Following behind the Headmaster and cutting through the sea of new students, Cynrik looked away and ignored the presence of the two Headmasters, who were watching him. Then, paying attention to where he was going, he followed behind his party, walking in the direction of the transport vehicles.

Cynrik tried to ignore the constant whispering of the curious children they passed along the way. However, when he felt a sudden and intense gaze burrowing into the back of his head, he stopped in his tracks and turned to look in the direction it was originating.

His eyes met an athletic boy similar in height to himself. Standing around 50 meters from him was one of the other applicants from Zone A-1, one of the people Cynrik and Brance had marked upon their arrival.

Only two words came to mind when Cynrik met the gaze of this boy, who had bright orange hair, the first being “LC” and the second “average.” Describing the boy as average was an accurate representation, as the boy seemed to have no redeeming physical features. The kind of person you would walk by on the street without a second glance.

If it were any other time, Cynrik wouldn’t have even batted an eye at this clearly hostile person, but what caused him to raise an eyebrow was that standing just behind the boy was the second target. The two were standing behind their new respective Headmasters, Lithlen and Viktor, wearing arrogant expressions.

[[Welp, thing one and two seem to have joined the enemy camp.]] Chuckling into the mind link, Cynrik waved obnoxiously at the average-looking boy and his clean-cut companion. But as he did, his pupils constricted.

For the first time, Cynrik had an unobstructed view of the second potential LC, and shockingly enough, this older boy carried an uncanny appearance to Lithlen.

[[Fuck…]] was all Cynrik could spit out as he came to this realization before spinning on his heels to grab Brance by the shoulders.

[[Huh, wah, huh? What’s got you all riled up, can’t you…]] Brance started to say, but when he saw the two arrogant kids glaring at him and Cynrik, he shut up on his own.

[[Fuck…you don’t think that kid is our cousin, do you?]] Brance said in confusion.

[[What are you two blabbering about? We gotta hurry up, or Headmaster Rivia will leave us behind.]] Seeing the two brothers dropping back and gawking across the open field, Selene scolded them.

Even though she had access to the mind link, she had very quickly grown accustomed to blocking out the idle chatter the brothers seemed to take part in constantly.

[[You should be paying attention to this shit Selene, it pertains to you as well. When Brancie and I arrived at Zone A-1, we picked out three targets with the potential to be LCs, you being one, and those fuckers standing with Tweedle-dee and Tweedle dumb are the other two.]] Cynrik said while snapping in her direction, making her turn to look at what was holding them up.

[[To make matters worse, it looks like one happens to be potentially related to us, so there is an enemy spy in the family.]] Brance finished his brother’s statement and soon grabbed Cynrik’s left arm, which was flailing around idiotically.

[[Oh really, now? Fun, should we go mollywop those two or leave um be?]] While the Headmaster was registering students for his Academy and picking them up, Selene spoke as she broke away from him.

[[WHAT, NO, C’MON SELENE, DON’T BE FIGHT HUNGRY LIKE CYNRIK!]] Brance instantly burst out vigilantly, priming himself to jump in her path if need be.

Beside him, Cynrik mouthed the word Mollywop silently, finding it a fun and exciting word, but soon he figured he should step in and say something to stop Selene from charging in, ready for battle.
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[[Nah, it’s OK, Selene, we can fuck them up during the Festival of Sport later on in the school year. If my guess is correct, which they usually are, the two will definitely be competing. At that time, we can torture them all we want without repercussions.]] Unlike Brance, who was ready to become an iron wall, Cynrik casually defused the situation with words.

[[Aw, finnnne~. Ima holds you to those words, though, Cynrik; if I don’t get to beat the fuck out of those prissy Lil shits later, I’m coming for your head.]]In disappointment, Selene kicked the ground with the toe of her shoe and turned around to catch up with the Headmaster, who was now moving with a herd of over 300 children.

The brother’s watched her sprint off in the opposite direction before tossing a final glare at their future opponents and following suit.

On the other side of the field, Viktor Opurn and Lithlen stood with their arms crossed, watching the backs of Cynrik and Brance as they merged with the crowd.

“Leelan, remember those two bastards; in the future, your goal is to either make them submit or bring me their heads,” Lithlen said without sparing a glance at the boy standing to his right with aqua-colored hair.

“Understood, Grandfather.” Leelan didn’t need any further information as he was informed ahead of time of the identities of those two boys. Cynrik and Brance turned out to be the younger cousins he had never met. He would often hear stories from his mother about how her younger brother, his uncle Rikard, was a traitor to the Jetlensr name when he was growing up.

There was even a point several years back where he stumbled on his mother in a rage, smashing everything in the living room after finding out her younger brother had two sons capable of carrying on the family name. At first, she was excited beyond belief—the more males in the bloodline, the more potential to solidify their place in the world. But after confirming they had been crippled in an accident, she was blinded by fury, and if Lithlen hadn’t stepped in to calm her down, there was no doubt in Leelan’s mind that she would have brought the whole house down around her.

“That goes for you as well, Jason; those two are your target in the Festival; show them no mercy if you come across them, and remember not to kill them unless Headmaster Lithlen gives the OK; they are, after all, his Grandchildren.

