The Over-Break System

Chapter 325 Cashing Out and Leaving the First Obelisk

[[Buying XP crystals isn’t a “terrible” idea per se, but it still seems like a bit of a waste. Give me a moment to quickly gather everyone’s numbers from Brance so I can run the calculations.]] Crossing his arms over his chest Cynrik stated before contacting his brother.

A few seconds later, he had gathered everyone’s XP crystal counts and worked out all the figures necessary.

Factoring in how everyone had 10 million XP to begin with, there were enough crystals for everyone to at least reach the Cap of their Class Level. The only issue was that both Selene and Benny were severely lacking in the Crystal department.

Even if the two of them used all the available crystals in their inventories, Selene would still require 14.27 million XP, while Benny would require 16.03 million.

[Brancie, once you power level your Class, you will have 19,081,000 XP left over with crystals, and Gabby will have 7,429,700. I want you two to give Benny what he needs to make up the difference, 16,038,300, and I will cover Sel.] Tapping his left thumb and index finger against each other in thought, Cynrik continued.

[Sel needs 14,271,158 XP; and I need to use the remainder of my stock of crystals to see if I can power level my birbs, oh, by the way, I bought my Incubators finally.

[Eh? So soon, damn, how much did you blow on those things? I noticed them in the market, but I only remember them being expensive. As for Benny, Gabby and I can handle it.] Brance stated before tapping Gabby on the shoulder and filling her in on their discussion.

It went without saying that she quickly agreed and shot a knowing nod toward Cynrik.

[It wasn’t too bad, they came out to 2200 a piece, so 4400. Alright, keep searching for anything you need. Keep in mind that Sel and Benny don’t have anywhere near the money we do, so if Benny needs something, just split it with Gabby.] Turning his head back to his window, Cynrik scanned through the store again, this time with more vigor, while continuing his chat with Selene.

[[Sel, scratch the idea of buying Crystals. It’s unnecessary for now; I will cover your level-ups with my stock while Brance and Gabby feed crystals to Benny. I want you looking for additional items, such as potions or secondary equipment.]]

[[Also, if there are any skill books or Affinity Gems that pique your fancy, let me know, and I’ll pick them up for you. We don’t have much time, so let’s make it quick.]].

Meanwhile, while everyone was scrolling through the marketplace window, Benny was lost in thought as he stared at the Golden and Platinum packages in his inventory.

These were the 250 and 500 kill rewards for Floor 22, something he hadn’t had the time to open yet, but the longer he stared at them, the more it ate at him.

Quickly glancing at his party members, Benny’s eyes flicked from left to right before up to Yennifer and Headmaster Rivia, who nodded as if understanding his dilemma.

Their approval was all he needed, so Benny pulled the first of two shimmering boxes from his inventory and sat down on the ground, placing the golden box in front of his crossed legs without further hesitation.

Unlocking the clasp on the reward box, Benny was showered with golden confetti that made Gabby and Brance, the two closest to him, flinch in surprise.

|Congratulations, you have opened a Gold Reward Box that was earned by killing 250 Virtual Creatures on the 22nd Floor.|

|You have received an Epic Rank Tier-1 Class Skill Book: Spirit Armament Forging.|

The instant Benny’s eyes fell on the notification; he felt light-headed. Not only had he received a new book that could help him with his new weapons, but also, it was from a Tier he had only heard of being auctioned off for absurd amounts of money.
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It was common knowledge that, aside from having a Tier ranking, skill books also had rarities, ranging from Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary.

So to receive an Epic Class skill book was something Benny could never have fathomed.

With shaky hands, Benny reached in and retrieved the shining Red trimmed Golden book from the box, which shattered into particles.

“Holy shit, Benny, what the hell was that all about,” Brance asked as he leaned over to look down at the impressive booklet in his friend’s hand.

However, before Benny could reply, Yennifer’s voice sounded off in his mind.

|”Young Benjamin, I recommend you stop wasting time and purchase the appropriate tools and equipment you will need for your new Class. I have taken the liberty to highlight some of the fundamental tools on top of some potential items that would benefit you greatly as you walk down a path of your own.”|

“Sorry, Björn, I’ll show you after we get home; Teacher Yennifer is hurrying me along.” Shooting Brance an apologetic look, Benny didn’t wait for his friend’s response before immediately diving back into the Marketplace and searching out any of the items he needed.

“It’s all good, buddy; if you need more points, let me or your sister know, we have plenty to spare, and Big Brother already gave us the word to lend you however much you need.” Brance chuckled and watched how focused Benny became and shook his head.

[Benny got something good just now, I only caught a glimpse, but it was an Epic Class Skill book for Soul Forging Armaments.] Brance quickly informed Cynrik of what he saw.

[Makes sense; from what Selene just told me, the two of them got a shit ton of rewards for their Twenty-Second Floor challenge. Whereas we only racked up points and XP crystals, they actually had loot drops for specific kill quotas.]

The instant Cynrik spotted Benny opening up that reward box, he grilled Selene about it, only to find out what had transpired during their final challenge.

[That’s not all, our little Benny earned some good shit in there, he’s the second in our party to have an Evolved Affinity. So what is your excuse now, Brancie? Even little Benny has surpassed you.] Smirking as he looped his left arm around Selene’s waist, Cynrik taunted.

