Triggering his Húðflúr and Æsir Mode, Cynrik shakily raised his left arm towards the ceiling and pooled all the ambient, Dark, Fire, and Wind Mana from the surrounding room around his palm. In doing this, he created a baseball-sized compressed orb of Tri-Affinity Mana Particles.

‘C’mon, you son of a bitch, work.’ Unsteadily, Cynrik lowered the Tri-Affinity orb down to just above his heart, where his Codex was located, and forcefully pushed the ball of pure Mana directly into his chest.

[“RAHHHHHHHH AHHHHHH!”] Through clenched teeth, Cynrik yelled both out loud and in the mind link as he actively added the Mana into his body and began bombarding it with Killing Intent.

The instant the foreign Mana invaded his Codex, Cynrik felt like his blood had turned into lava as his body began heating up due to the invasion, but he had no other options. Using his [Mana Sight] and Æsir Mode, Cynrik saw that the customarily balanced three vortexes of pure elemental Mana particles had been thrown into a churning storm, each constantly trying to suppress the others and even destroy them.

The weakest of his elements, Wind, was in a constant fleeing state, where the particles were trying their best to escape the confines of the Codex by any means necessary. With no time to think about why this happened, Cynrik focused what little time he had left on forcefully taking control back. His way of doing this was the condensed ball of tri-elemental particles. By mixing in exact ratios within the ball and merging them into one, he was essentially trying to even the playing field for all three elements, creating a stalemate between them since no one particle type would have the numbers advantage.

Feeling liquid dripping from his nose, eyes, ears, and lips, Cynrik sent shockwaves of Killing Intent into his chest, targeting the exact central point of the chaotic battle in his Codex. Each time he fired off a KIN pulse from his fingertips, Cynrik would sharply inhale, much like how a fighter pilot does during high g-force maneuvers. In doing so, his whole body would momentarily clench up, tightening his muscles and rushing the blood to his head, allowing him to slightly curb the intense pain and extending the time he had before passing out.

[“YOU *SSST* ARE UNDER *SSST* MY CONTROL YOU MOTHER *SSST* FUCKERS!”] Screaming with a mixture of agony and rage, Cynrik’s sentence was broken by his breathing technique as he grasped at the stone floor with his right hand, which was being used to prop him up since he was now sitting upright.

Unconsciously, he had been speaking in both his own voice and into the mind link the entire time, allowing his brother to hear all the pain and verbal thoughts he was emitting. At the moment, he couldn’t think about it, as he was getting closer and closer to the collapse of his Codex. This was an event that, if he survived and messed up, would render him unable to use Mana for the rest of his life. Let alone have the potential to kill him if the small gem-like organ resting beside his heart actually either imploded or exploded.

Focusing on nothing except the task at hand, Cynrik Continuously slammed the swirling mass of particles with the full force of his 5.25g Killing Intent, stunning them while adding additional particles into the mix. This method was similar yet very different to what he would do if he were experiencing a normal Overdraft, except for adding new particles into the mix early.

At its core, the conceptualized difference between a Crippling Overdraft and a Standard Overdraft were two opposite events. In a Standard Overdraft, the Mana stored within one’s Codex would create a traffic jam of sorts, where every Particle would try rushing out through a singular channel, stacking up and eventually fighting for the right to leave the Codex first. In contrast, during a Crippling Overdraft, all hell would break loose. The Mana particles would battle for supremacy, and when they couldn’t get it, they would search for any means necessary to escape. The best way to explain it was instead of a traffic jam, it was a panicked exodus during the apocalypse. When one road closed off, the particles would attempt to create new ones.
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Instead of acting in their whirlpool forms, they would expand into chaotic groups and attack the other particles, who were also trying to escape in their panic. The whole thing would cause all of his Mana to go out of control and swell up, ballooning and taking up any space possible in an attempt to capture as much ground as they could muster.

If a Standard Overdraft was a fist fight, then a Crippling Overdraft was a war with machine guns, tanks, and bombs. In theory, the only way to wrestle back control of the chaotic elemental particles was to introduce his own “army” and make it a 1v3 battle instead of the current 1v1v1. Cynrik needed to unify the particles in his chest or neutralize their ability to fight back.

Thus, he could mount a counter-offensive by creating a precisely equal force entirely under his control. To do this, he would need complete control over a cluster of Ambient Mana, thus the use of his Húðflúr and Æsir Mode, which allowed him to do exactly that. The next step after gathering was to daze or stun the warring Mana with copious amounts of high-intensity pressure, and lastly, he would attack.

The end goal was completely obliterating the original Mana and replacing it with the Ambient particles under his control.