“Yes, father.” The plain-looking redhead named Jason Opurn stated arrogantly.

“Come along, Leelan; there is a long journey ahead of us,” Lithlen said, turning his back to where Cynrik and Brance had disappeared and making his way towards the appropriate loading area.

“Viktor, thank you for the information alerting me to their true identities; those brats are clever to use an alias; no doubt it was that old fogey Saylins plot,” Lithlen said while extending his hand to shake Viktor’s.

“Not at all, old friend; I appreciate your sincerity in sending a couple of A-Ranks my way, do take care during your travels; I shall take my leave first, Jason; let’s head out.” Viktor shook Lithlen’s hand while making a few pleasantries before taking his leave.

The two Headmasters went their separate ways, but as they did, there was an unspoken conversation going on between Jason and Leelan using only their eyes.

In Jason’s eyes, blue flames danced without a care in the world, while in Leelan’s, if you looked closely, there were sparks of lightning flickering around his Iris.

If Cynrik could see the strange familiarity between the two, he would have known he was correct in his assumption of them; they were both indeed Legacy Charges, and to make matters worse, they were working together.

Unfortunately, this all was coming to light out of view of the brothers and Selene, so they had no clue just how dangerous the steel plate Cynrik had kicked indeed was.

It didn’t take long for the swollen group of over a thousand children, including the members of MyrkLys, to make their way over to a cluster of 10 large hover vehicles, with VSFA written in gothic print across their flank. When they did, the process similar to herding cats began. First, several professors from the Academy set about breaking the children into groups of 100 and assigning vehicles identical to a vast futuristic bus.

However, just when MyrkLys was about to load onto their assigned hover bus, Headmaster Rivia waved them over hurriedly.

“You five won’t be taking the public transport; I am having you guys ride with me in my private ship.” After casually stating this, Headmaster Rivia took out a small capsule from his inventory, pressed the button on the top, and tossed it several feet away.


A sleek fighter jet-like vehicle appeared with a loud poofing sound and a cloud of smoke.
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“OHHHHHHH, IS THAT THE QZH-51-J BATTLE CRUISER? DAMMNN HEADMASTER, YOU GOT STYLE!” Upon seeing the peak of technological fighter jets making its appearance, Cynrik went into his full-on mecha-nerd mode, making Brance, Gabby, and Benny take a step away from him and shake their heads in disgust. However, Selene was different; although she too took a step away, it was forward to examine the ship instead of trying to put distance between herself and Cynrik.

“OH, OH, LOOK, IVAR, IT’S GOT THE TRIPLE PROPULSION SYSTEM THAT LINKS TO SHEILD GENERATORS AND RAILGUNS!” She spouted loudly while caressing the side of the sleek ship lovingly.

Her overreaction caused Gabby, Benny, and Brance to suck in a deep breath, with Gabby looking at Brance fearfully, saying, “No, no, no, Brancie, we got two Cynrik’s now!”

Headmaster Rivia stood off to the side, pleased as he watched the pair of Selene and Cynrik zip around the ship, examining its exterior and shouting out facts about it loud enough for everyone to hear.

This act went on for a couple of minutes before the two stopped mid-sentence suddenly and flashed over to Headmaster Rivia, wearing pleading looks and watery eyes.

“Can we drive it, please, please? We promise not to crash.” Cynrik started the pleading immodestly.

“Yes, please, Headmaster, our biggest dream is to pilot such an exquisite work of art,” Selene said, mirroring Cynrik’s tone and groveling shamelessly.

Headmaster Rivia’s mouth dropped open; he was speechless at how shameless the two children were being. It was a 500 million credit personalized vehicle; who would ever put this in the hands of two hyperactive kids, not Geralt Rivia; fortunately, before he had to decline the pleading children, Brance appeared like the savior he was.


Dishing out his own brand of justice, Brance thumped both Selene and Cynrik in the back of the head and grabbed them by the ear, dragging them to the vehicle’s door, swearing at them the whole time.

“Sorry about them, Headmaster; I will keep them in line; you don’t have to worry about it. Come along, Gabby, Benny.” Brance said, talking over the two he was dragging who were screaming to release them.

Headmaster Rivia exhaled loudly, shaking his head while wondering what he had got himself into, but still boarded the vehicle.

After ensuring everyone was buckled into their seats properly, he sent out a communication message to all the transport vehicles to form up into a fleet.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone was in the air and traveling hundreds of miles per hour southward.

“Alright, everyone kick back and relax; it will take us around 12 hours to arrive at the Academy. Until then, meditate and reflect on your experiences during the exams. I don’t expect any bumps along the road, as the route we are using takes us around the areas populated by powerful creatures.

His words made Cynrik roll his eyes and activate [Mana Sight] to be sure.

[[Well, what now?]] Selene asked, already bored after being strapped in a chair for a few minutes.

Brance looked out the window and once again cursed his luck for getting stuck with not one but two troublemakers.

[[Well, I have to start figuring out our future growth plans, so why not send over your Stat profile.]] Cynrik was silent for a moment, but eventually, he came up with something to pass the time.

[[Mhm, no problemo.]]

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