[BAH, we’ve got an OP bodyguard now; what’s the harm?]

[Bodyguard or not, every time you do some outlandish crap like pointing your middle finger at someone who is clearly WAY stronger than you, you run the risk of some form of backlash. Just look how red in the face Lithlen is.] Huffing his response, Brance pointed at his grandfather with his eyes, causing Cynrik to follow in the same direction.

[HEHE, who knows, maybe my actions will cause him to keel over. That would definitely save us a metric fuck ton of trouble. Besides, it isn’t that big of a deal…] However, just when he finished that thought, there was a soft hum several meters overhead. This sound made both brothers look up at the source only to find two drones flying by and recording the incident.

[SEE! THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT.] This time, Brance aggressively pointed at the drone while scolding his older brother.

[Think about it, Cyn, not only are you pissing him and that Opurn dude off, it’s all on camera. So now you have to deal with videos online!]

[I meannnn, tooo beee fairrrr~] Cynrik started only to be cut off.

[No, NO TO BE FAIR! Legit, you have single-handedly pissed off two Headmasters and left a dark spot on their records. Wasn’t it you who always said everything is immortal through the internet? Look, look at what you’ve done…OI, STOP WAVING, YOU MORON!]

Instead of taking the verbal beating like he should be, Cynrik was smiling like a fool and waving at the drones like a child. His antics drew a soft and attractive chuckle from Selene, causing him to stop in his tracks and strike a pose in an attempt to look cool.

“That’s sooo~ not gonna save your image in my eyes.” She said, seeing him try to play it off and fail miserably.

“Tsk, whatev.” Was all Cynrik could say as he hung his head after performing an emo hair flip, even though he didn’t have bangs, and followed obediently after Headmaster Rivia.

Back in the Pinhurst Mansion, Everyone was popping champagne bottles and cheering loudly when the cameras zoomed in on their children signing the contracts and shaking hands with Headmaster Rivia.

The air had gotten extremely tense when Lithlen came on screen, leaving both Rikard and Cinyah breaking out in cold sweats. There was no doubt in their minds that the Jetlensr Patriarch would attempt to force Cynrik and Brance into his newly acquired Academy. However, things panned out differently.

The drones had clearly picked up the scene of a proud and defiant-looking Cynrik spouting off his mouth and asserting dominance over Headmaster Opurn and Lithlen before calling over the Headmaster of VSFA to negotiate terms and conditions for joining.

With their hearts in their throats, the adults residing in Pinhurst Mansion sat on the edge of their seats as they watched the children standing like guards behind Cynrik and the subsequent back and forth conversation.
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Unfortunately, the device dropped by the Headmaster blocked the words being spoken and caused a blurred effect to appear over their lips; not only that but even the writing on the papers was even distorted, allowing for absolute privacy.

It wasn’t until all four children, plus the pretty new addition, signed their contracts that the adults cracked out the booze to celebrate. But, although it was a time for happiness, the eyes of Cinyah and Rikard never left the screen. With the presence of two intimidating forces who had animosity against their sons nearby, how could they possibly be at ease, especially after the blatant belligerence and hostility Cynrik was actively showing to the two.

All the two doting parents could do was rely on the solid wing their children had cozied up to in the form of Headmaster Geralt Rivia. So long as he was present, the two parents could feel somewhat at ease.

Back in the Selection grounds, The members of MyrkLys walked closer to the large man, making their way over to a spot Headmaster Rivia designated as his recruitment point.

Making their way over steadily, Cynrik felt his shoulders tense up as the overbearing and hidden gazes landed on his body.

[Look alive, do you feel that?] Cynrik was quick to alert Brance, but it was unnecessary since he too was feeling the pressure.

[Un, there’s gotta be at least a hundred people several Tiers above us observing our every move. What are the chances it’s out of curiosity?] Brance said, trying to bury the uncomfortable feeling he was experiencing.

[Zero, three of the top applicants were “sniped” by VSFA; there has to be a bunch of aggrieved parties. I bet we fucked over many high-level VIPs’ plans by moving as a singular unit instead of individuals. Except for the Demi-human school, it isn’t hard to conclude that the other four are pissed, wouldn’t you be?]

[The real question is how many are under Geralt’s banner and how many aren’t. With VSFA being the youngest of the batch, it would be near impossible to have enough backing from High-Tier alumni.] Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, Cynrik theorized.

[It’s not exactly like your little stunt of calling out our ranks helped any either, Cyn. Pretty sure that alone painted a massive bullseye on our backs, let alone your own.]

[No kidding.] A sweet voice chimed in, forcing Cynrik and Brance to lock up and freeze in place while looking around in confusion.

