“SHIT, EVERYONE MOVE!” Professor Wallin screamed to the other Referees as she saw the massive amount of flames surging around Cynrik’s Kodachi.

Even from over 40 meters away, she could feel its intense heat. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize how powerful and devastating the attack would be to anyone under Tier-1; even someone at Tier-2 would struggle to handle it.

All ten referees traced the path of this X-shaped strike and appeared in its path with their life-saving artifacts in tow. But to their dismay, as the massive Cyclone formed, they felt a level of danger, borderline surefire death.

Only Professor Wallin took the full brunt of the attack, Extending her palm and forming a fusion skill between Water and Wind.

“Blóðrauðr Banamaðr: Fyrstr Form – Sun Cyclone!” Cynrik’s voice rang clearly in the ears of all ten Referees and pulled the attention of nearly all the members of the opposition.


Watching with calm eyes, Cynrik knew these ten teachers could probably stop a decent chunk of the damage. Still, it was too late to cancel the technique, so he narrowed his eyes and tried to angle the Cyclone to mitigate most of the damage to the ground. But unfortunately, he didn’t expect the woman who received his items earlier to appear directly in front of him and create some kind of impenetrable wall of Water mixed with Wind Mana to reduce the power behind his Fyrstr Form.

The forest fell silent as a heavy cloud of smoke mixed with particulates from the ground, and the chemical reaction between Fire and Water covered everyone’s vision.

That was when the first scream echoed throughout the trees, followed by another, and it continued until Professor Wallin slashed out with a bladed palm, clearing the smoke.

Her face instantly paled as she quickly noticed nearly 30 wounded children with varying injuries.

Within less than a minute, Brance, Gabby, Benny, and Selene flashed around, picking off targets left and right under cover of the distraction created by Cynrik.

From the beginning, he had a feeling that these referees would step in if he got too wild, but since he couldn’t be bothered to tell them it was all a massive distraction, he didn’t, and the results were better than he could have imagined.

“Excuse me, Professor, but I have a mission to complete, I apologize, but I will be leaving first,” Cynrik said as he sheathed the kodachi from his back and sunk into the Shadow Realm.
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‘Monster, he’s a fucking monster. How can he be so calm about nearly killing over a hundred people.’ So professor Wallin thought to herself. But in her lapse of judgment, she soon realized that Cynrik had vanished and began panicking. Concluding that this seemed to be one of the boy’s Dark Affinity skills and took back to the air, leaving the over 30 wounded children to the other referees.

When she arrived in the air, Professor Wallin was met by a horrific sight, all five members of MyrkLys moving like velociraptors stalking their prey, who fleed with expressions painted with fear and regret.

The most disturbing part was the look of glee on Cynrik and Selene’s faces as they hacked down opponent after opponent, each swipe of their blades dismembering legs or arms before delivering a blow to either the back of the neck or head, rendering their opponent unconscious.

When Professor Wallin had received the notification that she would be head ref over a 5v173 battle, never in her wildest dreams would she have thought it would turn out so lopsided?

Between Cynrik and Benny controlling the flow of the battle, Brance and Gabby sniping from a distance, or Selene getting up close and personal, this battle was turning into an absolute blowout. And this was all before MyrkLys had corraled the remaining opponents into the trap zone set earlier.

The combination of pitfall, and hanging traps, signaled the end was near, as a chorus of howls of pain and terror sang out like music in Cynrik and Selene’s ears. Yet, as they disabled the students hanging by their ankles, they maintained control and rationality despite the bloodlust imparted by the Æsir Bloodline.

This wasn’t to say there weren’t opponents who fought back; of course, a cornered rat would still lash out, but they were all dealt with swiftly and without much effort.

Clicking his tongue, Cynrik looked long and hard at an older boy he was holding off the ground by his neck.

[[Anyway, I look at it. These bastards are all Tier-2, but I cannot understand how they are all so weak for the life of me. It’s one thing to slack off on advancing stats, but it’s another to fuck around when you are already at the level cap. Like look at this guy,]] Cynrik said while tossing the unconscious boy like a hot potato over to Selene, who caught him inquisitively.

[[Maybe we are just that much stronger?]] She asked with confused eyes before cutting off the boy’s left leg from the knee down and tossing him aside like garbage.

