The Over-Break System

Chapter 461 Opening Ceremonies (8)

Brance's eyes kept moving toward Cynrik's left hand as his agitated older brother continuously made a slight flick-like twitch every half second. The motion, in essence, was just enough to move but not enough to trigger the ejection mechanism of the Assassins Tool.

[Brance, have a little faith; even I know better than to openly attack someone at Tier-5 with something like 25,000 people surrounding us.] Surveilling his surroundings, Cynrik noticed that only the people from his tournament bracket were currently on the ground level of the Arena's open area. In contrast, all the other teams, be they Tier-1 or higher, had been assigned special seating with the other 125 academies in their bracket.

'Kid, that was reckless as all get out. Never in my life have I seen someone with such gall as to assault someone two Tiers higher than them, and if someone had told me it happened, well, I would have called them insane.'

'Setting aside the fact that each of you has a Killing Intent WELL above even experienced military veterans, you and your brother are creeping ever closer to my own KIN. That in itself is a horrifying accomplishment.' Glancing up at the jumbo-sized screen overhead, Saylin broke up Cynrik and Brance's conversation.

On-screen, Cesar and Roni were bickering as usual while bringing up several hexagonal survey charts representing the members of MyrkLys stats as per their last "Official Examination" at Tier-2.

'Nearly killing a Tier-5 being with a single attack, wielding a KIN of well over 1000 points, and then there's the issue of you speeding through Tier's as if a child playing with toys. Cynrik Jetlensr, you are an enigma.' The old green-haired man stated without looking down at the young man beside him.
Cynrik smirked and observed the outdated Radar charts to double-check that none of the stats presented had reached the stat cap. Once he was sure everything was in order, and the two idiots were chattering on screen, theorizing about how high MyrkLys' stats had increased, he finally responded to Saylin.

'Aren't you forgetting that whole me Powerleveling my group of five other individuals to Tier-3 just as fast as myself part? Come on now, old man, don't skimp on the praise.' He said while finally deactivating his [Mana Sight] for the first time in nearly an hour.

The strain on his eyes made him feel as if he had spent the last 12 hours staring at a computer monitor from only a few centimeters away. With his healing factor, he resolved the soreness and tiredness after closing his eyes for a moment and re-opening them.

'Sigh, Cynrik, I hope you realize Saylin and I won't be able to protect you forever. We can't be by your side every waking minute, and even with the backing of VSFA and the Council, we cannot keep you safe if you keep messing with everyone who pisses you off.' This time it was Geralt's turn to cut in.

'You may not be concerned about your well-being, but think about the rest of your faction, your brother, or even your parents. All of your information has been leaked by Lithlen, and as it stands, we have no real proof or evidence that he even did so, meaning we won't be able to take legal action against him.'

'I side with Geralt on this topic. Those little acts of disobedience and rebellion you just forced your group to perform have proved to the High-Tiers that you are not easily messed with, but you have also demonstrated that you are unruly and unrestrainable. The impression you give off is that of an uncaring individual who tosses caution to the wayside and isn't concerned with the consequences of his actions.' By the end of his statement, Saylin finally looked over at Cynrik only to find the young man as expressionless as ever.

'I love how both of you know me so well that you want to try and dictate my actions, but have either of you stopped to think for even a second that everything I have done today serves a greater purpose?' Cynrik's speech seemed condescending and agitated; however, he wasn't upset or even disappointed in how the two men appeared to view him.

Turning to face Saylin first and locking eyes with him, Cynrik addressed the green-haired man directly.

'Saylin, you have known me for quite some time; tell me, aside from what you would deem as reckless, have I ever NOT had a plan for my actions? Better yet, you were there the first time I stood up to my grandfather; even as a Tier-1 prepubescent child, I stood up to someone attempting to kidnap my younger brother on the ground that he could "raise him better.' Cynrik's words drew a physical reaction from Saylin as if he had smacked the man across the face.

Seeing that, Cynrik snapped his head to the right and spoke at Geralt.

'Geralt, I was scheming to get the highest benefits possible from our relationship from the moment you met me. In the few short months, I've been at VSFA, I have broken any and every record set by previous students in the history of the Academy. You have seen my plots and plans every step of the way from Tier-1 to Tier-3 and know just how deep and far ahead my plans reach.'

Turning back and facing forward while standing at attention, Cynrik continued his monologue.

'Now tell me, if I have proven time and time again to you old bastards that I am not incompetent, why in the hell do you doubt me at every turn? Do you honestly think I haven't predicted all the hundreds of thousands of possible reactions of my enemies? If you do, then never bet against me or play me in fucking chess because I will take you for everything you own.'

'Bare in mind, at Tier-3; I single-handedly brought down a guy rivaling if not stronger than either of you in a single shot. Do you REALLY think I haven't thought extensively of the repercussions of doing such a thing?' Huffing out a puff of carbon dioxide from his nostrils, Cynrik rolled his eyes.

'That's enough, Cyn, the two of them are our elders; there is no need to try breaking them mentally. We get it, your fucking smart, crazy and moronic all at the same time; stop gloating.' When Cynrik finished, a fourth voice entered Cynrik, Saylin, and Geralt's heads, Brance's.

'Instead of talking about how well you've planned for everything, how about filling them in on what exactly you have in store?'

'Tsk, always the fucking voice of reason, what are you, a fucking conscious cricket who sits on my shoulder. Buzz off, Brancie.' Reaching up to his right shoulder with his left hand, Cynrik metaphorically brushed Cricket Brance off his shoulder and shook his head slowly.

'Excuse me, Brance, how long have you been listening in on our conversation? I don't necessarily mind; however, I am pretty curious how none of us could pick up on another person being attached to our minds.' Resisting the urge to spin around and look at Brance, Saylin politely asked.

'That…uh…well, I guess Gabby is pretty advanced with using [Psychic Connection]. Of everyone in the group, she studies and trains the hardest of us, so I assume it has something to do with her control over the skill.


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