The Over-Break System

Chapter 364 The Results of Their Training (2)

Of the members of MyrkLys, Benny had been the student that Geralt overlooked completely and figured he was only part of the group due to his little sister and having grown up with Cynrik and Brance. Benny had never been on Geralt’s radar, and he was not impressed when he took his tests before the selections and even after watching his match with Instructor Garrison.

It wasn’t until he viewed Benny’s progress in the Obelisk that a spark of interest was ignited, but now, he was utterly beside himself.

Headmaster Rivia’s eyes flicked to the cocky teen across the table wearing a smug grin, and he felt a chill run down his spine. If it took two of these stat sheets to put him in such a mental state, how was he supposed to react after seeing the pages representing the powerhouses?

Knowing that someone got a particular grade rating during a medical check-up was one thing; errors happen and aren’t necessarily always correct. Still, seeing the numbers of both Sanford siblings, Headmaster Rivia couldn’t help but think, ‘Ivar, what the hell kind of training did you put them through.’

However, his mind came to a screeching halt when he put down Benny’s page and read through Melody’s. As the daughter of one of his professors, Headmaster Rivia had always kept a quiet eye on her progress, and thinking back to the beginning of the school year, he remembered two critical bits of information.

The first was that Although she scored relatively high with her INT and MIND stats because she was a Mage/Summoner, all her other stats were abysmally low. Those two stats aside, Melody’s situation was so bad that she had been given a D-grade on STR, DEX, AGI, and VIT, which was rarely seen when it came to someone so talented in Spells and Affinity Skills.

: Status :

: Melody Garland (Dumb Sheltered Princess, DSP) :

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Reforged Body, Sorcerer’s Physique :

: Human Female:

: Age-14:

: Tier-2 :

: Primary Class – Tier-2 Mage  : (+7 INT, +7 MIND Distribution)

:Former: Tier-1 Apprentice Mage : (+2 INT, +2 MIND Distribution)

: Sub-Class – Tier-2 Apprentice Summoner : (+7 INT, +7 MIND Distribution)

: Level: 35/35 CAP :

: Essence Pool(XP): 29,554,297 :

: P-Class (Mage): 35 – XP : CAP

: S-Class (Summoner): 35 – XP : CAP

: Distribution: 2 INT, 2 MIND  : (INT 16, MIND 16)

: Mana Codex & Cicuits Tier-3  :

: Stage 5 :

: Body – Tier-3, 15g Resistance :

: Credits: 9,144,883 :


: HP 20,500/20,500 : 20 Per Point

: Mana 44,750/44,750 : 40 Per Point

: Stamina 5125/5125 : 5 Per Point

: Stat Points- 0 : (5 per Level) Class (2)

: Skill Points- 0 : (2 per level) Class (2)

: Strength- 900 :
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: Dexterity- 900 :

: Agility- 900 :

: Intelligence- 1200 :

: Vitality-  1200 :

: Mind-  1200 :

: Will Power- 87 :

: Killing Intent- 466 – 5.25 G :

: Affinity- :

:(BG) Wind-Tier-3 (Expert):

:(BG) Terra-Tier-3 (Expert):

:(SBG) Dust-Tier-2 (Expert)

“YOU, IVAR RAGNARSSON, HOW IN THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS?” Jumping to his feet and pointing an anxiously shaking finger at Melody, who recoiled in fear due to the Headmaster’s sudden outburst, Headmaster Rivia screamed while looking between the girl and Cynrik frantically.

“Hm? Are you asking how I took DSP from a shit-tier glass cannon and turned her into a somewhat viable teammate? That, Headmaster, is quite simple.” Leaning forward and waving his hand in a downward motion to get Geralt to sit back down, Cynrik smiled and began explaining.

“You see, when Melody first joined us, to say she was severely lacking in every stat department would be an understatement. In contrast to Intelligence and Mind, which sat around 540 each, Strength, Dexterity, and Agility remained at 375.”

“Hell, if not for her having finished off both of her prestige, I don’t doubt they would have still been in the 100s. But I digress; stats aside, her casting speed was slow as shit, not to mention her Resistance and Body strength were both low as hell. If it weren’t for her relationship with Benny, I wouldn’t have batted an eye in her direction.” Shrugging his shoulders and ignoring the glares he was receiving from Brance, Gabby, Selene, and Benny, Cynrik continued speaking.

“However, since we require two members to compete and time was short, I decided to pick her up and give her some much-needed TLC.” When Cynrik said TLC, Headmaster Rivia noticed Melody shiver in fear, making him raise an eyebrow.

“To increase her resistance and body strength, I forced her into gravity training rooms until I was satisfied with her growth enough to allow her to participate in our regular body conditioning program.”

“The regular training consists of cycled Killing Intent Bombardment; this not only sharpens one’s mind, allowing them to keep a clear head in combat, but also tempers their body, will, and Resistance.”

This time, Gabby, Benny, and Melody shivered together, making Headmaster Rivia view Cynrik in a different light. If everything the boy was saying was true, he had subjected the rest of his group to brutal mental and physical torture.

