Headmaster Rivia looked up at the sky and the forming [Swords of Judgement] solemnly.

“The younger brother has great control over his Light Affinity; this is the first time I am seeing someone use it for something other than healing or defense.” Professor Dennis spoke with awe in his voice.

“From time to time, there will be someone who can transcend the limits of their Affinity and, in response, change the world’s view of how those particles can be used. It seems this Björn Ragnarsson will do just that once he reaches the public stage.” Instructor Garrison crossed his arms over his chest and examined the intricately designed 10-meter greatswords as they emerged from the portals of Light.

“He isn’t the only one; Ivar also shows the versatility of his control over Dark Mana particles. From the beginning of the fight, he has expertly used the corrosive nature of his Affinity to keep his brother constantly working. In an otherwise unfavorable scenario, he uses his speed and strategic prowess to counter his brother instead of hiding in the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to attack.” Headmaster Rivia continued explaining what he saw to the other two staff members.

“The way he strings together combinations using all three of his Affinities to compliment his weapon or hand to hand combat skills is a testament to just how experienced in combat and knowledgeable of his own abilities he is. I have no idea who the hell trained them, but both of these brothers have the aura of War Veterans who spent their entire lives fighting, which is absurd considering they are only 12 and 11 years old.”

Professor Dennis mulled over the Headmaster’s words as he watched these powerful swords emerge from the portals. Finally, his eyes moved to Cynrik, who was standing with his right leg back, left leg bent, and leaning forward with his fingers connected on both hands, making them into blades.

Cynrik was panting heavily, and his clothes were a bit dirty with the buttons of his blazer undone, yet Professor Dennis couldn’t help but notice how the boy seemed undamaged, aside from a few scratches here or there.

In contrast, Brance was in a worse shape before he hid in the dust cloud; his blazer had been torn bad enough that the boy removed it and stored it away, fighting in only his button-up long sleeve white shirt with the collar unbuttoned and the shirttail untucked.

That wasn’t all; the longer he watched the battle between the brothers, the more pressure he felt to Evolve to Tier-3. For a few years now, he had been stuck at the Peak of Tier-2 and thus forced to be a Year One Teacher, but as he watched his two new students fight, the image of himself fighting against either one overlapped, and he knew, if it came down to him and them, he would stand no chance.

Headmaster Rivia noticed Professor Dennis lost in thought and smiled. He had a feeling that Dennis was trying to figure out if he could stop the attack in the sky.

Back on the battlefield, Cynrik inhaled deeply while charging Mana into the compressed Cyclones. Then, staring up at the overly impressive swords made by his rival Affinity in the sky, Cynrik smiled slightly. He knew that there was really only one way to pull this off, and all he could do was hope his arms weren’t too fucked up afterward.

‘Tobs, You say run, the Habetler cover, but I want you to slowly fade it in and play the chorus in a loop.’ Cynrik thought the command out, and Tobs complied without hesitation.

-Now playing MHA- You Say Run| Epic Plus Ultra Cover!!” By Friedrich Habetler-
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“Hey… Björn, I gotta say, you’re a bit crazy for trying this stunt in the middle of the arena. You know damn well I can only respond with equal force.” Bringing his neck to his side and releasing the tension in a pop, Cynrik gritted his teeth as he felt Dark and Wind Mana wraps around both of his arms from elbow to tips.



The dirt around Cynrik’s feet began to swirl and churn as if his body was emitting tiny shockwaves.

As if waiting for his older brother’s signal, Brance unleased a Wind Mana burst to dissipate the cloud of dust and stood with his arms in the air using an invisible tether to keep the fully emerged [Swords of Judgement] in place.

“GOOOO BEEEYOOOOONNNNNDDDDD!” The veins on Cynrik’s arms, shoulders, and neck bulged as he triggered his Húðflúr, lighting up all the intricate markings on his skin in a warm glow.

[[ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE CYNRIK, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!]] Panic spread across Brance’s face when he saw his brother’s set up; with [Mana Sight] active, he could see his brother’s tattoos hidden under his sleeves and felt his heart begin to race.

Allowing his Mana to explode forth from his Codex, the Ambient Light, Earth, and Wind particles churned violently and visibly around Brance. Initially, he had only planned to send the swords in one at a time, allowing Cynrik to fight them off, but seeing how his brother was going for broke, Brance knew he had to meet him halfway.

[[WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, BRANCIE? WITHOUT MY SWORDS, I’VE GOT NO OTHER COUNTER. YOU CAN DAMN WELL BELIEVE I AINT GIVING YOU THE W THAT EASILY HAHAHAHAHA, LET’S DO THIS SHIT!]] Cynrik cackled madly as he threw caution to the wind and allowed the [BlackFire Cyclones] to dance around his hands, intimidatingly.

