Gabby’s angry howls shut up everyone in the room as all the members of MyrkLys, except for Cynrik, stared at her slack-jawed and unable to respond. For several agonizingly long minutes, the only sound in the room was the aggressive pants of Gabby, who glared daggers at Cynrik.

Cynrik, the target of the girl’s aggression, puckered his bottom lip against his top and looked between Gabby and Brance with creased eyebrows before finally breaking the silence.

“Gabby just said two bad words. FUCK” Being the first to break the silence, Cynrik threw out a sarcastic remark only to be charged by the pissed-off and teary-eyed Gabby.

“THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF,” Gabby screamed, throwing an open palm strike at Cynrik’s chest. Her attack was fast, but Cynrik was faster, making a scooping motion with his left arm; he arched his hand under her wrist and deflected it easily.

“Hey now, rabbit, don’t be so mad; it was a joke!” Chuckling as he took several steps back, deflecting each of her attacks, Cynrik threw another sarcastic comment, infuriating her even more.

“SHUT UP DICKHEAD, AND LET ME HIT YOU!” Mad at herself for not being able to hit Cynrik, no matter how hard she tried, Gabby’s arms became a blur as she picked up the pace, mixing in elbow strikes, knees, and punches, all of which were either defended against or deflected by the older boy.

Brance watched from the sidelines, unsure if he should step in and stop the fight. For him, who had spent two lifetimes dealing with his brother’s casual bullshit and sarcasm, it didn’t seem like he had crossed any lines, but clearly, Gabby thought otherwise. The story of Hammy the hamster was a tale from so many years back that he had forgotten about it happening until a couple of minutes ago.

Looking over his shoulder at Benny and Selene, who had come up behind him to watch the fight, he debated internally if he should say something to the boy since Gabby was his sister. But when he met Benny’s eyes and saw him shake his head as if saying ‘not worth it,’ Brance gave up and turned to watch Gabby continuously fail to land even a single attack on Cynrik.

“Why the hell are you harboring such ill intent from something that happened ages ago Gabby? You know you can’t beat me, so just give it up.” As he spoke, Cynrik went on the offensive, ducking under a right hook, and swept out Gabby’s legs, causing her to fall onto her back.

“If you are going to attack me, you better be ready to get your ass kicked, because girl or not, I never hold back,” Clutching the air with his left hand and thrusting it forward, Cynrik activated [Shadow Sewing,] pinning down Gabby’s arms and legs so that she couldn’t move.

“You seem to forget that it was ME who taught you how to fight, and although you have come a long way from those backyard boot camps, you are still a hundred years too early to beat me,” Cynrik said with a malicious glint flashing through his eyes.

“Hey, hey, how bout we all just calm down and talk this out.” The instant Selene saw the hidden malice in the eyes of her beloved, she couldn’t stand back and just watch anymore.

“Hm? Woman, I am perfectly calm,” cocking an eyebrow and tilting his head to the right, Cynrik replied, but this was just the distraction Gabby needed. Twitching the fingers on her right hand in a manner that escaped everyone’s eyes, Gabby activated her [Floating Disk], making it as thin as a sword and placing it right behind the back of Cynrik’s knees.

Next, she extended all 10 of her fingers. She clutched at the air, executing her newly created and only custom skill, [Psychic Threads], and fired off over a hundred razor-thin silk-like threads, wrapping some around each shadow tendril and positioning the rest in a way that could easily trip Cynrik.

“Anyway, give it up Gabby, hm? Well, now, this is surprising. When did you come up with this little toy skill?” Looking from left to right, Cynrik noticed the sparkling light reflecting off the myriad of threats surrounding his legs.

“It’s pretty impressive; I’ll give you that. Unfortunately for you, the only problem is that it will be ineffective if I can see WOAH!” Cutting off his sentence mid-way, Cynrik’s body shook unsteadily, and it took him some effort to stay standing.

“HAHAHA, NICE ONE, THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!” Cynrik blurted out as he looked down at the thin trickles of blood dripping down his exposed forearms. Although he had noticed the threads of pure Psychic Mana, he had found them too late, giving Gabby enough time to spring her trap and wrap him from the neck down in lines, like a cocoon.

“You know, Big Bro, for the longest time, I’ve been meaning to ask,” tapping at the air like pressing piano keys, Gabby wrapped her fingers around the threats connected to the shadow tendrils and balled her hand into a fist, severing her bindings and stood up.

“Why do you always talk so damn much when fighting? Don’t you realize it makes you seem like one of those two-bit antagonists you always make fun of in your stories?” Smiling in triumph, Gabby calmly walked over to Cynrik and poked him in the forehead with enough force to make him fall backward helplessly.

“PPFFFFTT HAHAHAHAHHAHA BIG BROTHER YOU JUST GOT OWNED AHHH HAHAHAHAH!” Unable to contain his laughter, Brance cracked first.


“Hehe…sorry, Big Bro, it’s too funny; you look like a worm right now.” And finally, Benny got his shot in too.

