High above the venue where the Selections would soon be held, Saylin sat in his VIP box wearing a troubled expression. On one of the many floating screens, he watched Cynrik and his party walking through a group of kids in Zone-B before stopping at the waypoint between Zone-A and Zone-B.

If it were simply a dispute between children, he wouldn’t have been troubled as it frequently occurred around the venue. However, as someone who had been receiving detailed reports on the boys for years, Saylin was aware of the most recent trouble Cynrik had found himself in. So, after doing a quick background check on the group of kids lying unconscious, Saylin quickly found out that their parents all worked for one of the several holding companies owned by the Opurn family.

“Hmm, it seems Headmaster Opurn isn’t above dirtying his hands to deal with a young child.” Tapping the armrest of his luxurious chair, Saylin contemplated how to handle this little situation. While it was against his motives to move against the Opurn family, he had grown fond of the annoying brat and wouldn’t sit by and let a massive corporate conglomerate bully him.

“Sigma-Lambda, open corresponding displays for any applicant associated directly or indirectly with the Opurn family.”

“Your command has been received, Counselor Garn, beginning a quick background check on all 38,922 applicants. Now applying a filter using the keyword “Opurn” and all known alias’ of any holding company attached to the keyword.” The youthful and feminine voice of Saylin’s government-assigned Artificial Intelligence spoke up upon hearing the man’s words.

If Cynrik were present, he would have instantly picked up on the fact that this was the same voice he had heard from all the machines he interacted with during the Exam process.

“Checks complete; I have located 294 applicants within the venue who have some tie to the Opurn family.” Seconds later, nearly 300 palm-sized hologram screens popped into view spanning across Saylin’s entire vision.

“Narrow it down further, eliminate any applicant under B-Rank.” Viewing all the displays simultaneously caused Saylins head to become a bit hazy, so he narrowed his search further.

“Eliminating all applicants in Zones F through C. There are currently 39 applicants who meet the criteria as mentioned above.” Steadily the bulk of these hologram displays blinked out of sight.

“Increase display size by 25% and arrange them in order by Applicant Rank and potential.” Saylin propped his chin on his open palms before examining each child individually. Then, slowly blinking his eyes to moisten them up, he watched as the small screens shuffled around like puzzle pieces and locked into place.

“Now exclude the displays for Ivar Ragnarsson, Björn Ragnarsson, Benjamin Sanford and Gabriella Sanford.”

Abiding by his every word, Sigma-Lambda closed four more screens, leaving 35 open.
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“This is bothersome; of the 35 applicants, only 17 are in Zone-B.” A cold glint of light flashed through Saylin’s eyes as he closed those 17 windows, leaving only 18 of the initial 294 windows open.

“18 A-ranked applicants are troublesome indeed; it appears that ten are in A-3, five are in A-2, and the remaining three are all in A-1. Sigma-Lambda, I want you to keep tabs on Applicants 27J, 093L, and 8376B. Also, pull up their folders for me.” Saylin massaged his temples to combat the incoming headache he was beginning to experience.

“Command Received.”

‘Why is it that all of the most annoying incidents I’ve had to deal with over the last five years have been directly tied to those Jetlensr brothers.’ Saylin thought while sighing ruefully.

As Saylin was delving into the backgrounds of those specific three applicants, MyrkLys was slowly making their way through Zone A-3 when just like what previously happened in Zone B, another group of kids peeled off from the herd to block their path.

However, unlike the last group of lackeys, these ten children were significantly stronger than the group in Zone-B. After a quick scan with his [Inspect] skill, Cynrik halted his party and smiled sadistically at the ten children who appeared to be in their late teens.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of being forced to smell you ugly bastard’s stench. Ah, I know, you must have found out that I individually took all your mothers to pound town, yep, that must be it.” Waving his hands as he spoke, Cynrik started up his “Crazy-asshole” act once again, kicking off the conversation by insulting the ten boy’s mothers.

[Oh, for fuck sake Cyn.] Tossing a glance at Gabby and Benny, who seemed to be confused by Cynrik’s phrasing, Brance mentally facepalmed.

“You brat, you don’t know who you pissed off, hehe, and now you are signing your death warrant. I don’t know if you’re a complete moron or not, but orders are orders.”

“PPPFFTTT HAHAHHA, death warrant, ha…you really know how to talk like a third-rate villain. You dipshit, have you already forgotten we are within the Selection grounds, meaning weapons are banned, and mortal injuries are forbidden too. Che, and you call me a moron.” Clutching his belly as he laughed, Cynrik pointed at the kid standing at the forefront of the group and harassed him.

