– Your party member Cynrik Jetlensr has killed a level 26 Tier-3 Human Tamer.-

-Your party Leader has killed a being more than ten times all of the party’s individual primary levels and a Full Tier above the party standard; rewards will be multiplied by the Maximum Multiplier a sextuple.-

-You have received 3,120,000 XP.-

-You have received 24 AGI

-You have received 24 VIT.-

-You have received 24 MIND.-

-You have obtained 6 KIN points-

-Your party Leader has received six dual Affinity Tier-2 Codexes (Wind/Sound).-

When the members of MyrkLys got the notifications, they all fell into a daze, including Cynrik, who, if not for being on autopilot as he ran, would have faceplanted in the dirt running at full speed.

[[What…in the actual fuck!]] Selene exclaimed within the mind-link.

[[No time for that; get ready to move woman.]] Cynrik scolded; he had only lost focus for a split second but was already beating himself up about it. To receive a total of 3.1 million XP from a single kill, on top of 24 points in three stats, was enough to make his brain blip off for a breath, but that was all. They were on the battlefield, where the enemy could target them at any moment and launch an attack. Pumping his legs and adjusting to the additional AGI points, Cynrik peeked over his shoulder and noticed four of the five spies looking at their fallen comrade in horror. However, there was a single pair of eyes locked onto Cynrik, and he could feel the sweat trickle down his back as he sensed pure hostility and rage targeted at him. It was so bad that his [Danger Sense] was firing on all cylinders, triggering a pins and needles effect coursing through his entire body.

[[FUCK, BRANCE, GRAB GABBY AND MELODY!]] Seeing the Mana radiating off the person who spotted him, Cynrik went into action. Bolting passed Brance and Gabby, Cynrik caught Benny and Selene, tucked them under his arms, and veered off to find cover.
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Brance, not hesitating, grabbed the other two girls and took off in a different direction, and just as he did, a massive column of Ice erupted from the ground, right where the group was previously hiding.


The ice pillar soon exploded, turning into a myriad of spikes jutting out in every direction. If Cynrik hadn’t noticed the attack when he did, all of MyrkLys might have perished.

Meanwhile, as MyrkLys scattered like cockroaches, Instructor Garrison’s eyes narrowed as he launched his body forward, delivering an earth shuddering side kick into the body of the Spy Leader, rocketing him across the Core area and through one of the vacant Dorm buildings.

Garrison’s attack was enough to spook the remaining four spies, who quickly made the judgment call to split up and head after the two separated groups of children.

This party break didn’t escape Cynrik nor Brance’s eyes as both had [Mana Sight] active and were constantly monitoring the squad of people decked out in all-black combat gear.

[Loop around our Dorm, drop off the dead weight (Melody) and confront those two. It looks like the ones chasing after you are the weaker of the bunch. Still, it won’t be easy without your weapons, so quickly find something to enhance in the rubble.] Cynrik ordered as he tossed Selene and Benny ahead of him so they could run on their own.

Hearing Cynrik’s plan, Brance cut a hard right and headed straight for the Dorm. Once he arrived, he quickly let down the girls and looked at Melody with a severe expression before speaking.

“Listen, Melly; you are still in bad shape; for now, I want you to hide in here while Gabby and I lure those two away. I want you to enter the training room, activate as many droids as possible and barricade the door until one of us comes and gets you; if you understand, nod.”

Although wholly shaken up by the sudden battle that had erupted around her, Melody listened and nodded absentmindedly before turning and hurrying into the doorless, scorched boys’ Dorm.

“Well, that took less convincing than expected. Gabby, find something to use as a weapon so that I can enhance it for you.” Looking away from where Melody disappeared, Brance immediately turned his attention to his girlfriend, who didn’t have to be told twice, and ran after Melody in search of something to use as a weapon.

“Never a better time than now, whew,” exhaling to calm himself down, Brance started channeling all three of his Affinities while absorbing more from the Ambient Mana particles floating aimlessly around in the air.

“My Earth lays the stone-like foundation to support me in my efforts to protect those I love,” Brance whispered, stomping both feet so hard they were buried up to his shins in the ground. Next, he began forcing all the Earth Mana his body could sustain into his legs, causing the ground to tremble.

“My foundation is guided by the steady bellows of my Wind, allowing it to soar to untold heights,” as he spoke the second verse of his Mantra, Brance extended his arms out to either side and turned his palms downward before kneeling down and gripping the air just above the soil his feet were embedded.

Slowly pulling up, a fierce gust erupted, visibly manifesting the normally invisible Wind Mana particles. The buttons on Brance’s blazer broke off within the turbulent winds, letting the coat open up and flutter violently as his eyes shined with tan and green Mana light.

