The Over-Break System

Chapter 434 Tier-3 Primary Classes (4)

[[Oh, did someone who HAPPENS TO HAVE WINGS get the shit scared out of him.]] Cynrik teased as he watched Brance's eyes franticly dart around the surrounding area.

[[You, Hah, Fuck, what the hell was wrong with Yennifer? Why would she do that? Was it to kill me with fright?]] Patting his chest several times and looking over at Selene and Cynrik as they hid their laughter, Brance felt like his heart was about to explode.

[[For someone who can LITERALLY fly, you would think you'd have overcome that fear of yours. But then again, you aren't one to change easily, so to an extent, it makes sense.]] Cynrik yawned loudly before heading to the bleachers with his woman in tow while wrapping his arm around Selene's waist.

[[That's rich, coming from you, Cyn, who has been wearing the same hairstyle since before we reincarnated.]] Without missing a beat, Brance was quick to retort. Still, instead of poking at his older brother for the reaction he expected, Cynrik lifted his arm and waved dismissively before sitting down and pulling Selene into his lap.

[[I happen to like Darling's hair, plus he knows how to take care of it, so it's always silky smooth and free of tangles or even split ends. On the other hand, Brancie, I am surprised Gabby hasn't dragged your ass to the store, mister I use Body/Shampoo/Conditioner Gels.]] Crossing her right leg over her left provocatively and leaning against Cynrik's chest to get comfortable, Selene teased.

Seeing how abnormally close the two were acting, Brance's brain screeched to a halt, and his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

[[The two of you are awfully touchy-feely right now…]] He said while peeking under the blanket and checking on Gabby, who was still out cold.

Cynrik chuckled, reached up both hands, and began bouncing Selene's breasts before kneading them like putty, all while keeping them firmly hidden behind the elastic sports bra, much to the woman's enjoyment, before giving a reply. He was even careful to cover her slowly rising buds from sight with his palms.

[[Well, let's say I found more than one way to have fun without getting chewed out by Geralt or, worse yet, expelled. Hehe]]

[[Darllling~ not in front of the Lolicon, you'll make him jealous that he can't have any fun like us.]] Fighting the urge to release a moan, Selene kept giggling and allowed Cynrik to mold her tits in any way, shape, or form that he pleased.

Despite Brance's disgust for the show the two were putting on, the term they both used confused him. He knew it was an insult and had something to do with Gabby, but he decided it was better to ignore them and, as such, sat down opposite his unconscious girlfriend with his back to the two annoying assholes on the bleachers.

It wasn't long before the other members of MyrkLys woke up, and soon they huddled on the bleachers to discuss their Class Promotions and changes.

As per their leader's request, Brance, Gabby, Selene, Benny, and Melody wrote down their new Distributions, Lost Skills, and of course, the newly learned skills on a sheet of paper and passed them around for everyone to see.

First up was Cynrik himself, who sent over his info to Brance and Selene through the mind link before jotting down the crucial data and passing it to Gabby for analysis.

-Your Tier-2 Rogue Skills, Uncanny Dodge and Danger Sense have been merged and Evolved into the Tier-3 Umbral Blade-Dancer Skill Sixth Sense.-

-Your Tier-2 Rogue Skill Luck of the Rogue has evolved into the Tier-3 Umbral Blade-Dancer Skill Lucky Advantage.-

-You have learned the Tier-3 Umbral Blade-Dancer Skill Dance of Blades.-

-You have learned the Tier-3 Umbral Blade-Dancer Skill Disorient.-

-Tier-3 Umbral Blade-Dancer Skill [Sixth Sense]-
-Category: Passive Skill.-

-A skill created by merging the two passive skills, Uncanny Dodge and Danger Sense.-

-This skill creates an intangible 15x15 meter bubble that can hide nothing from you, attacks, presences, hostility; you can sense it all.-

-When an attacker within your detection range hits you with a physical or metaphysical attack, you have a 30% chance of passively reducing the damage taken by half.-

-In situations that could result in receiving damage more than 2% of your Total HP, you will feel uncomfortable and restless.-

Although [Sixth Sense] didn't have the most in-depth description, it was something that Cynrik couldn't help but feel was magical. Although his [Mana Sight] allowed him to see the unseen, his [Sixth Sense] allowed him to feel it naturally and, best of all, without cost.

He had every direct ill intent his way to test out his new skill, and after several rounds of experiments, Cynrik was overly pleased to admit he finally had gotten the most actual form of "Spidey Sense." If someone wanted to attack, he would get a little tingly feeling in the back of his head. Even if it only gave him a fraction of a second to react, for someone with his flexibility, dexterity, and agility, it was plenty of time to get out of the way.

One of his experiments, in which Selene and Brance used their Stealth Skills, revealed that, even though they were technically invisible, they could not keep out of Cynrik's sight once they reached the 15x15 meter sphere.

