The Over-Break System

Chapter 454 Making Their Move (3)

In the Shadow Realm, half a dozen meters below the Tier-1 and Tier-2 VSFA Teams, Cynrik clapped his hands loudly, causing everyone to flinch, before he began speaking.

"Change of plans, no riot for you lot, blame Brancie; instead, I will have to do some micromanaging. Here's the plan; above us, you will see the two teams and the chaperones from our Academy." Cynrik stated as he pointed out above.

"When they approach the tunnel leading into the Arena, I will position you directly under them. Before they walk across the threshold, marking the halfway point, I plan to expel everyone from the Shadow Realm.

"Your job is to guard against anyone tagged as hostile. Do not hold back if anyone aside from VSFA students or staff comes within your pre-established attack range. Oh yeah, that goes for you two as well." Looking away from the geared-up and ready-to-fight members of MyrkLys, Cynrik tilted his head to the side and examined Garrison and Rimsfel.

"You guys are the "protectors," so I expect the two of you to do just that. I don't doubt your strength, especially you, Garrison, as we have trained with you for months; also, Head Dean Rimsfel, I have a question for you." Cynrik paused, rolled up his upper lip without exposing his teeth, and started rubbing it against the underside of his nose in thought, kind of like a rabbit.

"If you are about to ask if I have friends in high places due to my time served in the Military, I am sorry, but I don't. Nearly everyone I served with is either part of High Ranked Reaver Squads or Mercenaries, meaning none are present for the opening ceremonies." Shaking his head in defeat, Rimsfel equipped a wide array of swords onto his body. One on each hip, thigh, shoulder front and back, and even a short blade across his back. In total, Cynrik counted seven different-sized swords, all of which he had no doubt the Peak Tier-4 Master Magic Swordsman could dice him to pieces with.
"Tss, well, that sucks. Moving along, while you all appear as if nothing happened, try your best to keep a low profile…."

In response to this, Gabby, Milo, Benny, Selene, and Melody groaned, only to get silenced by a glare from Cynrik.

"Yes, this means I want all the armor gone, but you can leave your weapons on since it appears that's something people do during their walk-ins." Shaking his head and adjusting the cuffs of his jacket, Cynrik smirked under his hood and reached up to scratch Vii and Sie under their chins. All the while waiting for the obvious question to be asked by someone.

"Uh, and what do you plan on doing, Iv…Cynrik. Let me guess; you plan on running around, causing mayhem. You said you wanted to start a riot, so I assume you will do that?" Finding something off because Cynrik was still fully decked out along with his two large birds, Garrison bit the bait like a fish on a hot summer day.

"hehe, welllllll,~you see, while you guys are acting inconspicuous, I plan on doing exactly as you said, running around and causing some mayhem. BUT I SWEAR IT IS ONLY A DIVERSIONARY TACTIC!" Cynrik was quick to shout the end of his statement with a bit of an unshaky tone as he felt a dangerous glare coming from Brance.


"Sigh, fine, I won't stop you, but I am begging you to keep collateral damage to a minimum AND DON'T KILL ANYONE!" Garrison added as he looked from Brance to Cynrik and, in the end, shook his head in defeat. Unlike Rimsfel, who was under some kind of apparent mind-control when it came to Brance, he felt like the only one thinking with a clear and level-headed mindset.

"Don't worry; I only plan on breaking a few bones and giving a few black eyes. Well, that and setting off a firework or two." Using the most nonchalant tone he could muster, Cynrik stopped scratching under the beaks of his ravens and waved his hand in a shooing motion.

"For some reason, I can't seem to believe a word you just said." Garrison and Brance met each other's dead-eye gaze and slowly shook their heads as the Instructor spoke his mind.

"Bah, don't mind it, oh one last thing, Gabby, when our backup shows up, and by that, I mean Geralt and potentially Old Man Saylin, I need you to create a psychic link with them and Brance so he can explain the situation quickly."

"Got it; create a link between the two adults and Brancie, no problem." Giving a little salute, Gabby looked over at her boyfriend, shot him a quick smile, and turned her face back toward the Arena.

[[Darling~ do try and be brief, I don't have to tell you our little ruse won't last forever, but I still want you to keep it in mind as you play around with those idiots who decided to try and ambush us.]]

[[No problem, Sel, the goal is to send Vii and Sie behind some people to KO them on the spot. The real problem is that Tier-5 guy floating in the sky above the Arena, but with the little firework show I have in store, he shouldn't be too big a task to deal with so long as he isn't a weak chicken.]]

[[Mhm, sure, I believe and trust you, darling. Remember to have fun.]] Being the supportive girlfriend, Selene blew Cynrik a kiss and tilted her head skyward.

[Cyn, try keeping your blast radius as condensed as possible.] Understanding that his brother's goal was to test his new skill's power and if it worked against beings above Tier-4, Brance wore a defeated expression and tried to talk some last-minute sense into Cynrik.

[I'm not stupid, Brancie; you have nothing to worry about except a slight aftershock. Even if that guy dodges, I can remotely detonate my UTBB on command. In the worst-case scenario, you'll actually have two aftershocks since I will blow it up behind him and send him to the ground. Just don't embarrass yourself by stumbling around and falling.] Cynrik stated with a smirk as he snapped his fingers and pointed in two different directions, a signal for Sie and Vii to get into position.

Everyone except Cynrik, Selene, and the two ravens seemed tense for several long minutes as they monitored the situation above. However, as time ticked by slowly, everyone realized that there were now well over a hundred people moving in the shadows or out in the open, creating a quarantined area around the northern gates and surrounding area.

Eventually, the group watched as a group of men in black suits wearing lanyards walked over and conversed briefly with the Vice Head Master while motioning that it was time for them to enter.

"Alright folks, time to move, Sel, Brance, use your stealth skills to make it harder to notice the group; oh right, Head Dean, you too; since you are a Light Affinity user, bending light shouldn't be too difficult for you. I know it won't be perfect camouflage, but it should buy you enough time until I get back. Let's get this show on the road."

With that said, Cynrik put his plan into action by waiting until Selene, Brance, and Rimsfel covered everyone in stealth skills before nudging them upward and out of the Shadow Realm right behind the other VSFA teams unnoticed.


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