And from what he could tell, they were all still standing and seemed ok on the outside, but from just a few simple words, it was evident to him that all three of the children had some mental trauma due to Cynrik’s training program.

“Phase two was conditioning, in which everyone, myself included, participates. Regimented physical exercise, flexibility training, acrobatics, weight training, calisthenics, you name it; we do it for around 2-3 hours daily, rain or shine.”

“Her physique causes her resource stats to be reduced heavily, so I had to find a way to improve them, and I ultimately decided that, apart from physical training, all of her Stat points were spent on anything other than INT and MIND.”

“Mmm, in the beginning, she was slacking pretty bad, so I had to double her workout time, but after a couple of weeks, the results started to come through, but it was our time in the Egresses where Melody began to increase her power rapidly.” Tilting his head slightly, Cynrik noticed Melody looking at him with a mixture of emotion on her face, so he winked at her and turned to face Geralt again.

“466 kills, that is what everyone during our Dives earned. I meticulously chose which Egresses we would go into specifically because of the kill rewards given by particular creatures. In this way, I could boost everyone’s stats evenly to an extent. Every member of MyrkLys gained 390 STR, 250 DEX, 350 AGI, 275 INT, 400 VIT, and 195 MIND. With these kill boosts on top of the gratuitous XP, everyone could Cap their classes and Primary Level, bringing us all to the Peak of Tier-2.”

“But Melody was slightly different from the rest of the party. We had all been in life or death situations so jumping into an Egress was simply par for the course; however, she hadn’t. Until my training course, Melody had only ever fought in VR and used expensive resources to increase her level, so calling her “Sheltered” was a given.”

Releasing a sigh and steepling his fingers again, Cynrik looked at Melody, staring down at her hands with a crestfallen expression.

“But, I am a fair person, and I give credit where credit is due; Melody has never once complained even though I put her through a level of training specifically meant for my Brother and me to complete. In the end, although I may have made the plan and forced her to execute it properly, her unbreaking will and drive to stand alongside us got her to where she is currently.”

Hearing the praise from Cynrik, something he had never once done for her, Melody’s head snapped up, and she beamed a bright smile in his direction.

[[Hehe, darling~ it looks like Melly likes praise just as much as Gabby.]] Noticing this, Selene couldn’t help but speak up.

[[Eh? Woman, shouldn’t you be jealous of how she’s blushing while staring at me?]] Fighting the urge to recoil in disgust at the thought of Melody like-liking him, Cynrik shot back.

[[Jealous? Of Melly, hahaha, yeah, right, you wouldn’t even give her a second look. However, I would kill her in a heartbeat if I thought otherwise.]]


[[Will you two stop discussing killing our party members and flirting, we are in a fucking meeting.]] With his right eye twitching, Brance quickly scolded the idiots.


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[[Oh fuck off.]] Rolling his eyes and directing his attention back to Headmaster Rivia, Brance took a deep breath and waited.

“Anywho, I think it’s time to move on to the next member, don’t you, Headmaster?” Cynrik stated with the corner of his lip curling up in a smirk.

Unaware of the conversation happening in the mind link, Headmaster Rivia digested the information about Cynrik’s training program, sighed softly, placed Melody’s paper down, and began reading through Selene’s Stats, thinking he was numb to surprises by this point.

: Selene Nilsson (Temptress) :

: Level: 35/35 4,673,398 /4,673,398 :

: Essence Pool(XP): 39,136,400 :

: P-Class (Valk-Vanguard): 35 – XP : CAP

: S-Class (LeatherWorking): 35 – XP : CAP

: Distribution: 2 Per DEX, AGI, INT : (STR 16, DEX 16, VIT 7,)

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-3  :

: Stage 5 :

: Body – Tier-3, 15g Resistance :

: Credits: 23,000,000 :


: HP 42,560/42,560 :

: Mana 22,330/22,330 :

: Stamina 21,280/21,280 :

: Stat Points- 0 :

: Skill Points- 550 :

: Strength-  1628 :

: Dexterity- 1603 :

: Agility- 1236 :

: Intelligence- 1177:

: Vitality-  1334 :

: Mind-  1153 :

: Will Power- 50 :

: Killing Intent- 695 – 6.25 G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-3 (Expert):

:(SAG)Abyss-Tier1 (Initial):

Reading through her stats, Headmaster Rivia frowned deeply after seeing that Selene had actually had two SSS grade Stats, her STR and DEX, while the rest were either SS or SS+. His first thought upon seeing them was to ask which Bloodline she had, but just as he was about to say something, Cynrik’s pupils constricted, and Headmaster Rivia felt a terrifying pressure bare down on his body.

“I recommend you continue reading and don’t bother asking what I think you are about to ask Headmaster. There is a reason I left out certain information, and it is not something I will converse with you about, no matter how much you threaten my party or me. Also, remember that every one of us has over 5g of Killing Intent, so I recommend you let it go, lest you want to turn into paste under 30g of Killing Intent.”

Cynrik had predicted the question forming in Geralt’s mind after noticing his line of sight linger on Selene’s STR and DEX, the two highest stats on her paper. When the Headmaster looked at him with questioning eyes, Cynrik didn’t hesitate to unleash 5g of Killing Intent as a warning.

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