Buzz buzzz buzzzz

As Brance watched Benny struggle to talk to the sleepy girl on the other end of the line, his Watcet began vibrating with notifications from Gabby, saying that she had woken up Selene and was getting ready to head over in a couple of minutes. Replying with, “Okay, See you Soon,” Brance got up from the couch and headed out the front door to wait for the girls’ arrival, leaving Benny alone.

Once outside, Brance closed his eyes and took a slow breath. While he was trying to focus his thoughts, Cynrik popped into his head.

[Hey, it looks like I’ll be here a while. Is everything good on your end?] At first, Cynrik had been going through the gathered information on the spies and assisting the Headmaster to try digging up any suspicious people. But soon, the conversation moved back to how he would get everyone to Tier-3 within six weeks.

[Gabby and Selene are awake and heading over, and Benny is on the phone with Melody, hopefully inviting her to join us, thanks to my efforts. How’s the meeting going?] Turning his head and facing the rough direction of the Headmaster’s office, even though it was several kilometers away, Brance calmly updated his older brother.

[Well, apparently, I’m a bit more fucked up than we thought; hehe, I got a bunch of fancy diagnoses almost mirroring what I had back on Earth, with the addition of an annoying one that I disagree with. Like, HOW THE HELL AM I A NARCISSIST?] Back in the Headmaster’s office, Cynrik’s eye was twitching as he got peeved by the NPD diagnosis.

[What do you mean how…Cyn, you are like the poster child for Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder; why even argue that fact?] Brance couldn’t help but shake his head as Cynrik continued complaining about what the Doctor had told him.

[Pack that away Cyn, did you get the clearance?] Knowing that Cynrik would keep talking all day about this NPD, Brance put a halt to it and pulled Cynrik’s focus.

[Yeah, a few strings were attached, but they aren’t too big of a hindrance. Therapy has been reduced to every other week, but I have to be “Open” and show that I’m there to get help. But I digress; the big thing is that my Curfew has been lifted, the discounts are back, and my wages aren’t being cut anymore. (Grumble grumble grumble).]

Brance raised an eyebrow when Cynrik finished his statement but soon narrowed his eyes in suspicion. The last few things Cynrik had said strangely came through the mind link as an inaudible grumble.

[Try that again, Cyn? What did you leave out?]

[FUCK, FINE! Geralt is dead set on monitoring us with weekly health checkups and complete stat profile updates. We must also complete an assessment at the halfway mark between now and the Tournament, plus another one, two days before it begins. (grumble…not going to the doctor grumble)]
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[ARE YOU KIDDING ME, CYNRIK? HOW CAN YOU STILL BE AFRAID OF GOING TO THE DOCTOR AT YOUR AGE?] Feeling the urge to laugh and cry at the same time, Brance nearly fell over as he realized the reason why Cynrik seemed to be in a bad mood.

[Lisssten, it’s not that I’m scared of going, okay; I just don’t find it necessary. Also, FUCK YOU, BRANCIE!]

[Grow up, Cyn; that aside, I assume you are negotiating for additional resources and time in the Egresses. I don’t know how we will work around needing to go to classes…] Brance’s voice trailed off as he waited for Cynrik to cut in.

[We only have to attend one class a day; that is part of what I got us in the meeting so far. So long as we get in a single 3-hour class, we are good with academic credits, and the rest of the time can be devoted to training.] Cynrik said as he held up a piece of paper with the Academy Egresses listed on it.

[That’s fine, I will have the others sit down and figure out what classes they want to keep for the duration of our training. One thing is for sure; we can scrap combative; it is already pretty unnecessary for us to be there in the first place. I recommend putting world history and engineering on hold as well, Cyn.] Brance said while crossing his arms and putting some thought into it.

[ We should keep the things that will help us in our training, like Affinities, Skill Theory, and Egress Creatures, but the last two are up for debate based on what everyone feels they lack.] Placing a check box next to the Egresses he wanted to dive into, Cynrik handed back the paper to Geralt, who scanned it over silently before rejecting a couple of the higher-level ones and signing off.

[Geralt just signed off on unlimited time for the one Green Alpha, four Blue Alphas, and one Orange Alpha. I kind of hoped he would allow us to jump into more Orange, but whatever, I don’t have any complaints.]

[Why did you even bother with putting Green’s down? Aren’t they just a waste of time for us at our level? The most powerful thing in a Green is Tier-1, Blue is Tier-1’s and Tier-2, and Orange is 2-3. I figured you want to do all Orange.] Tilting his head to the side, Brance asked.

[Well, VSFA only has four Orange Alphas under their control to begin with, and they are heavily restricted. Let alone the singular Purple that is meant only for Professors and Instructors, and Orange is basically the “peak” students are allowed to jump into until 5/6th year. Although we could probably handle multiple Oranges, Geralt probably doesn’t think we can since; technically, we are only at Early Tier-2. So it makes sense that he has allowed us access to more Blue Alphas.] Cynrik explained while scrolling through a list of available resources and missions for each of the allotted Egresses.

