[[Ah fuck, guys…we got Umbridge as our Homeroom teacher…I do believe we are screwed.]] Watching the toad woman in pink give a speech, the realization of how bad a situation they had landed in dawned on Cynrik.

Ignoring the majority of Professor Morningdale’s longwinded and quite frankly dull speech, where she explained her background as a leading researcher for the government, Cynrik tried to take control of the storm of thoughts and questions rapidly congregating in his mind.

[[Her mannerisms are similar, hell, even her speech patterns are almost identical to how you’d expect Umbridge to talk…but it isn’t her.]] Cynrik finally concluded.

[[Let’s just keep an open mind here, Cyn; although doppelgangers may exist, this Professor Morningdale isn’t a fictional character. This is reality, and im sure we will come across all kinds of people who look and act like people from pop culture, so let’s just keep an open mind.]] Brance said as he half-listened to the speech.

[[As much as I want to believe that woman is the dumpy bitch from the novel, I have to agree with Brancie on this one, Cyn.]] Even Selene was following the same mindset as Brance and could only try staying optimistic.

“Lastly, I would like to welcome you all to Basic and Practical Affinity Arts, also known as Year-One Introduction to Affinities. To begin, who can tell me what Mana is?” Wrapping up her monologue, Professor Morningdale shifted gears while examining the students with her frog-like eyes.

Several hands went up in the front row when she asked the question, as a small legion of students were eager to get in their new homeroom teachers’ good graces.

Smiling overbearingly, Morningdale scanned through the raised hands, landing on a young boy wearing bottle-lense glasses and a greasy bowl-cut.

“Mr. York, go ahead.” Professor Morningdale said to the boy.

“Yes, Ma’am, Mana is the building block of all matter. Everything is made of Mana, from the smallest Alpha particle to the largest landmass. These particles will either be neutral or Elementalless in nature or have some form of Elemental awareness, such as how these tables are made with a mixture of Wood Mana and Metal Mana.” The boy, apparently surnamed York, stood up and nudged his large glasses to the brim of his nose.

“To take it further, the denser a Mana Particle is, the larger its effect on the visible world. For example, naturally occurring lakes or bodies of water contain extremely dense Water Particles in a large number. These particles collect and merge together to manifest physical water.” After finishing his answer, York sat back down with a proud look.

“Outstanding, Mr. York; 5 Merit points for your comprehensive answer.” Tapping away on her Watcet, Professor Morningdale smiled warmly at the nerdy boy and sent him over the awarded Merit Points.
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[[WHAT THE FUCK! SO WE CAN GET MERIT POINTS FOR ANSWERING QUESTIONS?]] Once again, nearly jumping from his seat, Cynrik blurted out in the mind link.

[[Cynrik, calm down, you are too antsy, just fucking relax.]] Brance shot his older Brother a glare out of the corner of his eye.

[[Shhh.]] Meanwhile, Selene shushed the boy sitting beside her and pinched his thigh hard enough to leave a mark, which inevitably was what calmed Cynrik down.

“As Mr. York just said, Mana is the building block of all things; with a strong foundation, just about anything is possible so long as you can wrestle control of these particles and tame them to do your bidding. The act of doing so is called Elemental Affinity. Every person and creature born in Vinestra is born with some form of Affinity for a specific Mana particle. Then, as they grow older and stronger, they slowly gain the ability to wrestle control over these specific Mana Particles.”

Professor Morningdale removed a small wand from her sleeve and tapped on the podium twice like a music conductor before raising her wand and swishing it twice with a single flick.

Five orbs appeared simultaneously in response to the movements, each representing a different Element in a different color.

“Now, before you are only five of the Mana elements existing naturally in the world, Reddish-Orange represents Fire. Although it is considered a basic grade element, do not ever ignore its innate destructive nature.”

The small Reddish-orange orb suddenly shot out over the heads of the students towards the 30-foot-high ceiling. It exploded into a massive wall of flames, startling several of the weaker students and causing the members of MyrkLys’s pupils to constrict.

[[Decent control; she was able to move it easily and force it to expand at the last second, manifesting an expansive wall of flames.]] Cynrik critiqued as the only Fire user in the group.

“Fire is versatile in combat and practical use; by condensing the particles further, the temperature will spike, changing its color in response.” As the students’ reactions changed, Professor Morningdale held her wand steady and turned the thin piece of wood like a dial in a clockwise motion, making the flames overhead begin to burn hotter. As a result, the Fire gradually transformed from a reddish-orange to a deep orange, then from a light yellow to gold.

Next, the temperature in the room soared as the flames changed from golden to pure white, and lastly, an icy blue.