“My foundation shines in the radiance of my Light, allowing it to break the sky and reach the heavens! TRI-FUSION AFFINITY SKILL: [RADIENT TOWER],” Howling over the deafening winds, Brance clenched his hands into fists and thrust his arms up. Suddenly the earth shook as if a magnitude seven quake was occurring, with Brance as the epicenter.
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The instant the skills name escaped his lips, the ground cracked and groaned louder than the fierce winds. A blinding light erupted from his body as a majestic stone tower exploded from the ground, encircling the Dorm and shooting towards the sky. This all happened just as the two enemies came into eyesight. Unfortunately for them, the spies had no time to react, as the radiant three-story ancient-looking stone tower swallowed them up and finished forming with a loud BOOM!

[I see you finally used it, now is as good a time as ever. It’s about damn time you used your [Radiant Tower]. I was starting to believe it was just a concept, not a real skill. Now I don’t have to worry too badly, but please, for the love of all that is unholy, don’t level our home. I don’t want to deal with having to stay in a shitty hotel or something.] Running on the battlefield’s opposite end, Cynrik smirked and couldn’t help but take a verbal jab at his brother.

[Fuck off and worry about keeping your girlfriend and Benny alive, you took on the two strongest aside from the guy that got bodied by Garrison.] Using a strained tone, Brance quipped back as he appeared within what he called the central command center of his Tower.

[I had Melody go into the training room and barricade herself in. If she had listened to my order, she should have no clue I just used this skill.] Brance said as he waved his hands over a stone column in the center of the large windowless room.

[How long can you hold that thing together?]Cynrik said as he jumped up, slashed two thick branches from a tree with his hidden blades, and tossed them to Selene and Benny.

[Providing these assholes don’t start attacking the inner walls, maybe 10-15 minutes. I only went with three floors, one of which is basically our Dorm. I threw them on the 2nd floor. But I am hemorrhaging Mana and Stamina right now, so don’t quote me on that timer.] Placing his right hand on the center of the brightly shining pillar, Brance closed his eyes and located Gabby, who was holding a broken broom and mop, waiting for Brance in the living room. Next, he uncapped a Mana potion with his left hand and downed it in one gulp, replenishing 1200 MP.

[Got it; we will hold off these two until you wrap up with those guys. One guy is Mid Tier-3, and the other is on the cusp of middling since the Mana signature is between the two chasing you and his buttbuddy. Clearing Comms!] With that, Cynrik fell silent and focused on the two people drawing nearer as the seconds passed.

Back in the Tower, Brance pushed some Mana into the column, and like magic, Gabby appeared in the room with him, with shock and awe painted all over her face.

“Woah, Brancie, this thing is amazing; why didn’t I know about this skill before? It’s so pretty!” Totally unfazed by the fact that she was just teleported, Gabby ran over to Brance while looking around with wonder sparkling in her eyes.

“I haven’t ever had a chance to use my [Radiant Tower] before; not only is it massive, but it is a significant drain on my MP and STAM, so although I’ve had the skill for some time, my Mana reserves were too small to actually use it longer than a minute or two, turning it into a useless waste of Mana points,” Brance said with a smile as he downed a second Mana Potion along with a Stamina potion.

Looking away from Gabby, he then inserted his fingers into five small grooves on the column and turned it like a dial, causing two large hologram-like screens to appear in front of them.

“Tri-Fusion Affinity Skill: [Radiant Tower], my most powerful yet useless skill I have ever conceptualized. Not only does it provide a solid defense, but it also houses an insane amount of control over the ambient Mana particles, which it draws power from upon creation. Offensively, it has some ability, but its primary purpose is to give us an even playing field against stronger opponents. To achieve this, the Tower bombards the enemy with a large amount of Mana and debuffs all of their stats by 20%.” Brance explained while monitoring the two confused men in black on the second floor.

“As you can see by that increasing number, in the right corner,” Brance pointed to a large green number 9 on one of the monitors before continuing.

“The higher the floor is saturated with Mana, the higher the debuff percentage. By my calculations, it should take about another minute before it reaches the maximum I can exert, 20 percent.”

“Once it does, that is when I will teleport the two of us into the room so we can attack. With a 20% debuff in place, we will have a better chance of winning even without our weapons. They will still be stronger than us, but we should be able to drop their strength down to around the Peak of Tier-2.” Releasing the column, Brance uncapped another round of potions and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Damn, the drain on my resource stats is worse than I expected, and I only made the tower three floors.” Thinking aloud, Brance pulled up his stat profile and looked at his available allocation points with hesitation.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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