“So, what do you want to do?” Seeing how serious Cynrik was acting, Selene could tell how bad the situation was in his eyes.

She was right there the day Cynrik set about destroying every microphone and camera hidden inside the Dorm, all for the sake of privacy, before going into the girl’s Dorm and doing the same thing.

Next, he and Brance rigged both dorms with an advanced security protocol devised by Cynrik, who had technically hacked into the Dorm AI and wrote some new coding giving him remote access to the system from his Watcet.

Last was the installation of what he called Last Resort Failsafes, which consisted of several strange devices of his creation that Selene could only assume were counter-offensive traps and weapons. Yet now, the one place he considered a sanctum was compromised.

Cynrik didn’t answer for a moment and instead pulled up the program on his Watcet he created, allowing him to get into the heat sensors for each room, it took some time, but by replaying the 24-hour recording, he got his answer.

“There you are,” Cynrik murmured as he rewound the footage to about 30 minutes prior to him entering his room with Selene. The thermal imagery showed a small six-legged rat-like creature no bigger than a water bottle hiding behind one of the end tables between the living room and the training room.

“You found it?” Selene questioned as she hopped off the bed and stood beside Cynrik; her eyes widened slightly as she watched Cynrik playback the video in reverse, backtracking the path this creature entered. To her surprise, the creature had been there for hours, and the further back the video went, the harder it was to find in the footage.

The two then watched as Cynrik fast-forwarded to the last time he saw it in person, but when he tried keeping up with the creature, who had been spooked after noticing Cynrik looking in its direction, the creature vanished entirely off the sensors.

“It’s close to tier-3, around Peak Tier-2, and it moves almost too quick for the sensors to pick up; that is how you guys missed this little shit entering the Dorm when yall brought Melody in. It saw and heard everything. TSK.” Clicking his tongue and gripping the bones of his hand just below his right pinky, Cynrik squeezed and tried to focus on the phantom pain from his previous life.

He had developed this tick in his early 20s back on Earth after breaking all the bones on half of his right hand and not getting it fixed by a doctor. Instead, he had set the bones himself and lived for years with the phantom pain. Over time, whenever he was overly stressed or was in the midst of a severe anxiety attack, he would subconsciously massage the spot with so much force it would cause his bones to creak.

“I knew I should have set up some surveillance protocols to monitor outside the dorms. Fucking stupid, now all we know is that it was here and how it got in. You guys were so focused on Melody that the little rat slipped in unnoticed. I can’t even pin the blame on you four either, since the damn thing seems to have some kind of Stealth skills, and without constantly using [Mana Sight], I would have missed it too.”

“Hey…why did you have your eyes on during the briefing.” Tilting her head to the side and rubbing Cynrik’s tense shoulders to calm him down, Selene asked curiously.

“My shoddy [Danger Sense] triggered right as I sat everyone down the second time to go over sub-classes. It was like touching static electricity, and my whole body tensed up. Realizing what was happening, I went on high alert and started speaking more vaguely. That’s why I gave you guys the slips instead of talking about the formula aloud.”

“So wait, does that,” Before Selene could finish her statement, Cynrik covered her mouth with his hand. Confused for a moment, she quickly noticed that Cynrik’s iris seemed to be rippling with Red, Black, and Green shimmer, a sign that he had [Mana Sight] active, so she turned her head slowly and followed his line of sight. Under the door was the shadow of three sets of little feet.

The creature was right outside Cynrik’s bedroom door, trying to eavesdrop. Luckily he had been smart enough to run the shower, and both he and Selene were talking in hushed whispers, but after seeing how elusive this thing was, Cynrik decided to start using the mind-link instead.
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[Brance, bail, get your asses back here now, we’ve been compromised, and there is a group of spies somewhere nearby. They have a tamer, and we have been under surveillance the whole day. I don’t have the time to explain, but I need you to contact Geralt and hurry back, monitor our situation through the party mind-link.]

[Copy, en route. Are we coming in hot or going Recon?] Without questioning for the entire situation, a sign of pure faith in his brother, Brance dashed forward, caught Gabby by the shoulders, and whispered in her ear.

“Shit’s going down back at the dorm; Big brother says we are compromised; get ready for battle.”

Gabby, who was startled at first, quickly recovered her wits and wore a serious expression before taking off in a full sprint alongside Brance. Unfortunately, they were currently a kilometer and a half away, so it would take a couple of minutes to arrive.

[Recon, for now, Brance, once you get close, go stealth and try finding any nearby enemies, if they are within your acceptable parameters, eliminate the target.] Cynrik replied while motioning to Selene with his eyes to go to bed.

