The Over-Break System

Chapter 443 Opening Ceremonies (2)

"No can do, Headmaster Rivia; people like him need to be taught that there are some people you can't afford to piss off. Tier-5 means nothing if you haven't trained your body enough to handle 12g of Killing Intent. Every member of my Faction has trained under 15g. How the hell did this guy become a Head Dean?

"Sigh, here we go again," Gabby said as she held Milo in her arms and shook her head.

At Cynrik's words and the subsequent murmur from Gabby, the room became so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The only sound reverberating off the cobblestone floor was the scratching of the Vice Headmaster's uniform and his bones crunching as he strained against the impressive 15g of gravitational force.

Even Headmaster Rivia was left speechless by Cynrik's actions and statement. Although he and Cromwell had their differences, and the man in question was excessively arrogant, he was still the Second in Command.

With his powerful backing, and high Tier, Cromwell should be a peak existence in the Academy, yet with a glance from Cynrik and Selene, the man was sprawled out in an unsightly manner on the ground as veins bulged on his face and neck.

[[Let him go, Cyn; you've made your stance clear.]] Allowing this farce to continue for a few seconds because he got a weird and bad feeling about this guy on the ground, Brance finally stepped in, and Cynrik, for once in his life, actually listened.

Clicking his tongue and nodding at Selene, the two released their Killing Intent, allowing everyone present, most importantly Cromwell, to release the breath they had unknowingly held.

" you, HOW DARE YOU? Do you know who I am?" Feeling the pressure that had him practically frozen in fear and embarrassed to no end vanish, Vice Headmaster Cromwell jumped to his feet, took out a rapier from his inventory, and pointed it at Cynrik.

"Vice Headmaster, I understand you are furious with the actions of student Ivar, but to draw your weapon, I will not stand by and allow you to make a move like this." The instant the green rapier appeared in Cromwell's hand, the massive sword that usually rested on Geralt's back was unsheathed.

"Not only has this student attacked a member of the Parliament Family *Royalty*, but he has dared to attack the second highest staff member of VSFA!" One of the women standing off to the side, also wearing a white uniform, shouted as she aggressively pointed at Cynrik and Selene.

"Bitch, I dare you to continue pointing at my man in such a vulgar way; see if I don't cut off that poorly manicured finger." Raising her lips in a snarl and manifesting ten floating Shadow Affinity Spears around her body, Selene snapped at the woman.

With Selene manifesting her Spears, Benny, Brance, and Gabby stepped forward to either aid their party members or stop them, while Melody took a few steps back and began pre-chanting several spells.

Cynrik practically indoctrinated her to position herself at the back of the battlefield, and so she did. Far enough away from the primary physical attackers yet close enough to be able to interfere with any potential ranged attacks from the opposition.

In contrast to the rest of MyrkLys, Melody was terrified because she knew every staff member present. Her fearful eyes kept darting between Vice Headmaster Cromwell and the woman Selene had threatened: Leah Sinderfal, Head Dean of Year Five.

"Student Ivar just assaulted me, which not only violates multiple laws due to my Title, but he is a known troublemaker, so how can you stand by and allow this group of FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS to disrespect our authority? He should have been expelled after that incident at the beginning of the School Year!" Cromwell spat while wearing a sinister expression.
By the few words, Cynrik had already overheard, be it on the way up from the shadow realm or presently, he was already forming a dark picture in his mind. It was clear that he held a large amount of disdain for him, but the question is why.

|"That is because I have decided that they receive the highest level of enrichment and resources available. I decided to take this Faction and raise their status higher. Victor Cromwell, are you going to go against MY, THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY?"|

Suddenly, just when everyone present thought a fight was about to break out, a beam of light fell from the sky, and Yennifer manifested in a flash of Golden Particles.

Her entrance caused all the Staff members to take a knee and look at the ground. However, the most surprising thing to Cynrik was how the students outside of his Faction, including Kurza, collapsed to the ground unconscious, leaving only MyrkLys, Geralt, Cromwell, and Leah Sinderfal standing.

"LLLLady Yennnifer?" Studdering like a fool and storing his rapier instantly, Cromwell only had one thought: flee.

"Lady Yennifer, I have not made it public that you are the backer of these students. I doubt I would have received so much backlash from the Board of Directors and Vice Headmaster Cromwell if I had." Heaving a sigh and giving the Vice Headmaster a look of pity, Geralt stepped forward and greeted his mother in a professional and respectful tone.

|"How about I clear this up right now, By the Power Granted to me as an Administrator of the Central System Hub, I Grant the Title of VSFA Core Student unto Ivar Ragnarson, Björn Ragnarson, Selene Nilsson, Benjamin Sanford, Gabriella Sanford, and Melody Garland."|

|"Furthermore, as per Article 12.3 of the VSFA Employment Contract, which each of you has signed, if any Staff Member, no matter their Rank, plans to negatively impact or place sanctions or restrictions on a Core Student, they will not only be stripped of their Role as a Staff member, but their Status Profile will receive a Status Effect reducing their power by 95% for the rest of their life."|

Yennifer's words were like a lightning bolt descending on every staff member present. While the members of MyrkLys were shocked and showed outward emotion, Cynrik only narrowed his eyes at the sexy hologram woman floating a few meters away.