Unfortunately, there was one-factor Cynrik hadn’t taken into account: the excruciating pain he would experience by introducing enough Mana to overfill his Codex completely. Adding a few extra particles was one thing, but what Cynrik did was double the amount of Mana stored inside his Codex. Humans are not meant to attempt something like this because it would result in an overload and bursting of the Mana Circuits, and their bodies would explode into a gory mist and outward eruption of pure Mana.

But Cynrik wasn’t entirely human. The rules of the human race didn’t necessarily apply to Cynrik, thanks to his Bloodline, which came straight from a being who had complete control over every aspect of his own body and Mana.

Like this, Cynrik continued the intense battle against his own body as he tried his hardest to regulate the storm within his chest through clenched teeth.

Meanwhile, as Cynrik was dealing with the Crippling Overdraft and fighting for his life, Brance was franticly clearing floor after floor. Hearing the continuous screams of pain from Cynrik, he had gone full-on panicked killing mode. At first, he would rush forward and wipe out his enemies, but as he progressed through the floors, something was shifting inside of his body. A primal feeling that had been suppressed since the day he first learned of its existence.

Although deep down, he knew that it didn’t matter if he made it to the same floor as his brother, his unconscious mind didn’t care. Without hesitation, he burned his MP irresponsibly, storming through wave after wave of opponents until he made it to the 17th floor.

At some point during the 14th or 15th floor, Brance felt it was becoming easier to move and fight, but he had already checked out. He was fighting on pure instinct, seeing everything unfold through unfocused, brilliantly shining golden eyes.

“This is the floor,” Brance said in a voice that sounded unfamiliar to his ears.

“Step forward, Yenni, show yourself to me!” He said with an overly aggressive tone.

However, there was no response, irritating the semi-conscious Brance, who slowly clicked his tongue and flexed his hands. Willing the hidden power deep within his chest into action, Brance’s eyes slowly closed as thin-wispy, delicate, golden stick-like markings began flowing across his face in intricate patterns. Inhaling deeply and feeling the odd sensation of two appendages growing out from his shoulder blades, Brance unfurled a pair of golden, feathered Mana Construct Wings. Lastly, he felt the warmth of his Light Affinity coursing through his entire body as his skin began to change, tanning slightly and radiating in a pale white light.
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“I SAID SHOW YOURSELF TO ME, YENNIFER!” Brance commanded, with his wings spread out and raised behind him, and a powerful yet intimidating golden presence radiated from his body and voice.

|The Presence of a Primordial Bloodline has been registered, and the barer of the Bloodline is requesting the presence of the Tower Administrator.|

No sooner did the notification disappear than a beautiful pale-skinned woman appeared by manifesting the floating cluster of particles generally meant for summoning Virtual Creatures. This woman appeared to be in her 20s and had long, curly black hair, but this wasn’t the most distinct feature she held; instead, her unusual violet eyes drew Brance’s attention.

|”Interesting, I didn’t expect to find a member of the LightBringer Race in one of my Obelisks; what brings you here, child of the light?”|

Floating a few centimeters off the ground, Yennifer, in a hologram form, tilted her head to the side and examined the stoic and brightly shining Brance.

“Don’t play dumb with me, CSH AI; I know you see everything in this tower. When my brother and I stepped foot in and had avatars created of our bodies, you took blood samples. That is how I can manifest my traits.” Reaching behind over his shoulder, Brance calmly stroked one of his wings without breaking eye contact with Yennifer.

|”Fufu, you are no fun at all, Brance Jetlensr. Indeed you are correct; there is nothing that escapes these eyes of mine within my Obelisks. However, the outcome I predict you are seeking isn’t one I can give.”|

|”You wish for me to allow you access into the virtual space of your brother and holder of the Æsir Primordial Bloodline. This is an impossible task even for me.”|

Calmly holding up her hands in defeat, Yennifer gave Brance the opposite answer than the one he wanted, causing his eyes to narrow slightly.

|”And before you start preaching about the “What ifs,” like destroying my Obelisk or forcing your way into the pocket realm your brother is taking his trial in, let me inform you, you are nowhere near powerful enough to do so. The only thing you would be doing is forcing me to ban you and revoke your access to every available Obelisk, this one included.”|

Although Yennifer wore a pleasant smile, her words were anything but, and the commanding yet condescending tone she took sent an involuntary shiver down Brance’s spine, causing his brilliant luster to flicker off and on for a moment like a dying candle. Even his wings and Crest seemed to turn off and on.

|”Hm, that is different, how intriguing.”|

Yennifer said as she examined Brance like a zoo animal.

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