily complied.

By the time he finished the story, Brance had his face in his hands and was muttering to himself incoherently.

“It’s not as bad as it seems; I only got us another enemy that we can extort later. No biggie.” Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik rolled back onto his stomach and ignored the stunned face of Aiden.

“Cynrik…you are SO COOL! HEY, TEACH ME HOW TO FIGHT; I WANNA BE ABLE TO GO FWOOSH LIKE YOU! Mom says I shouldn’t learn to since I’ll be a Blacksmith just like Granpa, but I still want to learn just in case.” Wearing an expression like a child meeting his hero Aiden started babbling in excitement.

“No, Aiden, don’t humor Big Brother; it is a terrible idea to aspire to be like him; HE IS CHAOS INCARNATE!” Brance shouted in frustration, causing the other boy to stare at him, confused.

Meanwhile, Cynrik had tuned everything out and was trying his best to will the two little birds to grow faster.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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