The two Ruby red serpent eyes glaring angrily at him were even more impressive than this being’s size; the dripping saliva leaking off its rows upon rows of huge fangs proved this creature wanted nothing more than to devour him whole.


“Mother fucker just had to do this now of all times, didn’t he.” Cynrik howled, rolling up his upper lip and baring his teeth in rage.

“It’s always gotta be something,” Angrily yelling to the sky, Cynrik punched his open right palm with his left fist, instantly equipping his DMG Loadout.

“I can’t just have a peaceful fucking advancement like Brancie and the others,” FWOOOOSHHHHHH.

As if responding to his words, visible particles of Fire, Wind, and Dark Mana swirled violently around Cynrik’s body, taking the appearance of an energy field or aura.

“Tobs, how long has it been since I started the Evo process.” Feeling massive changes in his body, Cynrik quickly searched for an answer from the System AI.

-It has been 39 minutes since you entered your SOC; since time flows differently and you were under immense stress, it may not feel like it. However, you have already completed your physical advancement, and your body is currently undergoing the Affinity changes.-

“Then, Tobs, tell me why I still have a kid’s body?” With his eyes never leaving the hulking mass of flesh still growling and roaring loudly in the distance, Cynrik quipped.

-Close your eyes, idiot; you are still seeing yourself how you previously did; I will show you the extent of your new body so that your subconscious can reconstruct it for you within the SOC.-

Following her advice, Cynrik exhaled slowly and closed his eyes. Half a second later, he felt an electric sensation course through his body. When it finished and Cynrik opened his eyes, his point of view had changed. Realizing he had grown a few inches, Cynrik looked to Tobs, who already held a mirror for him.

“Hair got a bit longer, and now there are more red streaks than purple. My eyes look pretty cool, though; there are well-defined flecks in my Iris signifying my Affinities.”


“Oi, shut up, you fuck, gimmie a sec, and I’ll come to turn you into sashimi.” Still admiring his new face, which had thinned out, removing all baby fat and taking the appearance of a young man with his Mother’s elegant features, Cynrik snorted at the giant beast in the sky.

“5 foot 8…or 9 inches, Tobs?” Cynrik asked while kicking the air a couple of times and throwing a few punches.

-Is that really necessary… it’s 9; you are one inch shorter than your brother. Now please pay attention to the enemy; it is moving.-

“Blah, blah, isn’t it just a giant snake? I just killed one of those not long ago, so what if this is the Infamous World Eater. And yes, knowing my height is extremely necessary; I need to rework my brain to adjust to having extra reach.” Cynrik tilted his head to the side, shot a sidelong glance at the creature steadily covering ground towards him, and was unbothered.”GRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHH MORTALLLLL, I AM THE FEAR OF MIDGARD, THE SERPENT WHOM DEVOURS ALL…” the creature began but was cut off by a very annoyed Cynrik, who chose to mock him.

“Yes, yes, I know, Armour like tenfold shields, teeth like swords, and claws spears, I get it you are a fierce Lizzy, growl all you want, Jörmungandr, but a snake is a snake, and a Dragon is a lizard, tsk. Look here, Midgard Serpent, I was in the middle of my fucking Tier-2 Evolution, and you just HAD to pull this shit today of all days.”

Cynrik flexed his left fist multiple times as he spoke, trying to get a good feel of the reach he now had with his eyes, never breaking contact with Jörmungandr.

“Disrespectful brat, do you genuinely believe you are above I, who was a Charge of Odin long before you were even a speck of existence in your father’s loins,” Jörmungandr growled threw snarled and curled back lips, exposing row upon row of arm’s length sharp teeth.

The closer it got to Cynrik, the more he could view, from the dozens of meters long head to the purple-red and blue multicolored scales covering its entire body, which was so large that Cynrik couldn’t take it all in. Frills and spikes ran the length of the creature’s body, giving it a royal visage that if it didn’t want to eat Cynrik, he would have been impressed.

“That’s a lot of talk from a giant overgrown snake cast to the bottom of the sea, so tell, how exactly is it that The Allfather allowed you up to the surface to compete in a Strife hm? You being here can only mean one thing; you were at one time a Legacy Charge, and since I am locked into another one of these stupid fucking Turning Point Quests, I can only make that assumption.” Cynrik never stopped his left hand’s movement as the words left his mouth.

“Your arrogance and ignorance are of the kind only those bastard Asgardians possess; tell me, what makes you think all Charges must be of the same race as the Deity who bestows them with their divinities?” Jörmungandr said, stopping his approach 50 meters away from Cynrik.

“Hm, I guess you aren’t wrong. Still, that changes nothing. Are you gunna stay in your snakey form all day, or do you have a humanoid one so that we can get this over with? My hands are already itchy, so hurry the fuck up, Jormie; I don’t have all day, you know.” Tilting his head downward, Cynrik popped his neck in the usual way and grinned cockily at the giant serpent flying in the sky above.
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Unfortunately, his taunts didn’t have the desired effect he was hoping for. When the last word left his lips, an enraged Jörmungandr exploded forth with a devastating tail strike, the likes that, if it connected, could easily shatter entire worlds.

Luckily, Cynrik noticed the twitching muscles in the creature’s tail, and just before it let the strike go, Cynrik was already in motion, kicking off the ground with his newly minted strength and dashing out of harm’s way.