[I mean…I guess it’s okay; what about the Obelisks? How are we looking on that front?] Looking off in the distance, Brance spotted a cheerful Gabby dragging along a sleepy-looking Selene as they entered the Core Area.

[He reduced the entry cost to 5 Merit points per person per floor up to floor 20, where it increases to 10 points, so we should be able to storm through for a while until we reach the higher floors.]

Before Cynrik could continue explaining further, Brance cut him off.

[Gabby and Selene are here; I have to start warm-ups, so hold that thought, give me a couple of minutes.]

“Good morning ladies,” Smiling and receiving Gabby, who flung herself into the air in a giant koala hug, Brance chuckled, and Selene groaned loudly.

“It’s too early for the gross puppy love stuff, roomie; cmon cut it out.” Brushing past Gabby and Brance, who were saying their good mornings, Selene stormed through the front door and found Benny sprawled out on the couch with his arm across his forehead as if the world was collapsing around him.

Frowning in confusion, Selene ignored the boy and went to get some coffee from the kitchen, something that, in her mind, seemed unlimited as no matter what time of day she came over, there was always a recently brewed pot on the counter.
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By the time she returned, Brance and Gabby were staring at Benny, who hadn’t moved, worried about what was going on with him.

“Uh…Brancie?” Gabby asked, her arm looped around his.

“What’s wrong, Benny boy? Did Melly turn you down? It’s okay; these things happen sometimes. I am sure she will be able to make it next time.” Stepping up and patting the mourning boy’s shoulder, Brance tried consoling him, but when Benny batted away his arm, Brance’s face turned strange.

“No, no…you don’t get it…sh…she said sure and is heading over now. BRANCIE, WHAT DO I DO! I am not like you or Cynrik, who have experience with girls; I’m FREAKING THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW. I barely held it together on our, our, our dddddate the other day, and now….” Jumping up and pacing around the room, Benny spoke so franticly that Brance and Gabby’s jaws dropped open, and Selene nearly dropped her coffee cup.

“PPFFFTT HAHAHAHA!” Selene was the first to break the silence, as she was so caught off guard by how the usually reserved and quiet Benny was a studdering mess pacing around the room.

“Holy shit… ima die, hahaha, Benny, come on, buddy, it’s not that big a deal, so your little girlfriend is joining us for morning workouts. Think of it this way; she will probably be wearing workout clothes like ours, which should be a good feast for your eyes. Unlike you boys, who always wear joggers and loose sleeveless shirts, we girls have to hold certain…things in place, so it’s always a sports bra and leggings.” Wearing a devilish grin and swaying back and forth like a succubus, Selene tried giving Benny some courage.

[[SELENE! DON’T YOU DARE TURN OUR BENNY INTO A LECHEROUS FIEND LIKE YOU AND CYNRIK!]] Snapping his head towards the girl with tears streaming down her cheeks from laughing so hard, Brance yelled in the party chat. However, his eyes subtly glanced at the attire Gabby and Selene were wearing, which was just as described.

Gabby was wearing her trademark Amethyst, and Selene had on midnight black with deep red accents. Unlike Selene, who was overly curvy and thin with a large chest, a perfect example of a sexy succubus, Gabby was more girl next door, which Brance much preferred.

Feeling Brance’s eyes scan over her body, Gabby blushed slightly but didn’t scold him.

On the other hand, Benny was frozen in his tracks, with Selene’s words echoing in his mind.

“Sssssppports bra… BRANCIE, I CAN’T DO THIS! How am I supposed to focus on working out when she will be here wearing ttttthat.” To add cadence to his words, Benny pointed at Selene, who popped out her hip to the side and cocked an eyebrow curiously.

[[OI, what the fuck is going on over there?]] Cynrik, who was utterly in the dark after hearing Brance yelling at his woman, confusedly asked.

[[Nottthinngg darllling~ Benny’s little Melly is coming for morning workouts, and I just so happened to try cheering him up by telling him that he shouldn’t be panicking because he will get to see her in a sports bra and leggings.]] Not giving Brance time to state his case, Selene jumped in and filled Cynrik in.

[[HAHAHAHA, oh shit, I’m sure his face is a sight to see. OI Sel, is he pacing around the living room and studdering?]] Cynrik teasingly asked.

[[Hehe, he sure is. Oh, wait, Brancie is shoving him out the front door to wait for her. OH, NO, BRANCIE, STOP! AHHHHH, DARLING HALLLLP]]

Hearing Selene’s screams, Cynrik’s face went expressionless, as he could already assume his little brother was chasing his woman around the house and spitting some kind of threats. Shaking his head, he put these thoughts to rest and continued negotiating with Headmaster Rivia, as he had been for the last hour.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord,

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