The Over-Break System

Chapter 524 The Storm Descends

-Your Custom Technique has Evolved into an Upgradable Skill that has been registered in the official skill database after being approved by the Central System Hub.-

-The Central System Hub has generated an adequate effect and description; you may view them at any time within your Affinity Skills Tab.-

-You have learned the Tier-(*) Quad-Fusion Affinity (Umbra, Lightning, Fire, Wind) Affinity Skill: [Susanoo]-

-The Tier for this skill has been registered as (*) since it has multiple stages that must be unlocked before its official Tier can be established.-

-Your Wind Manipulation has Evolved from Tier-3 to Tier-3.5.-

-Your Manipulation Mastery over Wind Mana particles has increased from Initial to Beginner.-

-Your Lightning Manipulation has Evolved from Tier-3 to Tier-3.5.-

-Your Manipulation Mastery over Lightning Mana particles has increased from Initial to Beginner.-

-You have received 200 Points in all basic Stats.-

-You have received 200 Free Allocation Stat points.-

-You have received 150 Skill Points.-

-You have reached your limit for Created Skill Rewards for Tier-3. If you wish to receive further rewards for creating new skills, please Advance to Tier-4.-

-Tier-(*) Quad-Fusion Affinity Skill: [Susanoo] (Umbra, Lightning, Fire, Wind)-

-Category: Active Skill.-

-A Skill Created by Cynrik Jetlensr by Manifesting a protective armor with a combination of all four of his Affinities.-

-This skill has Four distinct Mana Construct Forms, each with its Buffs/Benefits. To unlock every Form, you must increase your proficiency on each Form to a perfect 100%.-

-The durability of each Form has a ratio to determine the strength of the construct, where one Point of Durability correlates with your Max MP.

-Form One: Ribcage.- (100% Mastered)

-15% Damage Reduction.-
-7% STR/DEX/AGI Buff.-

-Durability 1:1000 MAX MP.- (One Point per every 1000 MP)

-Activation Cost: 500 MP.-

-Sustain Cost: 200 MP per minute.-

-Form Two: Skeletal.- (Unlocked: 0% Mastery)

-30% Damage Reduction.-

-15% STR/DEX/AGI Buff.-

-Durability 1:100 MAX MP.- (One Point per every 100 MP)

-Activation Cost: 2500 MP.-

-Sustain Cost: 1000 MP per minute.-

-Form Three: Humanoid.- (LOCKED)

-Form Four: Armored Humanoid.- (LOCKED)

'Tsk, this is the first I'm hearing about a limit to custom skill rewards; oh well.' Scrolling through the notifications, Cynrik went back and examined his new [Susanoo] skill from top to bottom three times.

'Well, it's something; at least the Cost of using the first Form dropped significantly while the boosts increased. Then there's Skeletal Form, which doubles the previous benefits of Ribcage form.' Cynrik thought as he read through the notifications and experienced the adrenaline rush associated with increasing one's stats.

-I told you so, and here you were, all worried about Susanoo dragging you down. Sure, the stat buffs are small, but the 30% damage reduction will help. Plus, something tells me you will enjoy how your second Form looks.-

'Oh? Does it look nice? Hey, how do you know how it looks? I don't see the picture. Where's my customization?' From excited to disappointed, Cynrik experienced a wide range of emotions in a split second before chastising Tobs.

-Calm your Tits Cyn; I got this one, ok? I know the image you have in mind, and I cross-referenced it with your memories; I promise you won't be disappointed in any of your Forms.-

Materializing in front of Cynrik in her Fairy Form, invisible to the naked eye, Tobs floated above Cynrik's nose with her hands on her hips and a pout on her lips.

Since he had [Mana Sight] Active, seeing the little System AI appear above his nose, Cynrik fought back the urge to blow her away like dust and smirked.

'Alright, I will trust you this time, but if I don't like how it turns out, I swear I will make some tasteful alterations to your Form. I think you'd look great in a bunny suit with long hair.'


Turning visibly red as the fire Mana she used to form her body went out of control, changing from blue to red, like a certain Disney Villan, Tobs screamed while shaking her fist at Cynrik, making him chuckle since she appeared more cute than intimidating.

Reaching up, Cynrik caught Tobs by the back of her shirt and moved her to his right shoulder to sit while standing up and deactivating his RC Susanoo.

*I will use Abbrieviations for the Forms, RC= Ribcage, SK= Skeletal, HU= Humanoid, and AHU= Armor Humanoid.*

'Alright, alright, calm down, Tobs, it's time for me to go beast mode on these fuckers.' Rolling his eyes as Tobs stomped on his shoulder in anger, Cynrik calmed his mind and tried getting focused on the task at hand.

Although aware that he could go toe to toe with an Initial Tier-4 or maybe even a Mid-Tier-4, given the right circumstances, he was about to jump in against seven Peak Tier-3 beings, all of which were ACTUAL people, not AI software.

-Hey, I've been meaning to ask, but are you more upset about losing or the fact that you were wrong? You initially surmised there was only a 3% chance of that Romeoville guy sacking his teammates to go faster and arranged your plan without keeping that in mind.-

'Do you think I won't eat you, Tobsie?' Glancing down at the tiny fairy sitting on his shoulder, Cynrik snorted and looked away, causing Tobs to release a sigh of relief.

She knew better than to push her luck; if Cynrik said he would munch on her, he would.

Heaving a sigh and noticing the frightened look Tobs was giving him, Cynrik rolled his eyes.

'The answer to your question is a little of both. I know I can't be right 100% of the time, but I strive to be damn close. But at the same time, given the right circumstances, I am a horrible loser. For example, there have been times I've lost in card games only to reach over the table and smash my fist into my opponent's face.'

'I guess it stems from the fact that I hate being helpless, and in the case of our SRD Loss, it was entirely out of my hands whether or not we won. There were simply too many variables to account for. My Plans are formed the same way a meteorologist tells the weather; I examine the data and make as accurate a prediction as possible within the confines of the information presented.'

'But what REALLY pissed me off was seeing my woman upset, thinking that it was her fault we lost. And for that, I will make each of the members of Team Romeoville pay their weight in blood.' Clenching his fist and seeing Selene's sad face in his mind, Cynrik felt his lip twitch slightly before calming down.

-I see; sorry for bringing it up, Cyn…-

Looking down at her hands, Tobs felt bad, so she apologized.

'It's fine, don't think about it too hard; if anything, I am durable, anyway time to do this shit.' Crossing his left arm over his body and stretching, Cynrik released his arm and swiped at the air to equip his full loadout just as the timer hit Zero, and he was teleported into the Infinite Prarie Map.

-You have spawned into the Team Battle Tie-Breaker Event.-

-Current Members on your Team: 1/7.-

-Current Members on Opposing Team: 7/7.-

-There is no time limit to this event, and the team with the last member standing Wins.-

With a smirk, Cynrik activated his [Dynamic Lens] Skill in tandem with his [Mana Sight] and quickly spotted Team Romeoville over 5 kilometers away.

'Here we go, Tobs, gimmie that hot-fire BGM.' Kicking off the ground, Cynrik rushed forward and activated his Stealth Skill, vanishing from sight.

-Now playing…-


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