Cynrik dusted off his clothing and hopped into the air, landing on the heavily scaled appendage buried in the ground where he once stood.

“This hulking body of yours will not be able to hit me at this rate; if you have a smaller form, now would probably be the time to use it. So I suggest you get rid of that dumb little facade.” Cynrik paused for a moment and then unleashed several flame-clad attacks on Jörmungandr’s tail with both Kodachi.

“GRAHHHHHHH,” Jörmungandr screamed in fury as it felt the bite of Cynrik’s attacks. The sword slashes themselves didn’t cause much pain, but upon making contact with his scales, Cynrik added a layer of Dark Mana, using it like a needle to pierce into the scales and hit the flesh underneath.

This act created a small sore under the heavily protected plate-armor scales, causing Jörmungandr to feel as if his flesh was being infected and rotting from within.

“Asgardian Bastard, HOW DARE YOU!” Jörmungandr howled and began to flail its tail in every direction to fling the ant off its body and stop the damage.

However, its actions only aided Cynrik further, allowing him enough time to move like a phantom, bouncing from one truck-sized scale to another before dishing out another batch of attacks.

“I told you, Jormie, it will only hinder you in this battle unless you condense your size to something able to keep up. You may be vastly more powerful than me, but so long as you are this big, I can easily worm my way into tight spots that you can’t touch. Hell, maybe I’ll even tie you into a pretzel. Teehe, haha.” Continuing his taunts, Cynrik realized just how futile his attacks really were.

Although, on the surface, Cynrik was acting calm and cocky, each time he lashed out physically on the tough hide of the World Devouring Serpent, he was being forced to expend vast amounts of MP. So much so that if he weren’t under the protection of Tobs’ infinite Mana cheat, he would have already run dry long ago.

His eyes flicked from the steaming scale he was currently working on to his newly refreshed Status panel.

: Status :

: Cynrik Ayke Jetlensr (Ivar the Boneless Ragnarsson):

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Perfect Clear Expert, Reforged Body :

: Demi-Human Male (90% Human, 10% Æsir):

: Age-12:

: Tier-2 :

: Primary Class – (Empty) :

:Former: Tier-1 Thief : (+2 To DEX, AGI Distribution)

: Sub-Class – (Empty) :

:Former: Tier-1 Engineer : (+2 To DEX Distribution)

: Level: 0/35 :

: Essence Pool(XP): 134,082 :

: P-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: S-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: Distribution: 2 Per All : (DEX 6, AGI 4)

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-2 :

: Stage 3 :
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: Body – Tier-2, 6.5g Resistance :

: Credits: 1,500,000 :


: HP 8000/8000 :

: Mana 4190/4190 :

: Stamina 4000/4000 :

: Stat Points- 274 :

: Skill Points- 196 :

: Strength- 470 :

: Dexterity- 470 :

: Agility- 470 :

: Intelligence- 470 :

: Vitality- 470 :

: Mind- 470 :

: Will Power- 23 :

: Killing Intent- 400 – 5G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-2 (Adept): :Expand:

:(BG) Fire-Tier-2 (Adept): :Expand:

:(BG) Wind-Tier-2 (Beginner): :Expand:

‘The numbers have all updated, and I can feel the changes, but I still lack power. So I need to taunt this bastard into shrinking down; that is the only plausible way I see myself being able to have an actual fight. If not, all I can do is give him these never-ending paper cuts under his plating.’ So Cynrik thought to himself as he narrowly avoided another tail slap once again.

Looking up at the hulking body, which expanded as far as his eyes could see, Cynrik really couldn’t come up with any better ideas. The only other option he had, was to try working out the Futae no Kiwami now that he was technically at Tier-2, but even that wasn’t a surefire guarantee. At best, it would allow him to break the resistance on the scales and deal minor damage to the soft fleshy bits underneath, so in the long run, it would prove futile.

Narrowing his eyes, Cynrik exerted more force on his legs and used Jörmungandr’s own body as a pathway to run freely up the length of its torso towards its face. Then, jumping up and performing a half twist flip, Cynrik landed on Jörmungandr’s snout and came eye to eye with the mountainous-sized eyeballs.

“Look, Jormie, you can’t win, just give it up and go home. There is no point in this idiotic challenge laid down by Odin.” Shrugging his shoulders as if there was simply nothing he could do, Cynrik bluffed his way further.

“Grooo, so you think, your body, your everything will belong to me, and I will again force all of creation to cower in fear at the mere mention of my title.” With that, Jörmungandr’s eyes began shining in a mythical light, giving Cynrik such a fright that he wasted no time using the creature’s snout as a springboard and launching himself dozens of meters away.

As Cynrik dropped down from the sky, he watched in shock as the entire serpent’s length glowed in various shades of color while steadily shrinking down.

By the time Cynrik touched down, he was stunned to see that Jörmungandr had condensed his entire body and shifted into the appearance of an eight-foot-tall, thin, young man with long hair in matching colors to his scales. Covering all of his exposed skin were intricate glowing tattoos that Cynrik was very familiar with, as his hands and wrists were covered in similar markings.

Running along the man’s cheekbones and sparsely decorating his joints were miniature versions of the same scales Cynrik had just been hacking away at.

With this new appearance, Cynrik knew Jörmungandr had easily called his bluff. The World Devouring Serpent was standing feet away, and from the furious glare he was aiming at Cynrik, the creature wanted nothing more than to rip the boy limb from limb.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord,

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