Slowly and mechanically, the brothers spun around and looked at Selene with eyes so wide they threatened to pop out of the sockets.

[What…oh wait, was this your secret walkie-talkie line, mah bad, my system prompted me to enter a new mind link chat thingy, so I clicked yes, and voila, here I am. You two should really keep up with your notifications.] Selene finished her statement by chiding them both like a mother.

[TOBS SPLAIN, NOW!] Shouting at the same time, Cynrik and Brance demanded answers; their joint yelling even forced Selene to flinch.

-Seeing that all three versions have been linked, I replicated Brance’s passive skill [Sibling Mind link] and basically created a…how would you say it…oh right, Team chat. Unfortunately, I could not add Gabby and Benny to it, but having the three Over-Break hosts linked together was no issue.-

[Wahhhh, seriously, ASK BEFORE YOU DO SOME SHIT LIKE THAT!] Cynrik sobbed and complained.

-I did, and you both unconsciously hit OK on the notification…this one is on you, Host Cynrik and Host Brance.-

In confusion, the brothers brought up their notification logs and saw precisely what Tobs had stated only in writing. With mouths open and closing like a fish, the two racked their brains to figure out when they had done this, but as they said, “the proof was in the pudding.”

The two looked at each other as if to say, “when the fuck did we do that” it wasn’t until Cynrik completed a swift memory recall that he found the moment during the contract signing that he had swatted away a particular notification box ignorantly. This was precisely when the channel creation occurred.
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[[Yeah, you see, what had happened was~ ok, let’s just chalk it up to me being distracted.]] Feeling the heated gaze coming from Brance, Cynrik shrunk back, ready to be hit, but nothing happened.

Brance only shook his head before accepting a second person was living rent-free in his mind.

(Moving forward, Teamspeak will be with [[]], and the regular sibling mind link will continue on with [] to avoid confusion. Think of it as Tobs noticed they hadn’t realized there was a TeamSpeak, so using her MOD privileges, she snuck Selene in before moving them all back to the Teamspeak.)

[[No biggie, anywho, this is pretty handy, how long have you guys been using telepathic communication? Whose skill is it?]] Selene asked innocently and without being weary of intruding on their privacy.

[[Uh, it’s my brothers, anyway, I guess now that we have some time, we can talk a bit. Let’s get introductions out of the way first. I’m Cynrik, and that,]] Cynrik pointed at Brance with his thumb, [[is Brance, but when we are in public, just call me Ivar, and my brother Björn, we will explain the nicknames later. Behind us are Gabby and Benny. I like to call them my grow-um-up=strong project.]]

[[Cool, im Selene, but I have to know…You’re the soldier with a limp during WW3, right, the one who saved my squad and me.]] With expectant and glittering eyes, the young lady asked hopefully.

[[Uh…well, I guess that’s one way to clear up a bit of confusion, but yeah, that was me…hold up WW3, OI Brancie.]] At first, Cynrik rolled with her remark, but then it dawned on him that he couldn’t remember the girl’s name, so he tossed it to Brance, who had to think for a moment before answering.

[[Ocala, Florida, twin compound evacuation. Our platoon was sent in to recover as many allies as possible. I guess you were a member of one of those squads, right?]]

[[I…don’t remember. My earliest coherent memory was coming to a massive void. There I stumbled on a Deity who informed me I had been kicked out of the Reincarnation Cycle for some unknown reason. Thus, my memories are fragmented. I only remember you guys specifically because it was one of the few fragments that aren’t hazy.]] Biting her lower lip and sincerely answering, Selene exposed one of her deepest secrets, one that, up until now, she hadn’t told anyone.

This unfiltered and unguarded bit of truth only shocked Cynrik and Brance slightly, but Selene herself was astounded by how easily she let it slip. It was so far from the realm of her typical characteristics that it left her a bit dazed.

[[Well, welcome to our little bunch of misfits, I guess. We have all the time in the world to get to know each other; I am sure in no time we will be telling each other our three sizes and panty color…]]




Dropping to his knees in fright, Cynrik looked up at the pissed-off Brance and the embarrassed Selene with tears in his eyes.


[[You already have fucking brain damage. Who the fuck says shit like that to someone they’ve just met?]] Selene said, walking off to hurry after the Headmaster, Gabby, and Benny.

[[What she said.]] with that, Brance too ran off, leaving Cynrik on the ground rubbing both sides of his head.

EXTRA BIG SPICY SHOUT OUT TO Tacowarrior, For dropping that big boi castle on our bird chest. Those goals are closing in, we’ve got only 662 Stones, 30 golden tix, and 3 magic castles left until the stretch goal is met.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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