Cynrik, who had activated [Mana Sight], felt his jaw drop open as sweat began rolling down his temples, directly responding to how hot the Fire burning several feet above was.

[[Woah…]] Was all he could say. The Mana particles moved in unison, condensing and merging right before his eyes. He watched as these very same particles changed in hue and estimated that the color shift wasn’t the only thing happening. Cynrik quickly determined that along with their color and size, their density was also changing as larger, darker particles absorbed the smaller ones.

[[Brancie are you seeing this shit, she is literally combining the particles into new ones. Just how fucking high is her Fire Affinity.]] Cynrik stated, but what happened next startled him greatly.

“Hem, hem. Everyone already knows that Fire can burn hotter, but the particles undergo a tempering process at a certain point, which leads to further evolution. Once a being’s Affinity reaches this step, where they can effectively cause a forceful development in the Mana, THAT is when something truly magical happens.” Wearing a confident smile with her ego riding high, Professor Morningdale suddenly got serious, snapping her wrist and arm towards the floating fire ceiling.

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Cynrik stood with sparkling eyes as he observed the particles of Mana change into bolts of lightning that began flashing around him as the thunder rumbled through the class, making nearly everyone fall to the ground with their hands covering their heads including the members of MyrkLys.

Unconsciously, he pointed towards the lightning, which was harmlessly zapping around, and snapped his fingers, trying to call it towards him; however, all he could do was slightly change its direction. As Cynrik stood there mesmerized by what he had worked so hard on for years, he blocked out all the sounds and sights of the terrified class and even his Brother’s warnings.

Cynrik’s actions did not go unnoticed by the Professor, who grinned widely as she watched the boy in the back of the room try to wrestle control of the lightning bolts away from her.


[I…I’ve almost got it; I just need a few more seconds to get a feel for how the Mana reacts to my Fire Affinity; I am only a single step away.] Deaf to the pleas of his Brother, Cynrik absent-mindedly spoke his thoughts into the channel dedicated to them.

Hearing the frantic worry in Brance’s voice, Selene fought internally for some way to help, but all she could come up with were dirty and inappropriate options.

Reaching out, she grabbed Cynrik’s hand and forcefully pulled him down to her level. Fortunately, Cynrik was so enamored with the lightning that he gave zero resistance while still snapping away at the hundreds of flashes floating overhead.

“If you come back to me now, I will send you that one video you asked for three nights ago, the one where I am…..” Selene whispered seductively into Cynrik’s ear, her words trailing off into almost incomprehensible words that only he could hear.

This was enough to send a shiver through Cynrik’s whole body; starting from the top of his head, he seemed to blow steam out his ears, followed by a thin trickle of blood from his nose. Next, he straight up collapsed to the floor beside Selene. Then, finally, his head snapped towards her, and under his hood, she could see his pupils had dilated at her word, which gave her a sense of accomplishment.

But it was only fleeting, as Cynrik caught her by the hips, dragged her as close as possible, and leaned over her shoulder, placing his lips right by her ear.

“If you are playing with me right now…you will know what my wrath looks like, wench.” His voice dropped several octaves into what Selene had dubbed “Daddy Dom Cyn,” making her whole body heat up in response.

She felt his fingers slide through her hair up to the roots and give it a firm but controlled tug, nearly forcing her to moan aloud. Thankfully, Cynrik had already predicted this reaction and quickly covered her mouth while pulling back his head with a dominating glare locking onto her eyes.

Luckily, the whole interaction went completely unnoticed by everyone, allowing the two to be in their own world, and only Brance, who was close enough to spot something, breathed a sigh of relief that Selene had somehow gotten Cynrik under control.

Releasing Selene, Cynrik exhaled unhappily and tried his best to stop the blood from rushing to his waist. Now wasn’t the time to get frisky, but the temptation Selene had just handed out was too great, so great in fact that it overrode his need to grasp the Lightning Affinity temporarily.

[[Cynrik the hell man, you, the one who CONSTANTLY bitches about not enjoying being flashy, just stood up and tried controlling the Professor’s Affinity Skill. Even worse, she NOTICED.]] Brance chastised unhappily.

[[Come what may, Brancie, Umbridge ain’t bad, look at how little effort it took to forcefully Evolve her Fire Affinity, a simple flick of the wrist, and BOOM, I have tried for YEARS to do that. Now that I can see the Mana particles and how they adapt to the commands given by the user, it’s like I jumped hundreds of miles ahead of where I was 10 minutes ago. How could I possibly let that go over a bit of exposure?]] Cynrik replied, shoving Selene, who was in the middle of trying to crawl into his lap, away.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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