The following skill was his [Lucky Advantage], which in all honesty, was almost identical to his [Luck of the Rogue], with the only difference being the chance of triggering the skill had increased from 2% per Luck Point to 5%.

The real meat and potatoes of Cynrik's new Class were the two new Active Skills, [Dance of Blades] and [Disorient].

-Tier-3 Umbral Blade-Dancer Skill [Dance of Blades]-

-Category: Active Bladed Weapon Skill.-

-Must control two or more Bladed weapons to activate.-

-At the cost of your MP and STAM, you can infuse up to 15 bladed weapons with a Temporary form of your Will, allowing you to control them from a distance to attack.-

-The Temporary Will infused in the blades allows them to act accordingly through flight or complicated attack patterns; they will move independently without your guidance.-

-The Temporary Will allows the Blades to move a maximum of 100-meters away from you. They will not be able to leave that range, and if they try to, they will lose the Will and return to being normal weapons.-

-Cost: 1% of Max STAM and MP value per Bladed weapon per Minute Active.-

-Damage Calc: Based on DEX, INT.-

-Cooldown: No Cooldown, but can not be activated if MP and STAM are Below 40% of the Max Value.-

Reading through the skill description, Benny and Brance found themselves practically panting in anticipation. Every member of MyrkLys knew how many blades were stored in Cynrik's Assassins Tools, and upon reading the skill, each person could form a mental image of Demon-Lord Cyn surrounded by dozens of flying hidden blades.

"Bbbig Bro Cyn…you, you have to promise not to chase me with them…I am begging you." The thought freaked Gabby out so badly because numerous times she had been caught trying to run from homework or the dreaded workbooks, only to be surrounded by an unfathomable amount of Shadow Tendrils, which would promptly drag her back to study.

"Hm…that, little rabbit, depends on if you keep slacking in your studies. If memory serves, you should have three completed workbooks to turn in to me before the end of the week." Cynrik said while twirling one of the unequipped hidden blades around his fingers like a pen.

His words caused everyone except Melody and Brance to flinch because, like Gabby, they two had homework that needed to be turned in to Cynrik soon.

"Haa..ha…ha…haaa... RUNNNNN!" In fright, Gabby instantly jumped off the bleachers and made a break for the arena door. Unfortunately, her actions were too predictable for Cynrik, and with a flick of both wrists, 13 blades were discharged from his Assassins tools, and he tossed the 14th blade into the air before activating his new skill.

In an instant, Cynrik felt a wave of exhaustion wash over his body as 14% of his Stamina and MP disappeared and gave a basic form of intelligence and strength to the fourteen blades in the form of an inky black aura that clung to each blade like oil.

Half a second later, the fourteen blades stopped falling and began floating. The glowing blades rotated around simultaneously as the aura seeped into them, as if in a horror movie, and awaited Cynrik's command.

With a nod, Cynrik gave them a mental command to retrieve Gabby without harming her, and soon, fourteen flying and glowing hidden blades dashed through the air. It took less than a minute for the fourteen blades to catch up to the young woman and capture and return to the Bleachers, with Gabby kicking and screaming along the way.

"BIG BRO CYN, I AM SORRY; I PROMISE I WILL FINISH MY WORKBOOKS ON TIME!" Gabby cried as she nervously stole glances at the menacing glowing blades.

But her words fell on deaf ears because Cynrik was already in the process of releasing his skill, storing the weapons back in his Assassins Tools, and explaining his final new skill.

-Tier-3 Umbral Blade-Dancer Skill [Disorient]-

-Category: Active Skill.-

-By adding Umbra Mana to your weapon, you can imprint a temporary status ability on your weapon.-

-During combat, each hit you land will carry a 15% chance of inflicting one of the following random status effects, Stun, Paralyze, Poison, Blind, Confusion, Burn, or Corrosion.-

-Status Effects applied in this manner can stack for increased effect.-

-This imprint will disappear upon making clean contact with a targeted enemy, even if no status is dealt.-

-Cost: 500 points of Umbra Mana per attack.-

-Cooldown: No Cooldown, but can not be activated if MP and STAM are Below 40% of the Max Value.-

When Cynrik finished explaining the skill, everyone was stunned and silent. Until now, everyone had obtained a way to deal status effects on an opponent, but Cynrik's new skill was mind-blowing to them.

Not only did [Disorient] have almost no cost, but it had seven different potential outcomes if the 15% chance was triggered. With how fast Cynrik could attack, in theory, it wouldn't be unrealistic for him to apply one Status after another, especially if paired with his new [Dance of Blades].

With the addition of these two skills, Cynrik's role in combat dramatically changed. Since the beginning, he was primarily a single-target attack force due to most of his toolbox being filled with attacks meant for one-on-one fights. It was only because of his speed and combat experience that he could handle multiple opponents.

However, things were going to be different from now on, but time would tell how Cynrik could adapt to this change. There were many things for him to work through, and a lot of planning needed to be done.

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