The Over-Break System

Chapter 503 Wave Twenty Boss Fight (3)

** BGM FOR THE FIGHT " Number One- Bankai" By Shiro SAGISU featuring Hazel Fernandes. **



Thrashing about in agony as it tried smothering the fire spreading across its body, the Chimera's three heads seemed to argue with each other about how to best go about such a task. Giving the brothers a few much-needed seconds to figure out their next plan of attack.

[Hit it while it's down, rain spikes from above, and create a cage similar to how I do with my [Shadow Sewing].] Cynrik off-handedly mentioned as he spat on and massaged the inflamed and swollen red skin of his left arm.

'Tobs, if I didn't have Susanoo active, would I have….'

-Splattered your arm, 100%. That additional 10 percent damage reduction saved you from fighting the rest of the event like a one-armed bandit.-

Rising and flying off his shoulder, she rushed up to punch Cynrik in the forehead with her tiny intangible hand; Tobs complained while watching her arm shatter into particles upon contacting Cynrik's large forehead.

-Owie? So I guess I'm like half ghosty now…I can sit and interact with you, but if I punch or attack, my constructed body collapses.-


[Oi, how are you doing that anyway? I thought you couldn't manifest outside of our SOC?] Looking away from the tiny fairy floating in front of his face and at the vast amount of stone pillars smashing down on the injured Chimera, Cynrik asked while plucking her out of the air by the back of her shirt and placing Tobs on his right shoulder.
-Huh? Do you mean Manifesting? That's easy; drawing a minuscule amount of Mana from you and Brance can generate a tiny body for me. However, it's technically invisible, and the only reason the two of you can see me is because of your [Mana Sight].-

-Technically, I've always been able to do it, but it wasn't until the purity of the Mana in your Bodies reached a certain point that I could make something tangible.-

-As for my appearance, I ended up modeling myself after Yui's Alfheim Online avatar (SAO). So I figured it wouldn't be that shocking when I appeared, especially if I took the form of something familiar.-

Tobs explained as she held onto Cynrik's shoulder tightly. The reason behind her actions was simple; he had turned his body and begun firing with his finger gun again. Each time a burst of Mana escaped the tip of his index finger, Cynrik's arm recoiled back, making it difficult for Tobs to hang on without falling or getting flung away.

[Brancie, I've got cover fire on lockdown; move in and deal some more chip damage.] Increasing the intensity and size of the fireballs he was launching at the Chimera, Cynrik gave his brother the go-ahead to make a move.

[On it!] was all Brance said as he slammed his shields together and fused them into their greatsword form.

[Also, Tobs, you look great! Cyn, keep that fire off me; I'm going up onto that big guy's back to take out the wings.] Shooting the little fairy a thumbs up and a smile, Brance sunk into the ground up to his knee and took off.

Leaving Cynrik behind, Brance ducked and dodged the consistent spam of attacks from his older brother and soon arrived beside the Chimera. Going unnoticed, he then jumped up and landed on the creature's back.

Upon getting close to the wings, Brance noticed the flames part for him, giving him easy access to the Chimera's wings, which he began pummeling one at a time.

Feeling the sharp pain coming from its back, the two of the Chimera's heads, the outer two, spun around and roared angrily at him, then began charging a strange collection of four colored particles in their open mouths.

[FIRE, ICE, TERRA, AND WIND BRANCIE!] Cynrik called out as he rushed forward with his left arm dangling lifelessly by his side.

Realizing time was of the essence and acknowledging his idea would sting his still injured arm, Cynrik threw caution to the wind and gripped the air with both hands Channeling copious amounts of Umbra Mana.

The instant he clutched his left hand into a claw, the wounds cracked and sprayed blood. Still, Cynrik didn't care; running at his top speed, he arrived in front of the creature and activated [Umbral Sewing], the evolved form of [Shadow Sewing] manifesting 30 inky black tendrils.

Rising and pulling away from the ground, the tendrils separated into two equal groups. They lashed out, wrapping themselves around the two heads and slamming them into the ground as they were about to launch their breath attack.

The effect of doing so was devastating. The unstable Quad Affinity mixture exploded in the creature's throat, blowing out two of the three throats and exploding those two heads, inflicting a massive amount of damage to the creature's HP, on top of pissing its final head off to no end.

As this happened, Brance crushed all the bones in the six pairs of wings before sliding across its back and attacking the front right shoulder joint with heavy strikes.

With two heads down, Cynrik released his tendrils and started launching deep purple fireballs through kicks and punches, all carrying the sole purpose of keeping the Chimera's aggro on himself, freeing up Brance to cause mayhem on its back.

[What the fuck man!] After ten minutes of relentless attacking, Cynrik complained. Observing the creature's HUD, he was dismayed to discover they had only chipped away roughly 30% of the Chimera's HP.

[Fucking mutants, man, the damn thing must have over 5 million HP!] Gritting his teeth, Cynrik delivered a spinning fire kick into the beak of the injured Chimera, who had spent the last 10 minutes struggling to get back to its feet while shooting out breath attacks at Cynrik.

[Brance, take off those fucking wings; it is healing too fast to leave it with broken bones!] Jumping high into the air with a burst of fire from his feet, Cynrik monitored how quickly the wing bones were healing.

While Cynrik had spent the last 10 minutes distracting and chipping away at the Chimera's HP, Brance hadn't been idle, running around and attacking all its joints, including the wing joints; Brance was struggling to keep up with the creature's healing factor.

The creature was bald and burned after being engulfed by flames for so long, and the fire eventually died out. That was when Cynrik and Brance noticed how quickly it healed any and all injuries. That wasn't all either; the more time he and Cynrik spent trying to damage it, the faster the Chimera appeared to recover, setting off warning bells in both brothers' minds.

'Fuck, I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a try. The recovery speed goes through the roof without some type of tick damage constantly wearing down the amount of HP it can heal.' Frowning and not liking the idea he had come up with, Cynrik angled himself so that he avoided getting chomped by the Chimera and flew over onto its back beside Brance.

Using his left hand, which was still stiff due to how tight the new skin was, Cynrik twisted several dials on his remaining Assassin's tool and flicked his wrist twice.

Next, he clenched his teeth and drew his kodachi with his injured arm, jumped up, and slashed a patch of exposed flesh.

[GET OFF NOW!] Cynrik screamed as blood sprayed from the fresh and deep wound, coating his face, hair, and body. Ignoring the gore, he sheathed the kodachi, which only had a single attack use left, and punched the open wound with all his might before triggering the mechanism in his Assassin's tool.

Due to the spray of blood, how Cynrik positioned himself, and his use of stealth skill to hide the attack, none of the cameras caught sight of a marble-sized tri-colored ball ejecting from the gauntlet entering the fresh wound.


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