The Over-Break System


Knock, Knock, Knock.

Just as Cynrik was finishing up his examination of Sie and Vii’s stats, a soft triple knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. It made his head snap in the direction of the door, followed by Headmaster Rivia uttering a word that would shatter the Members of MyrkLys’s perception of what they knew about Vinestra.

“Please come in…Father.”

The moment the words left Headmaster Rivia’s lips, the brass doorknob turned, and with a loud creak, the door slowly opened, revealing the visage of an elderly bald man sporting a neatly groomed flowing white beard. As this man walked, his wooden cane’s soft, dull thump echoed down the hall and into the room.

Thump, thump, thump.

The only sound in the room was the dull thumping of the man’s cane on the linoleum flooring, well at least that was all Cynrik could hear, as the world seemed to get eerily quiet.

With recognition painted across his face, Cynrik’s heart-rate spike to over 200 bpm, and his pupils constricted to pinpricks. Of everyone he had ever met in both lives, this old man was the only person who could strike utter fear and dread into his heart for some reason.

“AH, Grandpa Constantine!” Even though Cynrik was the first to recognize this old man, Gabby took the initiative and beat him to the punch by speaking first.

“Hello Gabriella, you and Student Ivar have missed quite a few of my lectures, but it is fine; nothing a little extra makeup work can’t fix.” Professor Constantine spoke in a warm and gentle tone, making everyone except Cynrik feel at ease.

With the lingering memory of how the old man moved faster than his brain could process at the forefront of his mind, Cynrik had been on edge every time he laid eyes on the old man since.

[Cyn, what’s gotten into you?] Noting that nearly every muscle on his older brother’s body had tensed up as if ready to explode forward and fight if the need arose, Brance asked with budding confusion.

Looking between Cynrik and Professor Constantine, Brance had no idea what was going on; However, Cynrik had talked about the event on the first day of school, but he didn’t talk about anything else pertaining to the strange old man. After the first interaction, the old man hadn’t ever shown any hostility again. But it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Cynrik was afraid of this old man.

Brance glanced at the old man as he approached the now standing Headmaster and decided it was best to be safe rather than sorry, so he charged up his Mana just in case he needed to drop the [Radient Tower] at the last minute.

In the worst case, he could instantly move everyone to the teleporter and get them out of dodge.

After greeting his Son with a pat on the shoulder, Professor Constantine observed the members of MyrkLys in silence before his pale amber eyes drifted to the small sleeping cat nestled in Gabby’s arms.
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For an instant, a flash of something showed itself in his eyes before vanishing just as quickly, so quickly that if Cynrik weren’t hyper-analyzing the old man at that moment, he would have missed it.

That flash was recognition, and with the realization that Professor Constantine recognized the cat for what it was, Cynrik felt all the hair on the back of his neck and arms rise.

“Hm, interesting,” Professor Constantine muttered before acting like Milo was a regular run-of-the-mill house cat. Making up his mind and giving a short nod, the old man reached into his layered grey and brown robes and retrieved a handful of different colored stones. As he flicked his wrist, a cluster of colored light floated in front of Gabby, Benny, and Melody.

“I believe these should be sufficient for what you three need to complete your Evolution and begin your Passing Down ceremony.” Leaning forward on his wooden cane, Professor Constantine stunned everyone in the room, and of course, Gabby was the first to extend her hand and collect the orbs, which ceased to glow after touching her hand.

After gritting his teeth and activating [Inspect], Cynrik counted five Tier-3 Affinity Stone Pieces in Gabby’s open palms. Two Chloro Affinity Stone Pieces, a Terra Affinity Stone Piece, a Psychic Affinity Stone Piece, and a Hema Affinity Stone Piece.

The same event played out for Benny and Melody, who received a Tier-3 Affinity Stone Piece for each of their Affinities, including Benny’s Temperature Affinity.

Leaving everyone in the room speechless, Professor Constantine waved his hand and spoke in a crystal clear tone.

“You can collect the rest of your materials from my Son, but for now, I need the four of you to please leave the room and give me some time to speak with Students Ivar, Bj?rn, and Selene. We have much to talk about, and it is confidential information that can not be spread. No one can know about this conversation, and the moment you three students, and yes, you too, my Son, leave the room, none of you will remember that I was even here.”

“I have already taken the liberty to delete all proof of your reaching out to me through messenger, Geralt, so you needn’t worry. For now, take those three to the treasury, retrieve the other materials they and the three students leaving with me still require, and head to your office. I will be sending these three back once I am done.”

After gently lifting his cane, Professor Constantine tapped it on the ground and teleported Headmaster Rivia, Gabby, Benny, and Melody out of the room with a flash of light. With the four people gone, he then looked back at the three Over-Break hosts and tapped his cane again, turning dark Cynrik, Brance, and Selene’s vision.

Although their vision was black, and a weightless feeling overtook their bodies, the three Over-Break hosts kept their consciousness and felt themselves pull back toward the ground within a few seconds.

