The Over-Break System

Chapter 472 Manifesting A Relic-Totem (1)

"That's pretty much it. Enter your SOC, Build the Relic-Totem, link it to your System, transfer your XP while having physical contact with the object, and last but not least, meditate with continuous physical contact."

"That is the complete Aldon Conversion Method." Geralt finished his lecture by taking another sip of whiskey, making Brance frown at the man's actions.


Seeing the lesson was effectively done, the members of MyrkLys dropped their heads and fell into thought, Leaving Brance the only one to notice Geralt's continued drinking.

[Cyn, what did you say to force the Headmaster into drinking away his sorrows?] Brance asked with an accusatory tone, causing Cynrik to pause his work and look over his shoulder.

[All I did was fill him in on how we gather XP. To which he said we had been upgraded from monsters to, and I quote, "Freaks of Fucking Nature," end quote.] Cynrik responded while wearing a smug grin.

[Hah, seriously, man, you can't just drop world-ending information on people like that, Cyn. How many times do I have to tell you this?] Leaning forward and burying his face in his hands, Brance couldn't help but feel sorry for Geralt.

As far as he knew, the man had struggled his entire life, entering who knows how many Egresses and slaughtering an infinite amount of Beasts and/or Creatures to get to the level of power he sits at now.

[Hmmm, yeah doesn't matter to me. Geralt asked, and I answered; the fact still remains that he didn't say anything outside of hurtful comments, so he either accepted that you and I will always be leveling too fast for our age, or he plans on taking it out on himself.]

[Don't act like you give a shit about his so-called "hurtful" comments, you don't give a damn about other people, let alone what they call or say about you.] Brance shot back as he lifted his head and shot his older brother a dissatisfied glare.
Not bothering to argue back, Cynrik shrugged and turned to face the hall, which now looked like something out of a science fiction movie.

Everything, including the door and ceiling, was now completely covered in metal sheets, giving it the appearance of a hallway on a spaceship.

[Damn, I'm really digging this aesthetic. Oi, Brancie, what do you think the odds are that Geralt will let me set up our place like this?] He commented before turning back and examining the living room and den behind him, followed by the hallway lined with bedroom doors on the opposite side of the condo.

[Stop your bullshit Cyn; either apologize to the Headmaster so he stops drinking, or fuck the hell off outta my head.] Feeling fed up with Cynrik's nonsense, Brance twitched slightly before asking Tobs to mute his brother.

[Hey…OI BRANCIE! Tsk, rude, well fine, if you don't wanna talk, I'll just move to the party chat and converse with my woman!]] Mid-way through his statement, Cynrik swapped mind links, his voice causing Selene to tilt her head to the side and look in his direction.

[[Oh! It looks great, Darling~, hm I wonder if Geralt will allow you to set up our dorm like this, it's like a spaceship or something.]] Selene chirped as she examined her boyfriend's work.

[[Hehe, see, this is why I favor you over anyone else, Sel, we share a brain cell.]]

'Oh for fuck sake, Tobs, can you just mute both of them for me? I am getting a headache.' Brance quickly complained after hearing not only his brother's voice but now the flirty tone Selene was using to respond.

-On it…alright, I muted both for you, Brancie.-

Tobs responded quickly enough; however, half a second later, she cried out using the exact phrase that Brance had a second earlier.

-Tsk, it sucks that I can't do the same for myself…oh, for fuck sake! BLERGGG, why do they have to say shit like this, Brancie halllp! They are talking about banging each other in graphic detail!-

The melodious yet monotone voice of Tobs was nearly overwhelmed by gagging and sobbing sounds, making Brance pity the poor AI Girl, who, unlike him, could not silence the two crazies.

'Uhhh…uhhh…uhh I GOT IT! Tobs, let's go to my SOC; you can distract yourself by watching me attempt to build my Relic-Totem.' With his head bouncing between Selene and Cynrik as they held eye contact without blinking, Brance came up with a solid idea and leaned back before closing his eyes.

"I am going to try and Manifest my Relic-Totem now," was all he said before having Tobs transfer him into his SOC without giving anyone in the room a chance to respond.

In an instant, the darkness of his eyelids transformed into that of a pristine mountain range where the most eye-catching sight was the monolithic Stone tower standing tall in the bowl-like cirque created by the surrounding mountains.

Looking up at the multi-floored Tower, Brance felt a presence appear beside him and didn't have to look over to know it was Tobs.

"You ok? I know you are always in our heads, but I am sorry you constantly have to hear that crap from them." Brance said to her as he reached over and patted the significantly shorter Girl on her head.

"Un, thanks, Brancie." Tobs softly said as her eyes turned into crescents like a cat because she clearly enjoyed the head pats.

"So, what do you have in mind for your Relic-Totem? I guess you probably won't go for building a giant tree as the Method recommends." Tobs asked as she pushed lightly against Brance's hand, indicating for him to keep going.

"As cool as it would be to have a massive Yggdrasil standing tall in my SOC, it doesn't feel like me. Instead, I have the perfect object in mind. Geralt said you need to know the object you are creating in such great detail that you can envision it even with your eyes closed, and I just so happen to have the very thing that fits that description." Giving Tobs a couple more pats, Brance dropped his hand, turned around, put the Tower behind him, and began walking around, looking for a suitable place to start his manifestation.

"Oh really? Now you've got me curious; since I don't want spoilers, I won't peek in your head and follow along." Clasping her hands behind her back, Tobs bounced happily behind Brance as they navigated the terrain in search of what Brance deemed a "perfect spot."

Several minutes of walking later, Brance found himself over 800 meters away from the cirque housing his Tower in a large clearing free of any nearby rock fixtures.

"Hm, this'll do, hey Tobs, how big do I need to make this thing? Geralt only said it had to be big, and when I think about Yggdrasil, I picture something on a colossal scale." Stopping in place abruptly and making Tobs run into his back, Brance looked around curiously.

"Uh, the information I have says it needs to be no smaller than 50 meters tall, but there is no limit to how tall it can be. My memory banks state that the Yggdrasil in Norse Mythology was 37 kilometers tall (23 miles), with a 24-kilometer (14 miles) wide canopy. Its trunk was around 1200 meters wide too." Rubbing her nose and stepping to the side to look around Brance at what he was observing, Tobs recited the information she knew.

"Damn, that's huge…well, better get started, I guess; shit, if this thing was real, just imagining how much damage I could do with it is insane…that is, if I could pick it up." With that said, Brance sat down, crossed his legs, and began imagining the object representing a large part of his past self.


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