Cynrik’s overreaction to their leader’s words infuriated the group of teenagers to no end, and in the blink of an eye, they moved to surround the four members of MyrkLys.

[Tobs, how long till the barriers come up?] Even though Cynrik’s face was contorted into a sinister grin, his eyes never left the boys surrounding him and his party.

-You have 14 minutes to arrive at the predetermined location.-

[Alright, go ahead and set a timer for me, same as usual.] Unbothered by the steadily dwindling timer flashing in their peripheral vision, Cynrik and Brance tilted their heads at a downward angle, releasing the tension in their necks in the form of a loud, crunching pop.

[How do you wanna do this, Cyn?] Brance said as he stepped closer to Gabby and Benny, tapping their shoulders as a signal to wait for Cynrik’s attack to begin.

[Ten opponents, all with Perfect Foundation titles. The strongest is the idiot who spoke up first. But even he is only sitting at the level cap. They are all subpar by our standards, so it won’t be much of a fight. Keep on your toes, though; the one at 9-o’clock has Poison Affinity, and the two at 3 and 6 have two Affinities. 3-o’clock has AG Plant and SG Acid, leaving 6-o’clock with Earth and AG Metal.] Dropping into his fighting stance, Cynrik rattled off the stats and Affinities of the biggest threats, ignoring the lesser beings.
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[I assume you want 3-o’clock?] Brance, too, dropped into a southpaw MMA fighting stance while glancing and observing the opponents.

[Un, leave that guy to me.] Deciding on his target, Cynrik dropped his right hand near his hip and made some hand signs to fill in the Sanford siblings on their targets.

Unlike Cynrik and Brance, Gabby and Benny weren’t paying attention to the group of boys closing off any chance of retreat and only looked at Cynrik’s legs as they had been trained to leave the thinking to Cynrik. They only needed to react to his orders, and everything would turn out ok, so when they saw the hand signs, the two immediately dropped into their orthodox fighting stances and readied themselves for battle.

Noticing the commotion happening at the entrance of Zone A-3, all the surrounding children in the area turned and cheerfully watched on. It was a spectacle, and they were happy it wasn’t them being singled out.

Time seemed to slow down as the spectators and combatants all went still, symbolizing the calm before the storm.

“Hehe, Lemmie, ask you guys something.” Feeling hundreds of gazes lock onto his body, Cynrik chuckled before starting up one of his infamous monologues.

“What? Does he want to say his last words?” 3-o’clock turned to look at the leader in confusion, the sentence dribbling out of his lips in a mumble.

“After I sent them home, did each of your moms recover properly? When I was done with them, all those MILFs left walking with a limp and holding their backs. Who knows? Some of you may even have a new brother or sister soon.” The moment those words left Cynrik’s lips, it seemed to cause a chain reaction, provoking all ten lackeys to rush forward in rage while screaming profanities at the young boy with violet-highlighted black hair.

Unfortunately for them, this was precisely what Cynrik wanted.

“Teehe, Haha!” Uttering his chilling laugh passed down by Ragnar as the signal, all four members of MyrkLys went into motion.

Brance slammed both feet onto the ground and manifested two earth pillars, sending Gabby and Benny into the air before rushing forward at the kid charging in his direction from the 6-o’clock position.

Once airborne, Gabby and Benny flipped through the air and began unleashing their Affinities Skills in every direction, not worrying about the spectators or the Jetlensr brothers. It wasn’t that they were reckless with their attacks, but instead, the two had total faith that neither Cynrik nor Brance would be hit simply because the two brothers always acted as if they had eyes in the back of their heads.

Kicking off the ground and coating both his arms in Black flames, Cynrik appeared in front of the boy running at him from the 3-o’clock position and, using open palms, forcefully cupped the boy’s ears shattering his eardrums and causing him to faint instantly. The sudden attack not only robbed him of his consciousness but left him concussed and temporarily deaf, with scorch marks on either side of his head.

The quick victory went unacknowledged by Cynrik as he delivered a full power spinning back kick to the unconscious boy’s stomach, turning him into a projectile that impacted the boy charging in from the 1-o’clock position.

[Two down, clocks ticking; get to work, Brancie.] Snarkily speaking in the mind link, Cynrik took off after the group leader, who was already shaking in fear after seeing how ruthless Cynrik was and how organized the party appeared to be.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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