“Well, Plan B only gets used if we face humanoid creatures that are the same size or smaller than us. At that point, we go crazy but keep alive enough to manipulate the timer. Remember we have six hours. That is a long time to fight, so our opponents will still be fresh, although we continuously get tired.”

|Now spawning the Five Starting opponents, Chosen Race: Demonoid.|

“Welp looks like it’s Plan B, Afterall.” Selene smiled and drew her weapons before smashing the pillar with all of Benny’s work written on it so that the enemy couldn’t see their plans.

|The timer will now begin counting down; you have 6 Hours. Good luck, Challengers.|

|Spawning Three Peak Tier-1 Begraz Demonoids, a Peak Tier-1 Vir’eth Demonoid, and an Early Tier-2 Vir’eth Demonoid.|

Selene and Benny watched with bated breath as the particle cloud descended, separating into five clusters and forming into their opponents. Three of the red-skinned Begraz Demonoids and two emaciated pale green-skinned Vir’eth Demonoids.

Once fully formed, all five creatures looked around the room curiously before sniffing the air and turning to face Selene and Benny in unison while showing wide, creepy, toothy grins.

“Ahh fuck, that’s creepy, uh Benny boy, what are we doing again, because I don’t think these things will just keep chasing us endlessly,” Selene asked as she twirled her spear without breaking eye contact with the enemy.

“40 percent, we kill the two Green ones first, then one of the Reds, leaving two reds alive. Move!” Benny calmly said before kicking off the ground, unholstering his Aspis, and flinging it like a disk at the Tier-2 Vir’eth.

The shield flew like a missile in the air, covering the distance between the greedy demons and Benny before slamming into the chest of the Tier-2 Demonoid with a loud BANG, sending it flying backward with a stunned expression.

Before the others could react, a wave of Dark Mana particles washed over the demonoids as Selene, who had activated [Void Shift], passed through their bodies before appearing behind the remaining four.

Spinning her spear and swinging it like a baseball bat, Selene attacked all four of them with a single strike, knocking the four demonoids into each other like bowling pins and dropping them to the ground in a heap.

Meanwhile, Benny raced at full speed alongside the airborne Vir’eth, reached out his left hand to catch his Aspis, and slashed down with his Estoc, spiking the Demonoid into the hard stone ground causing it to spit out a mouthful of blue blood.

After Benny had slid his Aspis back into place, he used his Water Affinity to manifest a circular blade that covered the entire shield radius in a matter of seconds. Increasing the rotation of the water, he then turned his shield into a saw and brought it down forcefully on the Vir’eth, biting into its flesh and making a long jagged wound across its chest, spraying blood and meat all over Benny.

“REE MARRGGG AAAHHHH!” The Demonoid screamed as it wildly flung its arms at Benny to try stopping him, but it was useless, as seconds later, a loud cracking sound echoed through the immediate area, followed by an awful, wet squishing sound.

Benny had carved through bone and into the creature’s organs, causing it to drop its arms and die before shattering into particles.

|Your teammate has successfully Killed a Level 10 Early Tier-2 Virtual Vir’eth Demonoid.|
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|Your teammate has received one KCP (Kill Counter Point).|

Looking away from her opponents, Selene stared in confusion at the sudden notifications. Still, when she noticed Benny covered in floating particles representing the blood of his enemy, which was in the process of disappearing, her eyes went wide.

“Woah, good shit, Benny boy!” Selene praised as she stabbed her spear forward, killing the remaining Vir’eth and one of the Begraz.

|You have successfully Killed a Level 20, Peak Tier-1 Virtual Vir’eth Demonoid.|

|You have successfully Killed a Level 20, Peak Tier-1 Virtual Begraz Demonoid.|

|You have received 10 Obelisk Kill Points.|

|You have received two KCPs (Kill Counter Point).|

|You have received two 1000 Essence, XP Crystals.|

|You have received 6 Merit Points.|

With only the two remaining creatures that made up the 40%, Selene grinned evily at the creatures attempting to crawl away while leaking blood from their nose and mouth. But how could she simply let them run? Spinning her spear around her arm, then her neck, Selene caught the weapon upside down and slashed out with the non-bladed end.


Her actions created four deafening cracks as she broke each creature’s jaw and spines, paralyzing them and rendering them only able to make gurgling sounds.

“Whew, okay, Benny, I disabled them!” Selene chirped as if she were having fun while wiping invisible sweat from her brow.

Benny, who stood off to the side watching, moved his eyes away from his overly cheerful teammate to the notifications he had received while counting down from 300 slowly.

|You have successfully Killed a Level 10, Early Tier-2 Virtual Vir’eth Demonoid.|

|You have received 10 Obelisk Kill Points.|

|You have received one KCP (Kill Counter Point).|

|You have received a 10000 Essence, XP Crystal.|

|You have received 6 Merit Points.|

Once he was finished reading, he was already at 263 seconds, so he walked over beside Selene, ignored the gurgles of pain coming from the ground, and began speaking.