[[Make a scene Selene, get creative so that our little rat thinks we are preoccupied.]] Hunching forward slightly, Cynrik quickly pulled out a black zip-up hoodie from his inventory and put it on before equipping his Assassins tools, the only weapon he hadn’t sent to Jessup for upgrades.


But when Selene started her little act, Cynrik froze in place and snapped his head towards the girl sprawled out on his bed, thrashing around.

[[WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WOMAN! I SAID, MAKE A SCENE, NOT ACT OUT A FUCKING PORNO!]] Cynrik howled angrily at Selene, who only replied by getting more into her role with a vast sadistic smile plastered across her face.


[[Teehee, what’s wrong Darrrrlinnng~ am I getting you all hot and bothered.]] Selene teased while licking her lips and moaning louder as she rocked the bed back and forth.

Shaking his head, Cynrik activated [Shadow Leap] and disappeared into the Shadow Realm.

Meanwhile, In Benny’s Room, the innocent Melody and Benny were both staring at the floor with bright red faces. The instant Selene started moaning and screaming, the two were dumbfounded and at a loss for what to do.


Every syllable she yelled caused a physical reaction from the two innocent love birds, who cringed each time.

“Are…are Ivar and Selene always like this?” Melody whispered.

“Nnnno, I don’t know what has gotten into them. Usually, Ivar keeps her at arm’s length and only fools around every now and then…this is new.


Benny’s train of thought was interrupted by a text message from Brance. All the text said was (Code Red, play it cool, turn on the TV and act busy.). Upon reading it, Benny’s entire demeanor shifted into hyper-alertness.
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Realization dawned on him that Selene was acting and being loud for a reason; it all made sense now, but since he had no further information and could only follow suit. Leaning over to the bedside table and grabbing the Holo-Tv remote, he quickly turned on the tv and tried to drown out Selene’s erotic noises.

“Benny?” Melody questioned.

“At least this way, we can drown out their annoying yells. Let’s try and find a movie, I know it’s kinda lame, but we can think of this as almost a stay-at-home date.” Shaking his head and trying to signal to Melody that something was happening, Benny said sheepishly.

Unfortunately, Melody was confused by what he was trying to convey and scooted up against the bed’s headboard while nodding that it was fine.

The way Melody was oblivious to what he was trying to say frustrated Benny to no end. However, since he hadn’t had time to teach her all the signals the Brothers had instilled in him and the fact she was still feeling unwell, Benny chose not to get her involved in whatever was going on, so he relented and began searching for a movie.

Across the campus, Brance and Gabby were in a full-on sprint, pushing their limits to race towards the Cavern of Dorms; all the while, Brance was continuously calling the Headmaster unsuccessfully.

Finally, after six unanswered calls, the line connected, and the hologram of Headmaster Rivia lit up on Brance’s Watcet.

“Headmaster, I don’t have time to explain everything, but our Dorm has been compromised; my brother has reason to believe there is a group of Tier-2 or Higher Spies who have infiltrated our home.” Quickly and as detailed as possible, Brance filled in Headmaster Rivia, whose face went solemn.

“Where are you? I’m coming to your location.”

“We are currently passing First Year Restaurant Street and approaching the entrance to the Cavern of Dorms,” Brance replied, but instead of getting an ok from Geralt, the call went dead.

Half a second later, a spatial crack opened thirty meters ahead of Brance and Gabby, and the Headmaster stepped out with a sword on his back, with his right arm outstretched as if he wanted to give him a high five.

Brance, understanding what the man wanted, grabbed Gabby by the wrist and pushed his legs as hard as possible; reaching out with his right hand, he gripped Headmaster Rivia’s forearm, and the three vanished into thin air.

Back at the Dorm, in the Shadow Realm, Cynrik locked onto the creature standing outside his door in the sky above and scrutinized it with [Inspect]. A Skill he hadn’t used in some time.

-Level 33 Tier-2 Six-Legged Void Mouse–

-Height: 0′ 8″.-

-Weight: 1 lb.-

-Category: Arthropod.-

-Threat Level = Danger; just because it looks stampable doesn’t mean it is.-

-Description: A creature contracted to another Being with the Tamer Class. In the wild, the Void Mouse is omnivorous and will sneak into the den of larger predators to steal food and resources. This creature is nocturnal and has a dual Affinity Space and Dark; as such, they make good scouting partners and can vanish seemingly into thin air. Don’t be fooled by their cute appearance, though, because these creatures have a Tier-3 bloodline and can pack a punch when push comes to shove.-

“Mother fucker, what the hell, what kind of broken ass bullshit Edgelord Pikamouse is this. The fucker has SPACE AND DARK AFFINITIES; how the shit am I supposed to capture it?” Cynrik cursed out loud after reading its description.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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