[[Nah, Im noticing a pattern here, Brance; what about you, thoughts, comments, concerns?]] Moving around and hacking at opponents, Cynrik tossed the question to Brance, who was in a heated 3v1.

[[Huff, none of them maxed out Prestige in Tier-0 or Tier-1, it looks like these overly cocky second years are at the bottom of the food chain.]] Using his shield, Brance backhanded one of his opponents, making a loud clang sound as the metal collided with flesh.


Just as Cynrik had finished mopping up the last trapped person, he heard the previously arrogant leader’s voice, causing all the members of MyrkLys to turn their heads, only to spot Benny playing with the poor lad.

“Kidnap, my sister, huh?”


Using his shield, Benny ruthlessly snapped Levin’s shin with ease.
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Benny leaned forward and executed a flawless flying knee smashing Levin square in the nose, breaking it and making the boy spit teeth and blood on the ground.

[[Woah…that’s…kind of hot!]] Raising an eyebrow at Benny’s brutality, Selene commented, making Brance and Cynrik narrow their eyes in response.

[[Never took you to be into Siscon shotas Selene dear.]] Snickering to himself, Cynrik stepped up beside Benny and the bruised, bloody, and physically disabled Levin. But as he did, Benny raised his sword to issue the death blow; luckily, Cynrik was there and caught his hand in the middle of the downward arc.

“Chill, I’ve got something much better for this scum that doesn’t involve killing him. Selene, watch closely as you can do this as well.” With a sinister smile painted across his lips, Cynrik grabbed Levin by the collar, lifting him into the air, and placed his outstretched palm on his chest.

“You see, the Dark Affinity and Dark Mana are actually one of the most corrosive; not only that, but it has innate penetrating power. So if we do something like this….” As he spoke, an eerie black mist radiated from his hand, causing Selene to tilt her head to the side in confusion.

“By introducing a tinnnny~ amount of Dark Mana into a Codex that isn’t compatible, we can effectively disable it and destroy a living being’s Codex over time. Not only that, but the instant that person cycles their Mana through their Circuits, it will corrode those as well, rendering them crippled.”

Above, however, Professor Wallin was frozen in shock, at a loss for what to do. Crippling your opponent’s Codex wasn’t against the rules, as the only thing banned was killing, but was there a difference in sealing off a person’s ability to use Mana forever.

Unfortunately, a blood-curdling scream from below caused her heart to sink before she could move.

“Teehe, Haha.” Wearing his poker face, Cynrik forced a cluster of Dark Mana particles into Levin’s chest while using [Mana Sight] to place them accurately within their new home.

The process only took less than a minute, and upon completion, Levin, whose eyes, ears, and mouth were all leaking blood, passed out; Cynrik tossed the boy aside and looked up at Professor Wallin.

“I do believe that is our win if you would be so kind as to announce it and hand over my loot so that we can be on our way; it is, after all, only our first day on campus, and there is much to do,” Cynrik said, wearing a polite smile.

Hearing his words, Professor Wallin felt a chill creep down her spine, with only a single word coming to mind as she stared helplessly at Cynrik, “Sociopath.”

—First, this chapter nearly didn’t happen today; as I write this, I am running a CLEANNNN 103.7 fever, but yah boi knows yall need new content, so here I am. Don’t freak out if tomorrow’s chapter doesn’t come out on time; worse, I will double up the next day, as it is a struggle to focus.

Welp, it is safe to say that we will have those final 12 power stones by tomorrow’s chapter, so I want to congratulate everyone. You smashed the event out of the park. When I first came up with the stretch goal, I figured it would come down to the last day before all the plans would be met, but we are less than two weeks into May, and all three goals have been achieved.

Some people have been asking about the duration of the double chapter release, IE, how long it will last, and I can say it will continue throughout volume 3. This means roughly until the end of June, basically a little over 60 chapters.

You heard me right; there are still a whopping 60 chapters left in volume 3, making it well over 110 chapters, the most immense volume so far. Today is Tuesday, May 10th here in the States, and the double releases will begin Monday, May 16th. Thank you again for your continued support and companionship as the story progresses, and Remember to get those Questions for Tobs’ Corner posted on Twitter or Discord.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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