“The timer has begun, the second you killed those other two demons, bringing us to 40% of the headcount; I started counting back from 300 seconds, or five minutes. When I reach one, we both need to kill them simultaneously. In doing so, we won’t have to worry about reducing our respawn timer, at least for now.”
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“Gotcha; how different are the rewards for killing a Tier-2?” Unable to contain her curiosity, Selene asked while playfully kicking one of the crippled demons in the stomach, making it squirm like a slug.

“232, they were fine. I got a 10k XP crystal, and the OKP and Merits just doubled, so it was ten and six. Also, leave the thing alone; I don’t want you “accidentally” killing it early. We need to keep the respawn timers in check. You read the notifications; if we kill them too early, the time difference will be removed from the total timer. I don’t want to endlessly slaughter hordes of enemies.” Benny said as his mental countdown reached 212.

“Fineee~ it’s not like a simple kick would put this thing down anyway. If anything, I worry more about them drowning in their blood.” While pouting, Selene said as she knelt beside the red-skinned Demon and examined its thin bat-like wings by lifting one.

“Do you think they can fly with these little things?” She asked and released the wing, which helplessly fell limply, causing the creature to shiver in pain as shock from blood loss set in.

“I don’t know, in theory, anything is possible, but the question is if they can channel Mana into them. If they can, well, I suppose flight should work in theory. 186, did you not face any Demons during your climb?” Benny asked as he continued counting down the seconds.

“Hmmm, not really; it was orcs and shit like that; I did face a weird blue demon, but not these red ones. What was it called, uh.” Tapping her spear against her chin, Selene tried to remember what the Demon was called but couldn’t.

“The name escapes me, but I remember it was way bigger than these guys. It had a goat head with long spiral horns, the fur on hits hed was the same color as its fluffy legs. Oh, oh, it also was wearing these light gold things on its shoulders and had some plating around its neck; I even remember seeing little earings.” Selene started while thinking back hard with a squinty face.

“The weird thing was that it had the torso of a super muscular blue-skinned bodybuilder, while these guys are twigs, but from the waist down, it was back to a goat except for an oddly serpent-like tail,” Selene said as she stood back up and readied her spear.

“How tall was it? 145.” Benny asked as he tried picturing a half-human bulky goat man.

“I wanna say like 10 meters, but idk; I killed it really fast. I am kind of jealous of its sword, though; if I could have gotten my hands on it, Hubby would have given me extra cuddle time.” Thinking back to the giant cleaver-style sword the Demon used, Selene could only sigh sadly at the missed opportunity.

In recent days, Cynrik had been collecting all kinds of different swords for some reason, and Selene knew she would have been rewarded if she got her hands on that Demon’s sword.

Ignoring Selene, Benny stepped forward and gently moved one of the half-dead Begraz demons off to the side a bit so that he wouldn’t interfere with her kill before glancing up a the clock in the center of the room. It only took them 2 minutes to put the starting group of enemies in this position, and he felt they were on track. The only problem was they had to keep this act up for almost six hours.

“Get ready, Selene, 20 seconds.” Cocking back his right shoulder, Benny lined up the point of his Esctoc with the creature’s head and heard Selene mumbling something about cuddles again before the sound of her spear cutting through the air entered his ears.

“NOW!” With one second left, Benny gave the command. Both of them eliminated their targets, killing them right as the subsequent notification signaling the respawn was occurring came through.

Scrolling through the never-ending kill notifications, Selene and Benny looked towards the center of the room, where the particle storm was again descending before breaking apart into twenty clusters.

|Now spawning Twenty opponents, Chosen Race: Demonoid.|

|Spawning Ten Peak Tier-1 Begraz Demonoids, Four Peak Tier-1 Ollmarug Demonoids, Four Peak Tier-1 Tiz’gog Demonoids, One Early Tier-2 Ogodoth Demonoid, and One Early Tier-2 Veb’lema Demonoid.|

” THAT’S IT, THAT’S THE ONE! That’s the Goatty Demon with the big sword I was telling you about.” When the horde of demons finally came into sight, Selene screamed out loud, completely ignoring the fact that she would draw their attention and only caring that she had once again found the giant blue goat-man creature with its big cleaver.

“GRRRRROOOOOOAHHHH!” The giant blue Demon roared as it found Selene and Brance.

“Selene, pay the hell attention; you just told them where we are!” Benny scolded her while knocking her on the head with the broadside of his Estoc and raising his shield.

“We leave eight alive this time, got it.” Stepping forward and glancing at the largest creature present, the Veb’lema, Benny decided that would be his target.

Little did he know that if Cynrik were present, he would be losing his mind and Screaming for Tobs to play “Gleam Eye’s OST!”

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg-

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