[Bah, unlike you, I wouldn’t get jealous just because one of our FRIENDS and FAMILY members pulled ahead of me in something.] Rolling his eyes, Brance began searching for anything that could help him Evolve his Terra Affinity.

[Hah, you do you, Brancie; if you want to continue slacking, so be it.] Cynrik said, but suddenly he felt a heated gaze weigh down on his body, causing him to look up only to find the Headmaster was glaring at him and darting his eyes between his left arm and Selene’s waist.

Shrugging his shoulders and releasing his girlfriend’s waist, Cynrik fought the urge to scoff and flip his middle finger at the Headmaster.

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ Instead of dwelling on it, he chose to steady his focus and plotted out everything he would need to purchase.

‘Alright, I’ve only bought the Incubators and some potions. What else do I need right now? I could use some raw materials and better tools for my engineering.’ Tapping through the Marketplace’s pages, Cynrik arrived at the Engineering tab and quickly bought the most expensive workbench, tools, and auxiliary equipment necessary for his Sub-Class.

Next, he moved on to enchantment stones for crafting and other raw materials and went on a spending spree.

[[Hey, darling, I need 10k OKP to buy the rest of the equipment I require for my Sub-Class.]] Drawing Cynrik’s attention momentarily, Selene fluttered her eyes expectantly at him.

[[Fine, but I expect something good later.]] Cynrik responded by catching her right hand with his left and initiating a point transfer.

[[Thannnkk you, you’re the best Darrrlinggg~!]] Sneakily blowing him a kiss, Selene purchased everything she needed and still had 5k OKP remaining in her balance.

Eventually, her eyes fell on a list of Affinity Gems, and she sat up perfectly straight in surprise, catching Cynrik’s attention, yet he had no clue what the girl was thinking.

Unknown to him, Selene finally got an answer to the question that plagued her and Benny for so long.
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From the picture alone, she recognized the (3) Carat Fair Affinity Gem listed near the bottom of the page. The gem’s Garnet and Platinum color had haunted her for hours during Floor Twenty-Two’s challenge, and now, she could own it.

Although the price tag was hefty, and there was a prominent warning Symbol next to its name and description, Selene quickly asked Tobs if she would be okay gaining this Affinity.

-There will be no problem with you acquiring this Affinity. Between your Bloodline trait’s ability to control any Mana type at higher levels, and your Dark Affinity, this one would suit you well with your fighting style.-

-However, I must warn you that this Affinity has a VERY high learning curve, and in the beginning, the amount of power you can harness with it will be entirely dwarfed by your own Dark Affinity.-

Smiling bitterly, Selene still went ahead and purchased the gem after taking into consideration Tobs’ advice.

|The item you are trying to purchase has a price tag of 4250 Obelisk Kill Points.|

|Your Current Balance is 5189 Obelisk Kill Points. Would you like to make this purchase? (Y/N)|

Chewing her bottom lip for half a second, Selene pressed yes and received the subsequent notifications.

|Congratulations, you have purchased a Tier-3 (3) Carat Fair Abyss Affinity Gem.|

|Your Item has been deposited into your inventory. You should also purchase the correct resources and find a safe location to learn your new Affinity. A small guide pamphlet has been deposited into your inventory detailing the proper method to ensure you receive the best results when using your new Affinity Gem.|

‘Hehe, hubby will be so surprised when I show him this new Element, I am 100% convinced that he had to face it at least once, but now I have it.’ Smiling like a fool as she shot glances at Cynrik, Selene grew increasingly more excited at the prospect of seeing her boyfriend’s surprised face when she pulled the gem out.

For the next 30 minutes or so, everyone cashed out as many points as possible, buying up any items or resources they felt would be necessary for their future training.

Once finished, the members of MyrkLys took a seat beside one another and looked up at Yennifer and the Headmaster.

|”Well now, you five sure robbed me blind this time, didn’t you? *Sigh*, it’s fine, this time at least. However, let me warn you all now. Each of you has been blacklisted from using the Second Obelisk. If you wish to enter one of the available locations, YOU MUST MATCH YOUR FIGHTING STRENGTH with the Obelisk’s Tier, do you understand me?”|

“Yes, Miss Yennifer,” Brance and Gabby replied in unison.

“Of course, Teacher Yennifer.” Benny nodded politely and gave the Obelisk AI a thankful smile.

“Okay, got it,” Selene stated while rolling her long hair around her right index finger, uninterested.

“Yea, yea, I Get it. Can we go now, Yenni? Who knows how much time we spent here. So many things to do before the tournament. I want to get home as soon as possible to start setting my shit up.”

“I’ve got birbs to hatch, and the longer you keep me here, the more I will be forced to go off schedule, throwing my plans further off course.” Rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest; obviously, Cynrik was the rudest of the group.

Still, the instant the words left his mouth, an unfathomable pressure descended on his body, flattening him to the ground and crushing all his bones at once.

“*Gurgle* ffuccckkk.” With blood gushing out of his mouth, Cynrik could barely raise his head to meet the furious glare of the Headmaster and the icy cold gaze of Yennifer, whose right arm was extended and pointing at him.

“*Gurgle* Tee, *Gurgle* He, *Gurgle* Ha, *Gurgle* Ha ughh!” A crazed smile spread across Cynrik’s face as his vision went black, and Yennifer killed his Virtual body, instantly spawning him outside the Obelisk.

-This series is exclusively published on AllNovelFull if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https:///dcxKNJEMwg-

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