-You have received the Special Title: VSFA Core Student.-

'She was waiting for an opportunity to do this. Despite being helpful, I am again treated like a pawn, which annoys me to no end.' Cynrik thought as he swiped the notification out of his line of sight.

Cynrik's reaction didn't escape the watchful eye of Yennifer. Still, since she was present in a professional capacity, she let it go and snapped her fingers to dematerialize Selene's Mana Construct Spears.

|"Now, I will wake up the other students; you all need to get to the venue. Do not forget, each of you represents VSFA in this CSH Sponsored Competition; I will overlook the fact that this little hiccup transpired, but if it happens again, well, I don't have to explain the consequences."|

|"This isn't the first time most of you have been at one of these events, and I expect a level of professionalism befitting your Status."|

With that said, Yennifer turned and looked away from the visibly defeated Cromwell and gave Cynrik a good look from top to bottom before nodding in contentment and vanishing in a shower of golden particles.

In the minutes following the disappearance of Yennifer, the Staff waited for the students to awaken from their induced sleep. Meanwhile, Brance was the first to break the silence through the mind link.

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[[What the fuck just happened…]]

[[That Busybody AI thwarted my plan of rooting out a potential leak in the Academy.]] Cynrik spat with a tone laced with annoyance.

[[Huh? Hold on, the fuck are you on about?]] Shooting Cynrik a confused look, Brance frowned and scooted closer to Gabby, who still seemed a bit shaken by the incident.

[[When we were breaking back into reality from the Shadow Realm, I eavesdropped on Geralt and that Guy Cromwell's conversation. His body language, appearance, and manner of speaking were tell-tale signs that he had hostile feelings toward me, someone he had never met before.]] Crossing his arms after tugging his hood to cover more of his face than usual, Cynrik stated, confusing Brance further.

[[And how exactly did you eavesdrop on them?]] Brance asked as he eyed his brother curiously.

[[Activate your [Mana Sight] and take a look at the wall 3 o'clock 25 meters away.]]

Ignoring the overly confident tone in his brother's voice, Brance did as told, and soon his eyes widened in surprise. Exactly where Cynrik had directed was a shadowy humanoid figure hidden in plain sight.

[[That's…a shadow clone?]] Brance asked while attempting to hide any and all facial expressions.

[[Yep, I attached that guy to Geralt's shadow after our Tier-3 Advancement, and when he arrived, I separated it and made it hide so that no one would find out. I've been paying attention to everything going on since he arrived ahead of us.]]

[[Woah, that's actually… really impressive, Darling~, does that mean you will want me to do something similar when I get my shadow army up and running?]] Squeezing Cynrik's arm, Selene chimed in on the conversation between the brothers, flooding her boyfriend with praise.

[[Un, I will give you props for recon potential Cyn, but you are lucky it didn't get found.]] Rolling his eyes, Brance looked away from the shadow person and watched as the students woke up and reassembled in their respective groups under a Dean and Instructor.

[[I have long since predicted there was someone high up on the food chain working against us, how else could those spies get on campus so easily, with Geralt's investigations coming up short, I wanted to do some spying on my own. I just happened to get lucky that this Cromwell guy made it so obvious that he hated me.]]

[[As far as potential enemies go, he shot up to the top of the list the moment he drew his weapon, unfortunately, before I could continue working through my theory, that Busybody AI interfered. Still, all is not lost; this Title will take him out of the game; we just have to keep an eye on him and see if he suddenly gets uber-weak from that CSH Curse.]]

With that said, Cynrik felt someone glaring daggers at him, and when he looked up, he found both Head Dean Sinderfal and Cromwell glaring at him with a look of pure hatred.

[[Make that two higher-ups, this bitch of a Head Dean also hates me.]] Chuckling lightly, Cynrik uncrossed his arms and raised his left hand, so the back of it rested against the bottom of his chin before giving a tentacle wave at the two asshole Deans.

Meanwhile, he sneakily had the Shadow clone attach itself to Cromwell as the two Deans snorted angrily and stepped through the now active Transport Portal.

[[That bitch is fucking him, I can smell the stench of a gold digger a mile away.]] Stomping her foot angrily and gritting her teeth, Selene found a rage like no other bubbling up inside of her.

[[No doubt, anyway, it looks like Geralt wants to scold the shit out of us, so I guess we better take our lumps, not to mention almost everyone has already left through the portal.]] Heaving a sigh and noticing the only people left in the Teleportation Hall were the members of MyrkLys, Garrison, Kurza, Head Dean Rimsfel, and Geralt, Cynrik pulled down his hood and flashed a cocky smile at the Staff.

"Well, that went better than expected." He said while tilting his head to the side and up with a chuckle.

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