Beside the bleachers, Gabby, Benny and Selene stepped forward in concern, their faces pale.

“Ivar..” Selene said with tears forming in her eyes as she watched the skin on his hands slowly burn.

“Björn…” Gabby gripped Selene’s hand so tightly that she could hear her bones popping, ignoring the pain and seeking comfort in Selene’s presence; Gabby choked back the tears threatening to spill over.

“Crazy idiots, don’t they realize this is only a test?” Benny chewed on his bottom lip but couldn’t look away as all three of Cynrik’s Affinity’s caused the Ambient, Dark, Fire, and Wind Mana particles to swirl around his body.

“What the fuck? Why in the hell is there such a reaction from the surrounding Mana?” Then, Instructor Garrison exclaimed, dropping his arms and readying himself to protect the nearby students.

“Sigh, these two trouble makers. Can’t they just have a typical battle? Why do they feel the need to go so far?” Clicking his tongue and willing his own Mana to move from his Codex into his right palm, Headmaster Rivia raised his arm and waited. If things got out of hand, there was no way the two Instructors or the Professor could stop the aftermath and keep everyone safe.

Cynrik and Brance were in their own world, ignoring the bleachers’ cries; they focused on the music and their attacks.

“RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Unable to contain himself and shut the pain receptors in his arms off, Cynrik leaned into his left leg and stomped the ground as hard as he could muster, jumping into the air, leaving an impact crater behind and an afterimage of three colored Light.
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“PLUSSSSSS!” Gritting his teeth till he tasted blood, Cynrik flew up to greet the fully formed [Swords of Judgement] with thin bolts of lightning crackling around his body.

“GRAHHHHHHHHHHH.” Brance slammed his hands down, each of his fingers tethered to three massive Light constructed swords, sending them all at Cynrik.

“ULLTTTRAAAAAA!” Cynrik flung his arms out and released the 10 [BlackFire Cyclones]; the instant they left his fingertips, he felt the skin on his arms explode in a bloody mess. Ignoring the pain, he quickly channeled what little MP he could into his feet and switched to [Continual Flames], propelling him away from what was sure to be a spectacular firework.

Feeling his arms go numb, Cynrik turned his back to the incoming explosion; he had sent his attack on a perfect trajectory, so there was no need to watch as he tucked in, flipped, and landed on the ground just as the explosion was supposed to occur.

However, to both his and Brance’s surprise, they suddenly felt their connection to the skills get severed, and they looked up at the predicted point of impact only to see a sizeable aqua-colored crack sucking in all the swords and cyclones.

“I think that is enough, you two. Is it really necessary to damage my arena thanks to your hard-headed ignorance?”

Whipping both their heads to the center of the battlefield, Cynrik and Brance spotted the Headmaster standing imposingly with his right hand glowing in the same Aqua light as the crack in the air.

“This fight ends in a draw,” Instructor Alistar appeared next to Cynrik in an instant.

“There is no official winner,” while Instructor Garrison made his presence known beside Brance.

“If I hadn’t stepped in, the remainder of the fight would have been short. The clash between Dark and Light particles would have canceled each other out, resulting in a large explosion.” The Headmaster began narrating for the students, who could barely breathe.

“With the cancelation of the Dark Mana, Ivar Ragnarsson’s Cyclones, having lost their fusion partner, would have increased in temperature drastically thanks to the Wind Mana, allowing it to break through whatever Light Contracts remained after the initial impact.”

“With Ivar’s arms being in the state they currently are, he would have his combat potential dropped by at least 60 percent. Meanwhile, Björn, having expended nearly all his MP, and feeling the toll taken on his body by controlling Constructs without proper training, will be facing some adverse effects, also restricting his combat potential to around 40%.”

“Still evenly matched, I believe the two of you would have continued until you were rendered unable to fight any longer.” The Headmaster’s conclusions lined up reasonably well with what Cynrik had predicted.

“But in doing so, you would have caused substantial damage to the arena and forced the Instructors and your Professor to step in and protect the other students. So how bout we just call it a draw, and I allow you two to NOT get expelled.” Then, rolling his eyes and shooting a glance at Cynrik’s mutilated arms, which he had hanging in front of his body, Headmaster Rivia stated for everyone to hear.

[[He’s good…very good, what element was that Cyn?]] Panting heavily and standing on wobbly legs, Brance asked while looking away from the Headmaster up to where the crack in the sky was closing.

[[Space, the Headmaster has the Space Affinity.]] Cynrik replied, pulling his eyes away from the now-closed spatial crack and looking at his arms, which he was holding out away from his body, bent at the elbows with his forearms parallel to the ground. Cynrik’s hands hung limply, and he had already realized that all the nerve endings had been fried by his wreckless attack.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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