With their vision swimming, Selene and Brance collapsed onto their knees. They threw up all over the pristine stone floors, leaving only Cynrik, who hadn’t eaten today and had experienced more teleportations than anyone else, standing and perfectly fine.

With the other two incapacitated by nausea, Cynrik was left as the sole person vigilant as he examined his surroundings, and what he saw drew a soft gasp from his lips.

Castle was the single most fitting word to describe what he observed. Looking left and right, Cynrik felt as if he had been teleported to ancient England, where Kings and Queens ruled the lands from atop thrones made of precious metals and gems.

Sure enough, after breaking his line of sight away from the majestic suits of golden and silver armor that lined the long rectangular room, Cynrik’s eyes fell to his feet, where he saw a long flowing crimson carpet. Slowly panning his eyes up, he followed this carpet and spotted the Professor making his way toward a staired platform adorned with glistening metals and gems.

However, what he didn’t expect, was that as the old man walked, he began regaining his youth. First, his hunched-over back began straightening with his spine emitting many loud cracks.

Next, his frail body started filling out, packing on dozens of pounds of muscle, and soon, hair sprouted from his bald head as his beard disappeared and a full head of long hair, similar to the Headmasters, fell to his shoulders.
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By the time Professor Constantine reached the steps leading to the throne, he now had the appearance of a fierce warrior in his late 20s. Still, it wasn’t until his clothing changed into an impressive set of golden armor with a flowing red cape that he spun around and sat on his throne regally.

“Now then, Legacy Charges of Odin, Freya, and Yahweh, we have way too much to talk about, and time is not necessarily on our side, so clean up the mess you made in my throne room and get over here.” Speaking with a booming voice that caused everyone to shudder visibly, Selene and Brance picked themselves up while Cynrik quickly obliterated the traces of vomit with BlackFire.

[[Wh…what the fuck is going on?]] Selene asked as she collected herself and stood behind Cynrik.

[[Cyn, your history Professor just shapeshifted, and you aren’t freaking the fuck out, what do you know? What have you realized?]] Trying his best not to panic, having been immobilized due to the sudden teleportation and witnessing the Professor’s sudden transformation, Brance chimed in alongside Selene while stepping up beside his brother.

Contrary to what Selene and Brance wanted from him, Cynrik ignored them both and calmly stepped forward before stopping 20 meters away and looking up at the overbearingly powerful man resting above his throne.

“You know, I had way too many theories about your true identity to count, and even if I now have an idea of who you are, it poses an uncountable number of possibilities.” Clearing his throat and trying his best to sound unaffected by the intense pressure weighing him down, Cynrik tossed a cocky smirk at the man on his throne.

“Oh? And what is your running theory?” Putting on a challenging smile, Professor Constantine responded.

“Norik Ackworth, one of the Three Legendary heroes and the Co-creator of the CSH. It would be him if I had to bet my money on you being anyone.” Letting his arms hang by his sides since being defensive wouldn’t matter in the least against someone of the Professor’s strength, Cynrik blurted out the best of all his theories, even if it was a longshot.

If Professor Constantine wanted them dead, there was nothing Cynrik or even the Headmaster could do except accept their fate.

“Spot on, Cynrik Jetlensr, as expected of another reincarnator from Earth. So what were you? A detective or something?” Clapping his hands and applauding Cynrik, Norik’s tone was anything but welcoming.

“Nah, Brance was the cop; I was just a normal deadbeat cripple back then who watched way too much anime and read one too many light novels.” Shrugging his shoulders and calling it like it was, Cynrik felt millions of questions popping up in his mind.

Meanwhile, Selene and Brance were utterly floored by the conversation between the two. So much so that both had allowed their jaws to drop open wide.

“HAHAHA, honestly, same, so what year was it on Earth when you came to Vinestra? I died in 2018, although I’ve spent almost seven thousand years here on Vinestra, so I guess this place is more home to me than Earth ever was.” Leaning back on his throne and laughing at Cynrik’s comment, Norik’s regal image shattered in everyone’s eyes as he seemed to turn into an average person in the blink of an eye.

“2021, Brance and I got killed in a nuclear attack, a bunch of America’s enemies banded together, creating an Axis Army several times the size of the Germans in WW2, and well, long story short, the two of us got caught up in the war and died. The same goes for Selene, but she died a little after us.” Even though Cynrik was astonished that the man reincarnated from Earth and normally wouldn’t have dared to reveal the information he was speaking, he accepted the fact that there was nothing that could be done, especially if he wanted answers.

“I see; I spent nearly 3,000 years trying to find a way back to Earth in an attempt to find out what happened to those I left behind…to no avail.” Cynrik watched as a wave of sorrow visibly washed over Norik’s face.

“Alas, there is no point dwelling on what could have been; we must always move forward. I know you have many questions, and since I am in a good mood, I will allow you to ask, but be aware, we only have 2 hours till I have to send you guys back.”

<strong>(Chapter 367 – Professor Constantine’s True Identity)</strong>

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