Leaning back in his chair while rubbing his belly in contentment, Cynrik belched loudly. The group had wasted a whole hour gorging themselves in preparation for the Evolution process. Still, it was a necessary loss of time as, without these essential nutrients, they ran the risk of turning into skeletons by the end of their changes.

“You’re up first, little brother; go change into some basketball shorts and a tank top you don’t mind destroying; we all know how much ick comes out of our bodies when we Evolve,” Cynrik stated between burbs, his eyes closed in the shape of crescents as he wallowed in his fatness happily like a dog.

Standing up with a grunt, Brance quickly dashed off to his bedroom and returned around five minutes later, dressed in silver basketball shorts and a white loose-fitting muscle shirt.

Upon his arrival, Cynrik quickly guided everyone away from the kitchen, down the hall, and into the large training room, where he had already sectioned off a specific area for spectators.

“I want everyone but the one evolving and myself to sit across the room. No matter what, I don’t want anyone crossing the barricade made of workout equipment. This is for your safety since we have no clue what kind of blowback or force expulsion we will be dealing with.” Cynrik said as he followed Brance into the center of the room, where a small trashcan-sized android was stationed.

When he woke up, the first thing Cynrik did was figure out what kind of assistance the Dorm AI would be able to give during their evolutions. After finding out there was a training droid just for that purpose, he quickly learned everything he could about its use before pulling it out of the training room closet and setting it up.

Stepping beside the little droid, Brance fought the urge to knock it on the head a few times, as it appeared to be powered down, and when Cynrik gave a brief description of its use, he decided it was best to treat it like air.

Once everyone was in place, Cynrik nodded for Brance to sit on the floor with his legs crossed and pull out all the resources needed for smooth Evolution.

“Computer, set the Tier-3 barrier in place; we will be undergoing a Tier-2 Evolution. Set parameters to the following, Three Affinities, Earth, Light, and Wind, having achieved titles Perfect Foundation and Reforged body. Reduce all Ambient Mana particles outside of those three to Zero.

“Commands accepted, executing Mana Purge.”

No sooner than did the words leave Cynrik’s mouth did a pleasant Female AI voice come from the room’s speakers, followed by a strange mechanical noise.

The mechanical noise led to a strange sensation that everyone but Brance was experiencing; this was the feeling of the loss of their Elements. Everyone present was heavily reliant on using Ambient Mana particles to control their Affinities at their stage. The AI drained every element except Light, Earth, and Wind from the room and created a pocket devoid of every other element, causing the members of MyrkLys to feel as if they were having trouble breathing for a moment until they acclimated.


“The Training room has been purged of all Mana particles except those three mentioned. In addition, the room has been modified to the peak environment for the Evolution of Student Björn Ragnarsson.”

Cynrik exhaled slowly, feeling that right now he could only use his Wind Affinity, and nodded at Brance, signaling he could begin.

Brance, although slightly nervous, tossed a final glance at his stat profile one last time before beginning to down the supplements necessary for his Evolution in the order Cynrik had informed him of earlier.

: Status :

: Brance Athalos Jetlensr (Björn Ironside Ragnarsson):

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Perfect Clear Expert, Reforged Body :

: Demi-Human Male (99% Human, 1% Lightbringer):

: Age-11:

: Tier-1 :

: Primary Class – Tier-1 Warrior : (+2 To STR,VIT Distribution)

: Sub-Class – Tier-1 Miner : (+2 To STR Distribution)

: Level: 20 (P25) : CAP

: Essence Pool(XP): 69,970:

: Warrior: 20 – XP : CAP

: Basic Miner: 20 – XP : CAP

: Distribution: 1.5 Per All : (STR 5.5, VIT 3.5)

: Mana Codex Tier: 2 (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Mana Circuit Tier: 2 (Proficiency= 0.0%) :

: Gravity Resistance: 6.5g (Proficiency= 100.0%) :
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: Body Tempering: Tier 2 (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Credits: 1,500,000 :


: HP 4600/4600 :

: Mana 2480/2480 :

: Stamina 2300/2300 :

: Stat Points- 262 :

: Skill Points- 322 :

: Strength- 300 :

: Dexterity- 300 :

: Agility- 300 :

: Intelligence- 300 :

: Vitality- 300 :

: Mind- 300 :

: Killing Intent- 295 – 4.25g :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Light-Tier-2 (Proficiency= 100.0%): :Expand:

:(BG) Earth-Tier-2 (Proficiency= 100.0%): :Expand:

:(BG) Wind-Tier-2 (Proficiency= 100.0%): :Expand:

Since this was the last time Brance could look at his profile, he smiled as he drank down the two gel packets on his lap; the first was green and tasted like sour apples; this was the Efficiency Booster, and the second was purple and tasted like cough medicine; this was the Metabolism Booster.

The instant these supplements hit his stomach, Brance felt brimming with energy, as if he had just downed an entire batch of prework out. His hands even became slightly jittery, but he ignored it and scooped up the three Affinity Fragment gems in his right hand while only examining them for a second and scooping up the Evo-Stone.

His eyes drifted towards a new notification window that had appeared the second he gripped the Evo-Stone in his left hand.

