With Cynrik beginning his forming of the legendary skill and Brance watching with anticipation, only Gabby, Benny, and Selene were left to their own devices for the remainder of the trip.

However, Headmaster Rivia was constantly chattering away with different school officials in the pilot’s seat. Nevertheless, it was panning out to be a relaxing and pleasant drive for the group in the vehicle.

Meanwhile, back in the Captial, things were a bit more hectic. With the closing of this year’s Selections, groups of parents made their migration back home, leaving only the VIPs in their specified box seats.

One VIP, in particular, was tearing the spacious and luxurious room to shreds in rage, and if it weren’t for the fact that each of these box-like rooms was both soundproof and resistant to damage from a Tier-6 attack, it would have been completely obliterated.

Two young adult boys hid in separate corners of the room as their mother went batshit crazy, flipping tables, slamming chairs, breaking anything she could get her hands on. This woman was Hespa Nilsson, Selene’s Mother.

“That ungrateful bitch, HOW DARE SHE GO AGAINST ME AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY.” She screamed while hurtling the leg of the broken table across the room, embedding it half a foot into the wall.

“All she had to fucking do was keep her head down and join Supremacy University as I told her.”


“Wait till I get my hands on that good for nothing slut. What in the hell was she thinking, jumping into some strange boy’s arms like a little skank.”


“M..mmmother, if you keep this up, we will be kicked ou..”


While trying to calm his mother down, Sigurd, Selene’s oldest brother, was hit by a shadow fist, which blasted him from one corner of the room to the other, right next to Selo.

Unperturbed by the violent outburst, Sigurd jumped back to his feet and huddled beside his younger brother, rubbing his cheek.

“Of all the filthy low-breed Academies she could have chosen, VSFA IS THE WORST. With no prestige, she will be a guppy instead of a shark. My carefully drawn out plans were for NOTHING!”


With each word, Hespa seemed to vibrate with a faint black aura. Like her Daughter, Hespa too had a Dark Affinity, and being at Tier-5, she was leagues stronger than either Selene or Cynrik. However, in her anger, Hespa’s control over the Mana swirling like a typhoon in her Codex started leaking out, making her sons shiver in fear.
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The last thing they saw before Selo and Sigurd passed out due to the intense pressure crushing their bodies was their mother’s hair moving about like snakes and her eyes turning pitch black.

Across the venue, Saylin clicked his tongue and shook his head. On the monitor floating a couple of feet from his face, he could see what was going on inside each of the VIP boxes. But unfortunately, he could only stare disgustingly upon seeing Hespa Nilsson throwing a temper tantrum.

Unfortunately, he could only resign himself to cleaning up her mess. Although she was a very wealthy woman, at the end of the day, Saylin had more significant problems, such as the other 30 VIPs throwing fits for similar reasons.

Of course, the cause of all this trouble landing on his plate was Cynrik telling off two well-established members of society and taking a stance to join the underdog Academy.

For years, it had either been SU or Finwan taking the top applicants under their wing, and this was how they stayed at the top of the ranking boards. The worst part was with only a single remark, Cynrik, who was the undisputed highest ranked applicant, swiped two other S-Ranks and 2 A-Ranks, moving them all to the corner of VSFA.

This didn’t sit well with all the executives, big wigs from other Academies, and their backers.

In fact, unbeknownst to Cynrik, a large bounty had been placed on his head due to his actions today. Thankfully, for the time being, because of the Alias he had used when applying, none of these people had a clue about his real identity. But this wouldn’t last forever. Eventually, someone would find out who he was, and his family would come into a lot of trouble if Saylin hadn’t already stepped in.

The instant Cynrik was back to his old tricks, Saylin went into action, trying to solve the issue democratically. The end result was that he now owed many people favors, which made his blood boil just thinking about it.

Sighing heavily and leaning back in his chair in defeat, Saylin closed his eyes and requested his AI to mute all the live streams. He felt tired, so very tired, all because of that brat, Cynrik.

In the Pinhurst Mansion, the celebrations were still ongoing.

Aside from watching the event live on TV, Brance, as the responsible sibling, had sent over a text message to Cinyah, telling her the details of their contracts, which she quickly showed to the Sanfords and Rikard joyfully.

“See, I told you little Cyn had everything under control,” Cinyah shouted, vibrating with excitement.

“OH? Is that so, honey? I remember someone pacing nervously on the edge of tearing up when our boy sat down at the table.” Rikard teased with his arms crossed.

“I, too, seem to recall a similar situation occurring.” Maeve’s crystalline voice chimed in, jumping to Rikard’s side.


