The Over-Break System

Chapter 404 Tri-Quest Selene, Trib-Quest Benny

'Fuck it, full power time,' steeling her resolve, Selene rushed forward, deactivated her [Void Shift], blindsided the Demon with a sweeping slash of her Spear, activated [Void Domain], followed by her Húeflúr and ?sir Mode. It was time to use every tool at her disposal.

In an instant, a massive 100-meter black dome came into existence, blotting out the dense orange sunlight and shrouding the entire group of Tier-3 Beings along with the single Mid-Tier-4 Abyssal Demon in darkness, shutting off two of the most important senses a being has, Sight and Hearing.

The sudden loss of light threw everyone inside the Domain into a panic, and at the moment, the only one under attack was that singular Tier-4 Demon. Before he could even react to the first attack and give orders to his men, the Abyssal Demon was already fighting for his life against an invisible enemy.

After activating her two bloodline abilities, Selene was on the prowl. Tapping the ground with the toes of her right foot, she kicked the loose dirt and rushed forward toward the weaker opponents while conjuring over fifty [Abyssal Shadow Spears]. All of which flew forward faster than any Tier-2 or lower being could see.

Although her manipulation of Mana would reach a new height after activating her ?sir Mode, due to her lack of more than two Affinities, the boost she obtained once entering the strange state wasn't even half of what Cynrik got. Still, it was more than enough to make her a formidable opponent.

With the absence of light or sound within the [Void Domain] and the increased buff to her stats, Selene was a phantom, stabbing and slashing with her Spear while nimbly bouncing around and avoiding her own [Shadow Spears], which would fill any gaps left open during her assault.

However, the Tier-4 Abyssal Demon Captain wasn't helpless, weak, or dumb. Quickly recognizing what was happening, he analyzed the situation, as he had received numerous briefings from the higher-ups about the "DarkSpear," and her strange abilities.

If eyesight and hearing, two essential senses, were cut off, he did not need them. Extending his perception and utilizing one of his race's traits, the Tier-4 Abyssal Demon Captain "felt" the Mana and essentially built a negative picture in his mind.

In his mind's eye, the world was in black and white, with the white being all the Mana Particles in the surrounding area. Like this, he soon realized how horrible of a situation he had found himself in.

The image of something more demonic than him came into view in the form of a hulking monster (Selene's Mana Signature). Its Mana was so condensed and seamlessly merged with the being known as DarkSpear's body that the Demon Captain felt his butthole pucker.

'How, how is this possible? Isn't she supposed to be a human? How does she have the Royal Bloodline's Affinity?' Seeing the strange dual-textured Mana Particles swirling around Selene's body, the Demon Captain felt genuine fear for the first time in his life.

'Wrong…they are all fucking wrong about this Woman, Dark Affinity user, my Ass! She is a fucking Monster among monsters!' The Demon Captain cried in his mind as he jumped around like a hyperactive cricket to avoid the incoming dual Affinity Spears.

Watching the Demon flicker around, Selene clicked her teeth and continued hurling Spears while reaping the lives of every Tier-3 present. Her goal after throwing up the Domain was to contain the Captain with a never-ending onslaught of enhanced [Abyssal Shadow Spears].

-Tier-3.5 Dual Affinity Skill [Abyssal Shadow Spear] (Dark and Abyss)-

? -Category: Active.-

-A Custom Affinity Skill Created by Selene Nilsson with Assistance from Cynrik Jetlensr. This skill utilizes the impressive defensive and manipulative capabilities of Abyss Mana while using Dark Mana to create the construct. You can weaponize the Mana Particles into a semi-physical construct, such as a powerful and fast Spear.-

-The thin layer of Abyss Mana surrounding the Dark Mana construct allows the Spear to penetrate nearly any construct, physical or metaphysical, since it can disrupt any Mana Particle.-
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-Can be wielded Physically since the User is immune to the effect due to their Affinity.-

-Special Ability: Mana Vampyric Touch-When the Spear hits a Being, or Mana construct, Syphon 15% of the Damage Delt as Mana to restore your Mana Pool.-

-Creates a 4.5-meter Dual Affinity Mana Spear.-

-Damage Calc: DEX and INT Based.-

-Requirement: Must have Húeflúr and ?sir Mode Active.-

-Cost: 100 MP of Abyss and Dark Mana.-

-Cooldown: No cool down.-

Although impressive, her new Dual Affinity skill needed to connect with her target to sustain rapid creations. Thus after creating the initial 50 Spears, Selene didn't make more and instead controlled them to continuously circle the Demon Captain and attack without rest. In clusters of five, the spears swooped in to attack like a swarm of bees.