-The Host has met the requirements for Tier-2 Evolution-

-Level 20 (Complete)-

-All Stats Minimum 225 (Complete)-

-Mana Codex Tier-2 (Complete)-

-All Elemental Affinities at Tier-1- (Complete)

-Scanning for Evolution Catalysts.-

-Evo-Stone Fragment has been Located.-

-Light Affinity Fragment has been Located.-

-Earth Affinity Fragment has been Located.-

-Wind Affinity Fragment has been Located.-

-All items have been Accepted as proper Catalysts.-

-Would you like to begin the Evolution to Tier-2 (Y/N)-

‘Let’s do this, Tobs,’ swiping his finger over the “Yes” button, Brance confirmed and was instantly innodated by intense pain and a surge of rapidly scrolling notifications.

-Beginning Evolution, sending Host’s mind to their SOC.-
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-System has Detected the Host has reached Prestige Cap.-

-Beginning Body Reforging.-

-Mana Codex is being restructured.-

-Mana Circuits are being strengthened and expanded.-

-Mana Codex is being strengthened.-

-Mana Codex is Expanding.-

-Density of collected Mana is evolving.-

-Analyzing Hosts Body Tempering.-

-The Host currently has a Tier-2 Body, breaking it down to strengthen further to meet the standards of Body Reforging.-

-Rebuilding muscular structure.-

-Rebuilding skeletal structure.-

When Brance opened his eyes, he was within the lush landscape of his Sea of Consciousness. However, he was still fully aware of his body’s changes and all the pain that entailed. Floating beside him, Tobs, in her Avatar form, floated silently.

Brance inched closer to her for comfort, but it was only on a surface level as it was taking all his strength not to cry out and thrash about thanks to what he would call the worst pain to date.

Outside Brance’s SOC, things were vastly different. Cynrik stood a few feet away from the unconscious Brance with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. He would activate [Mana Sight] every few seconds and view all the rapidly occurring changes rippling under Brance’s skin.

He noticed the obnoxious sound of bones and joints snapping loudly, followed by the shredding of every muscle fiber in the body. From time to time, blood and a strange black substance would pour out of Brance’s orifices, but soon, it would vanish mysteriously before Brance would undergo another bone-breaking session.

Multiple times over, Brance’s hair would grow to the floor before falling out, leaving him bald for a few seconds and starting the growth from scratch.

Watching the rapidly occurring and radical changes, Cynrik observed that the whole process was just like the age-old saying: out with the old, in with the new, as every fiber of Brance was discarded and re-born.

Meanwhile, behind him, several feet away, in the safety zone, Gabby, Benny, and Selene were horrified at what they were witnessing. They had seen Brance’s skin practically melt away before reassembling itself, and the loud cracks of bones and muscles tearing would cause them to flinch repeatedly. Still, the group’s eyes never once left Brance, who was their pillar of stability in the party.

Back inside the SOC, Brance focused solely on Tob’s voice as she chimed in each new change.

-Your Lightbringer Bloodline has increased by 9%.-

-Your profile has been upgraded to Tier-2.-

-Your Primary Level has changed from Level 20 to Level Zero; the new cap is set to 35.-

-Your Mana Circuits have been fully absorbed by your Codex and have become unified. As a result, your entire body will act the same way your Circuits previously did.-

-Body Tempering and Gravity Resistance have merged into the singular Body Statistic.-

-Class and Subclass have been moved from Active to Former; the previous stat boosts are permanent and will not disappear. The slots have been freed up for Tier-2 Classes.-

Exhaling sharply through tightly clenched teeth, Brance could barely hear Tobs voice, but it was enough. His mind spun in confusion and excitement, wanting desperately to open his eyes and scroll through the seemingly never-ending supply of notifications he was receiving.

-Prepare yourself, Host Brance; the Evolution is nearly over, but now comes the bad part, stat adjustments, and the new changes to your Affinity.-

Tobs said, trying to reassure Brance without her voice being totally monotone, and it was enough because Brance slowly nodded his head before flexing his fingers and clenching them into fists.

This same motion was mirrored with his body outside the SOC, drawing Cynrik’s attention.

‘Tobs, he’s been at this for nearly an hour; I will have to rely on you to tell me when he needs another efficiency and metabolism booster.’ So Cynrik thought while pulling out the necessary items just in case.

-Host Brance is undergoing the final step in the process and will require one metabolism booster in precisely two minutes 27 seconds; then, in eight minutes 15 seconds, he will need the second Efficiency booster.-

Nodding silently, Cynrik stepped forward and waited for the signal from Tobs; when it arrived, he quickly opened Brance’s mouth and squeezed the contents of the metabolism gel packet down his gullet, which received no outward response from Brance, but none was thrown up or spilled. Several minutes later, he repeated the process with the efficiency booster and stepped back to his previous spot, watching over Brance like a hawk. He stayed stationary like so until something strange happened around twenty minutes later.


With Brance as the epicenter, several blasts of triple element Mana burst forward, nearly sending Cynrik tumbling backward and forcing him to dig his heels into the padded flooring with his left arm shielding his face.

“Fuck!” Cynrik yelled, using his own Wind Affinity to cut through the densely packed waves of Mana.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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