Cinyah didn’t take kindly to the two’s teasing, and in a flash, she knocked her best friend and husband on the crown of their heads before backing off and admiring the swelling knots.

“Now, now, you three are grown-ass adults, with children nonetheless, you should be passed this crap. But, putting that aside, I think we should all admire how perfectly Cynrik executed his negotiations.” Shaking his head and wondering where he went wrong with helping raise the three adults, Jessup steered the conversation back on topic.

“From Brance’s message, we can tell Cynrik was able to divvy up all the resources adequately, making sure everyone in the party got an equal share of the proceeds. At least it shows he is growing up, unlike a certain three idiots.” Leaning back comfortably in his expensive recliner, Jessup took a poke at the three adults, who were still children themselves in his eyes.

“Uncle Jessup, the clause about higher Tier knowledge won’t get them in trouble, will it?” Gabby and Benny’s mother, Laura, said, clutching the hem of her dress nervously.

Typically, she was the quietest of the bunch. Still, when she heard about how Cynrik apparently found a way to walk the line between lawful and unlawful, gaining access to classified information early, she couldn’t help but become anxious and voice her concern.

“Hmm, this is a good question. Logically speaking, so long as the Headmaster gives authorization, and sets some kind of standard, as he did, there should be no problems from a legal standpoint. I could only see something happening if any of those kids go blabbing what they learn to their peers.” Rubbing his unshaven stubble in thought, Jessup clarified the situation for Laura.
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“With how cautious that brat Cynrik is, I don’t see anything happening. He has a good head on his shoulders, which is strange considering who gave birth to him.” Jessup tossed a confused glance to Rikard and Cinyah, who were still bickering with Maeve, and chuckled softly.

“I see; it should be fine then. Little Cyn has always kept my Benny and Gabby on the right path.” Stating it out loud, it was unknown if Laura was trying to convince herself or simply thinking aloud.

“We should REALLY be concerned about that new little girl he added to the group. Although I wonder who she is, it’s evident that she is a strong one just because, according to Brance, that girl Selene got an S-Rank rating just like the brothers.”

Hearing the older man’s gossipy words, the ears of both Maeve and Cinyah twitched like a cat, and they broke up their minor scuffle, calling a temporary truce.

“I don’t recall ever seeing them play with anyone other than Gabby and Benny, even in school or around the neighborhood; it was always just those four,” Cinyah said while trying to remember if she knew the girl.

“My gosh, when she boldly clung to Little Cyn, I about died; it was so adorable, right Cinyah?” Maeve chirped like a schoolgirl.

“Spring may have come for our boy honey, I never thought I’d see the day,” Rikard said, wiping a fake tear for effect.

“OH, did I tell you guys what that little brat did when we said our goodbyes?” Then, feeling the time had arrived to get her revenge, Maeve spilled the beans on the little touchy-feely move Cynrik had pulled.

As she narrated the events where Cynrik grabbed her butt, Rikard laughed while chanting, “THAT’S MY BOY!” only to receive a crippling right hook from Maeve and Cinyah, sending him flying.

“I will have some words for that child when they get settled in their dorms. Don’t worry, Maeve, I’ll set him straight.” Cinyah said through gritted teeth; flames flickered in her eyes as she planned out the verbal beating she would dish out later over the phone.

On the ship traveling to VSFA, Cynrik sneezed loudly and felt a chill on the back of his neck, making his whole body spasm as if he chugged cough syrup.

“Bless you. You good?” Brance said, seeing his brother freak out for a second.

“Uh…I think so; I don’t know why but I feel like someone just cursed me…oh well, back to training.” Pushing that thought into the far corners of his mind, Cynrik set about punching his hand again.


Around eight hours later, a loud beeping woke up those sleeping and distracted Cynrik from his training.

“Well, kids, it looks like we are on our final approach; if you look out the window, VSFA should be coming into view in a couple of minutes.” Clicking a few buttons on the control column and flipping a switch above his head, Headmaster Rivia said, making everyone in the vehicle rush to look out their windows in anticipation.

A few minutes later, everyone gasped loudly as they got their first view of the school they would be attending for the foreseeable future.

There, nestled between two snowcapped mountains, was a giant Castle. It was so large that they couldn’t take it all in, even from the height of several hundred meters.

Tall spires and a gothic aesthetic made all the kids viewing the sights inhale deeply.

[[Hey uh, guys…why does this place look so familiar?]] Selene asked. She had recognized the majestic castle but couldn’t place her finger on where it was from.

[[That, my dearest Selene, looks like someone took Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and crammed it together with the Wolf School from the witcher before slapping it on top of Mount Everest and its twin brother.]] Cynrik said while pinching his cheek to be sure he wasn’t asleep.

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