“ANNNK ANNK” The newly one-eyed dino yelped as it bent forward and tried digging the foreign object from its face. When it couldn’t, It looked up and found the rest of its small pack rushing toward a little being with a metal object in her hand. Sensing that this was who hurt it and forced it to lose its right eye, the RaptorBasilisk grew enraged and took off after its companions.

Staring down the pack of four creatures, Gabby was unflinching. Raising her Crossbow and stepping to the left, she unleashed a flurry of bolts and disks, each targeting a pivotal movement joint of the four creatures.

Unlike before, where Gabby’s goal was to cripple her opponents, giving her some time to breathe, she was now more focused on slowing them down.

With a soft whistling sound, several bolts left the crossbow one after another, finding their targets, the ankles and knees of the four creatures, and with a dull thud sound, these sharp, metallic projectiles burrowed their way through flesh and muscle.

Like Gabby expected, the afflicted RaptorBasilisk’s forward momentum slowed considerably as they became distracted by the pain in their legs and tried to remove the objects making it more challenging to run correctly.

Seeing their reactions, Gabby didn’t delay and soon went on the offensive, launching wave after wave of psychic disks alongside additional bolts.

Across the room, Cynrik danced around the four dinos and calmly watched how Gabby was handling her opponents. Unconcerned about himself and Brance sticking to the plan perfectly, the only conditional outlier was Gabby, who was still rough around the edges when push came to shove.

Knowing he was being too strict but feeling it was entirely necessary, instead of advising the girl, Cynrik silently watched and prepared to critique her to his brother instead of to Gabby’s face.

It was better to leave her to Brance since, at the end of the day, he was the one who was better at handling her.

Bending his torso backward, Cynrik avoided a Wind Blast, performed a backhand spring, and dodged several gaping maws which were trying to bite a chunk out of his body.

Although every creature on the battlefield was Early Tier-2, their lack of sophisticated intelligence made them simple-minded enough that Cynrik found himself getting bored as time went on.

Unlike when he fought against the Spies the day before, these dumb dinos posed no real threat to him, nor did they any longer pique his curiosity.

Initially, when they first spawned, he was as happy as a kid on Christmas; it was, after all, the first time he saw dinosaurs in the flesh. But after spending over thirty minutes either surrounded monitoring or fighting the RaptorBasilisks, he had long since lost interest in studying them.

However, there was nothing more dangerous in the world than a bored Cynrik, as when he got to that point, he would, more often than not, either fuck around or cause complete mayhem.
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In fact, ever since the previous wave, it was taking a lot of mental power to stop himself from just instantly killing the dinos the moment they spawned; that way, he could have a more mentally stimulating fight instead of this boring jump around, dodge, slash bout he had been taking part in.

The only thing keeping him in check currently was the presence of his teammates and the Perfect Clear Reward. The instant Yennifer confirmed that so long as he was able to achieve a Perfect Clear, Cynrik could get his hands on the two incubators he needed for his eggs, knowing that until the end of the challenge, he wouldn’t be able to slack off and needed to stick to the plan.

Sighing internally, Cynrik went through the motions of chipping away at his four enemies one at a time until his boredom had started reaching a peak. The result was Cynrik finding himself turning his injuring them into a small game.

“Swing on D4, jump, twirl, Fireball to D3!”

“Ah, D1 needs some love; here, have a shadow tendril to close that annoying loud snoot of yours.” Turning his hand and gripping the air, Cynrik activated [Shadow Sewing] but only summoned a single tendril before using it to muzzle the dino he had dubbed D1.

Glancing away from D1, he next targeted D2, the only dino that he hadn’t abused, and chose now was the time.

Dashing forward, Cynrik tapped the ground with his toes and launched himself onto D2’s back, kicking its ribs with enough force to cause the creature to wheeze in pain as he settled in and finally got the opportunity to ride the dino.

“Hiho D2, onward into battle,” Cynrik cheered while raising his longsword and pointing forward. Unfortunately, he got the expected reaction from the creature, who started thrashing about and turning its head to try and bite Cynrik.

“Tsk, bad D2, for the remainder of your life, you shall be my mount; now knock it off.”


Clicking his tongue, Cynrik pulled back his left arm and sucker-punched D2 right in the nose, causing the creature to scream angrily and jump around like a bronco.

“Heyy now, D2, why can’t you be a good boy, like those other little shits.” He said while sheathing his sword and gripping the RaptorBasilisk on both sides of its head and forcing it to look at the severely injured D1,3, and 4.

Still, even with his coaxing, the best he could do was avoid any injuries caused by the wild and untamed dinosaur. It didn’t take long for Cynrik to lose hope of getting to be a RaptorRider temporarily. After delivering a savage combination of stabs, slashes, and fire, D2 collapsed to the ground on its stomach, whimpering in agony, while Cynrik hopped off and went to give some love to the other three.