“As you always say, Big Bro Cyn, this is checkmate.” Smiling widely and making everyone realize she hadn’t actually been that mad to begin with and only wanted to prank Cynrik after hearing Brance talk about executing a master plan, Gabby landed the final blow to Cynrik’s already bruised ego.
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“Grr, while you all are fucking around in the mud, playing checkers, I am out here playing eight-dimensional chess.”


Hundreds of golfball-sized micro-black fireballs manifested in less than a second, dozens circling Gabby as if she was the center of the universe. At the same time, several moved to incinerate the threads wrapping Cynrik’s body.

“You honestly think that I would so easily fall for….”


Before the rest of Cynrik’s words could leave his mouth, a bucket filled with water landed on his head, drenching him from top to bottom, making everyone laugh again.

“As I said, Big Bro Cyn, you talk too much.” Gabby snickered and relinquished control of the unburned threads.

“Blah, blah, everybody gets one, don’t count on it happening again.” Clicking his tongue and massaging the rapidly healing cuts on his arms, Cynrik stood back up and glared at Gabby. On the outside, he was still the same broody Cynrik, but on the inside, he was quite pleased with how she had pulled off not once but twice, tricking him into a compromised position.

“Anyway, Selene, send over your stats, and Benny, write down your new skills for me to go over. That is enough fun for today; everyone needs to stop what they are doing and work on picking their Sub-Classes.

Putting on his leader voice and issuing commands to Selene and Benny, Cynrik made a crushing motion with his left hand and released control over all the silently floating fireballs before turning and heading to the living room.

[[Aww, you didn’t even greet me, I am mortally wounded by how cold you are being, Darllling~!]] Instead of instantly sending over her stats as told, Selene first took to the mind-link to tease Cynrik.

[[Stats, skills, now, or no affection for two weeks.]] That was all Cynrik said, much to the dismay of Selene, who sat down in the middle of the training room to pout, then realizing she couldn’t waste any more time, or her Cynrik-Cuddle moments would be cut off, Selene hurried to send over her updated status profile, excluding the skills.

: Status :

: Selene Nilsson :

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Lost Soul, Svinfylking, Reforged Body :

: Demi-Human Female (90% Human, 10% Æsir):

: Age-17:

: Tier-2 :

: Primary Class – Tier-2 Valk-Vanguard : (+0.2 STR 0.2 DEX, 0.2 VIT)

:Former: Tier-1 Valk-Warrior : (+2 To DEX,STR Distribution)

: Sub-Class – (Empty) :

: Level: 0/35 0/252,616 :

: Essence Pool(XP): 86,400 :

: P-Class (Valk-Vanguard): 0 – XP :

: S-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: Distribution: 2 Per DEX, AGI, INT : (STR 4.2, DEX 4.2, VIT 0.2)

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-2.5 :

: Stage 3 :
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: Body – Tier-3, 6g Resistance :

: Credits: 23,000,000 :


: shoppingmodeHP 8800/8800 :

: Mana 6630/6630 :

: Stamina 4400/4400 :

: Stat Points- 40 :

: Skill Points- 515 :

: Strength- 480 : (+10)

: Dexterity- 515 : (+45)

: Agility- 535 : (+65)

: Intelligence- 592 : (+122)

: Vitality- 490 : (+20)

: Mind- 480 : (+10)

: Will Power- 50 :

: Killing Intent- 200 – 4.0 G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-2 (Expert): :Expand:

Under the watchful eye of Cynrik, Selene had undergone DRASTIC changes over the last three months. Her stats had a complete overhaul, from Capping her Prestige Level and getting the Reforged Body title to Evolving from Tier-1 into Tier-2. It didn’t end there either. Since Selene was also a Dark Affinity User, Cynrik had made a copy of [Requiem at Dusk] and taught her how to use it, so she saw exponential growth in her Dark Affinity, breaking into the Expert stage, as well as her INT soaring up like his.

Glancing over her resource stats (**HP, MP, and STAM will be called Resource stats from now on.**) Cynrik sighed in his mind, just like how he and Brance were destined to fall behind the Sanfords at some point, Selene was too. However, that was when another thought popped into his head.

[[Brancie…I just realized something.]Cynrik chirped into the mind link as he leaned back on his favorite recliner.

[[Hm? What is it this time?]] Brance, who was helping Gabby stretch by pushing down on her back so she could press her forehead against her knees, looked towards the wall leading to the living room.

[[I have come to realize that we are both fucking stupid.]]

[[Ooookay, care to elaborate?]] Scrunching up his face in confusion, Brance wanted to know where Cynrik was going with this train of thought.

[[We overlooked something when it comes to how Gabby and Benny are passing us in resource stats.]] Tapping his finger on his chin in thought, Cynrik didn’t allow Brance to respond and continued speaking.

[[Sure, Gabby and Benny can pass us for now, but there is a limit to how far they can go, we both are ignoring the fact that their stat cap is only 1200 while you, Selene, and I have 1750.]]

Cynrik waited for Brance to reply for several seconds, but at first, there was only the quiet sound of his thoughts until…

[MOTHER FUCKER, WE BOTH REALLY ARE STUPID!] Brance shouted, causing Selene, who was hitting a heavy bag across the room, to flinch heavily.

[[Yep…]]Cynrik solemnly said as he facepalmed at Brance’s overreaction.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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