It only took Selene two minutes to destroy the around 100 Tier-3 Abyssal Demons and direct her attention toward the frantic Demon Captain.

Her eyes narrowed as she watched the Demon Captain bouncing around, nimbly dodging each of the incoming spears. Hence, she increased the frequency of the attacks, clustering together ten instead of five, before swiftly shifting into Dark Mana particles and covering the distance between them.

Due to the added frequency of the attacks, the Demon Captain succumbed to the pressure, and the first hit occurred, albeit only a graze, but it was enough to cause a smirk to creep up on Selene's lips as she shifted back into her physical form and leaped into combat.

'FUCK, THE MONSTER IS HERE!' The Demon Captain cried internally as he again got hit by a flurry of spears, this time taking a shot directly in his right shoulder.

To his dismay, even though he had on Tier-5 Armor, the Spear effortlessly tore its way through the impressive pauldron, flesh, tendon, and even bone, severing his right arm from his body and causing him to scream in agony.

The corrosive nature of the mixture of Dark Mana and Abyss Mana soon made itself known as the particles ran rampant in what was left of his shoulder, causing the wound to fester and bubble with toxicity.

Blinded by pain and fear, the Abyssal Demon Captain tried to flee, but it was useless as several Dual Affinity Spears slammed into the ground behind him, cutting off the escape route.

Raising her lip and exposing her teeth in a fierce snarl, Selene tossed her Spear into the air and reached out to grab one of the Mana Construct spears. Next, she flashed forward and impaled the Demon with it, pinning his left leg to the ground before capturing another and replicating the instance with his right leg and remaining arm.

As he lay helpless, pinned to the ground, the Demon opened his eyes only to see darkness and a pair of Crimson and Black Glowing Eyes. This was followed by nothing as Selene rapidly knifed him all over, turning him into a pincushion holding over 15 Dual Affinity Spears.

-You have killed a Mid-Tier-4 Abyssal Demon Captain.-
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-You have completed all the tasks presented.-

-Tier-1 Abyssal Demons: 5000/5000.- (Complete)

-Tier-2 Abyssal Demons: 2500/2500.- (Complete)

-Tier-3 Abyssal Demons: 500/500.- (Complete)

-Tier-4 Abyssal Demons: 10/10.- (Complete)

-You have Passed your Trial Quest, With an SSS Rating. You will receive extra benefits upon completion of your Tier-3 Evolution.-

-Now Commencing Tier-3 Evolution.-

Selene wasn't even given a chance to withdraw her Affinity Skills as her vision spun and the most intense pain she had ever experienced ran its course through her body.


POV: Benny

-Tribulation Quest: Endurance Combat.-

-You Must Survive A prolonged Simulated Battle while making it through a sizeable obstacle course; the Timeframe you have to complete this Quest is determined by the Difficulty Setting you Choose.-

-Please choose the Difficulty Setting you wish to partake in. *Reminder, a higher Difficulty Setting will result in better Rewards.-

-Difficulties below Expert will be removed since you have multiple Stats that have Reached their Cap.-

-Expert, Master, Grandmaster, Legend.-

Crossing his arms, Benny frowned as he read through the brief description of his Tribulation Quest. The fact that he was the only member of MyrkLys to cap all of his Stats spiked the Difficulty of his Quest, turning it from a simple Trial Quest, into a Tribulation Quest, just like what had happened with Cynrik and Brance.

His eyes momentarily flicked to the Legend Setting before quickly tossing out that idea. Sure, it would be awesome if he could complete it since with significant risk comes great reward, but Benny was more intelligent than that.

'Legend is off the table, and so is Expert, being opposite ends of the spectrum, one is too hard, while the other would be too easy, leaving only Master and Grandmaster.' Taking a deep breath, Benny brought his hand to his chin and began pacing back and forth, lost in thought.

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