In his boredom, Cynrik sighed in defeat and swung his dagger, severing most of the ligaments in each dino’s legs as he passed by. No limb was safe as he even went so far as hacking off their tails before looking up at the jumbotron with the countdown timer hanging over the battlefield.

Looking over his handy work and sheathing his dagger, Cynrik crossed his arms and looked away from the four bleeding and near-dead dinos toward where Brance and Gabby were working on whittling down their opponents before time ran out.

Sensing something or someone was watching him, Brance lunged forward and rolled behind a pillar, getting out of the way of a rampaging, charging dino, and looking in his brother’s direction.

For a second, he was confused as to why Cynrik was just standing around and watching him fight. Still, upon closer inspection, he saw that all four of the dinos had been mangled and maimed so badly that it was amazing to him that his brother hadn’t accidentally killed them.

Even from this distance, Brance could tell that hardly any part of his brother’s enemies wasn’t sporting either a deep gash or a burn.
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[Fucking hell Cyn, why are you like this? Why can’t you just move around and take potshots at the fucking things instead of torturing them?] Brance questioned while spinning around and kicking the rampaging RaptorBasilisk in the head, breaking some of its spinal column as the creature’s head whipped to the side so violently that it emitted several loud cracking sounds.

[I’m bored, Brancie.] Cynrik said while wearing a deadpan expression, his words causing Brance to stiffen up as he felt a bad omen descending on him from unknown origins.

[C..c..Cyn…cmon now. We are in the middle of an important challenge; there are less than 30 minutes left; can’t you keep it together till it’s over?] Brance knows Cynrik better than anyone, and instead of chiding or scolding him, he felt panic set in, memories streaming into his head of their short life on Vinestra surging forward as he cast a pleading glance at his brother.

A bored Cynrik wasn’t that hard to deal with back on Earth. Generally, Brance could find a new game, anime, or even novel that he could throw at him to tide him over until the boredom subsided. However, after introducing stats and their destructive abilities, Cynrik became no better than an overgrown toddler with nuclear capabilities when he was “bored.”

Gabby’s infamous hampster story was a key example of what would happen if Cynrik hit his “I’m bored” mood.

It was unknown if this whole thing started because of some kind of mental defect or if, since Cynrik’s mind was constantly firing on all cylinders, it kind of failed and shut down before rebooting, causing this whole “bored” situation. Still, whenever he did reach this mood, something terrible was bound to happen, and Brance could feel his heart locking up in fear.

[Listen, Cyn, now isn’t the time for this. I know you need a shit ton of external stimuli to focus or concentrate, but we are literally at a critical moment right now; can’t you just…]


Before Brance could talk some sense into his brother, Cynrik raised his arm, channeled exactly 12 golfball-sized condensed transparent light blue flame spheres, and threw them at every dino in the area.

Turning his head in horror and expecting the worst, Brance looked behind him and saw his four opponents bathed in the most beautiful flames he had ever seen.

Brance only had half a second to gaze upon the new shade of fire before it evaporated into nothing, leaving his enemies in such a state that it was incredible they weren’t dead.

Feeling the need to check on the creatures, Brance ran forward, examined the closest one, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Each of his four RaptorBasilisks had 1500 HP remaining, no more, no less, and this realization nearly put Brance’s brain into a state of disarray as he panned back toward Cynrik.

His brother was standing like a baseball pitcher after releasing the ball, with his body bent forward and his left leg extended out behind him.

“AHH, AHH, WHAT THE HECK BIG BRO?” Gabby’s cries of confusion rose above the pained screams coming from the twelve RaptorBasiliks causing Brance to face her and drop his shoulders.

“Don’t mind, don’t mind, I left them all alive. It seems the first experiment was a success, and I finally reached my blue flames kuekue.” Cynrik laughed as he snapped his fingers, manifested a pristine icy blue flame above his hand, and observed it lovingly.

[How? When? WHAT THE FUCK CYNRIK!] Changing through emotions like a teenage girl with clothes before a date, Brance furiously howled.

[After running thousands of simulated calculations, I determined that if I reduced the flame size while also applying heavy amounts of pressure to condense the particles, I could increase the flame’s heat. Thus MY BLUEFIRE WAS BORN!] Cynrik chirped gleefully.

[Now, before you yell at me about attacking all the enemies, let me preface this scientific conclusion with this; after manifesting the flames, I realized the initial size was too large and unstable, soooo I had to get rid of it. What better way to do this than by splitting the original large ball into 12 micro-sized ones and doing your jobs for you, KUEKUE? Aren’t I great?”

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