The Over-Break System

Chapter 530 The Storm’s Aftermath (1)

When it came to the other members of MyrkLys, only Selene looked ecstatic at her boyfriend's actions and had even cheered him on multiple times.

Gabby, Benny, Melody, and Kurza looked away from the screen. Having been on the opposite end of Cynrik's tender care, the four of them felt for Derrek, even though he was an opponent.

Who among the four hadn't had the shit beaten out of them by Cynrik at some point, be it through mental torture or physical under the guise of "Conditioning." The only difference was that Cynrik wasn't malicious in his intent; instead, it aimed to increase the strength of their bodies and minds, except for Kurza, who ended up getting a similar treatment to Derrek due to his big mouth.

Still, Cynrik held back considerably in the case of Gabby and Benny, either because, on some level, he cared about them or because he simply didn't want to break them. But it was a different case altogether with Melody.

Having been suspicious of her from day one, Cynrik had acted borderline cruel to her. From KIN assaults to heavy bouts of never-ending sparring, where she would end up in tears because of how much it hurt.

But as with most things Cynrik did, Gabby and Benny understood that their leader had explicit reasons for his actions, and even now, as they frequently peeked at the screen and saw him torturing his opponent, Gabby, and Benny knew there was a reason.


In the Pinhurst Mansion, no one said a word. From the moment the event began till now, everyone had been utterly silent. Upon hearing Cynrik's warning about the brutality of what he planned on doing to Derrek, Maeve sent Aiden to his room.

There was no doubt in anyone's mind about the severity of what the young man was about to unleash on his opponent, so Maeve was unhesitant in her decision, and after witnessing what she had and still was, she knew it to be the right choice.
"Sigh, how can he do such dreadful things to another person while wearing a smile?" Maeve asked in a small voice, afraid of making eye contact with her best friend.

Her son's vile actions had hit Cinyah the hardest. Unable to stop the tears from trickling down her cheeks, she watched unblinkingly and flinched at every scream Derrek made.

Jessup and Rikard weren't much better off; the two wore deep frowns and leaned forward in their seats; no one knew how or why Cynrik was acting the way he was presently; no…that's not right; they knew.

From an early age, Cynrik had always been different. Unlike typical children who were pure and uninhibited by the darker side of life, Cynrik had always been quiet and, to himself, a loner and the complete opposite of Brance.

Rikard and Cinyah had watched Cynrik get in schoolyard fights with other children time and time again, and it was something they figured he would eventually grow out of…but they were apparently wrong.

There was also what they viewed as underlying trauma caused by the infamous Haylons Shadow Incident. Like any good parent, they had put Cynrik and Brance into therapy alongside Gabby and Benny. Still, after getting back the reports from the psychologists, they figured everything was ok with their children. From how the two carried on as if nothing was wrong, they mistakenly fell under an illusion cast by Cynrik's high intellect.

Or at least, that's what they thought. In Reality, that entire incident did not affect either brother; if anything, they considered it a good growth opportunity. Still, that didn't stop Cinyah and Rikard from blaming themselves; after all, what parent would want to see their child turn into a monster with millions of people watching?


In the studio, Roni and Cesar didn't know what to say anymore. Initially, when they heard Cynrik's words, they chuckled. They had seen numerous deaths in the Competition, from competitors being torn to shreds by creatures, battling to the death, or even teammates turning on one another.

However, this was the first time they wished they had heeded the words of a competitor. If not for everything happening in Virtual Reality and the pain and senses of those involved being dulled to only 25%, then what Cynrik was doing would break several laws.

But things came to a head when the two commentators witnessed all of Team Romeoville being escorted out on stretchers. Only then did it sink in that Cynrik was pushing his opponents to the breaking point, which technically shouldn't have been possible.

Roni: "'s fair to say that Cynrik and VSFA have won Round One, but…as we have stated time and time again, until Derrek Gislaine succumbs to his injuries and his Virtual Avatar is killed, he will, unfortunately, be forced to live out the trauma Cynrik is inflicting."

Shuffling uncomfortably in her chair, Roni squeezed her thighs together each time the camera panned to Cynrik's emotionless face. Feeling the dampness coming from her lower half, Roni hid her embarrassment. Unknown to the man sitting beside her, she was wetter than a waterfall, having watched Cynrik's showcase. Yet, Roni was unsure what it was about the young man who gave her this unsatiable itch in her nether regions.

'I…why do I wish to swap places with that kid Derrek? Why do I desperately wish it was me being dominated by Cynrik right now.' She thought while stumbling her way through the commentary.

This day will go down in history as the day a new fetish was unlocked, and one of the most fearsome reavers of modern times fell…for a young man not even a quarter of her age.


In an undisclosed location, Lithlen and Viktor watched the live stream broadcast of Cynrik's torture session with Stone cold expressions.

"Sigh, that kid truly is a Jetlensr; only your family is so ruthlessly brutal to their enemies," Viktor stated, causing Lithlen to snort.

"He is not one of mine, he, his father, and brother have been disowned, but the more I watch him, the more I regret that decision. If only I had been more cautious back then…." Lithlen's voice trailed off as he remembered when the young Cynrik and Brance stood up to him.

"Regardless, that kid is far too dangerous to be left alone; as it stands, it will be an uphill battle for Jason and Leeland to defeat them; we need more security measures put in place if we want to ensure their deaths." Clearing the image from his mind, Lithlen snorted and began typing furiously on his Watcet.

"Lithlen, I don't have to remind you to be overly cautious. That brat is far too smart for his age. This can be seen from how flawlessly he held back not only himself but also his entire team; not to showcase anything unnecessary so far is evidence enough." Watching the older man beside him type away, Viktor interrupted, causing Lithlen's fingers to stop mid-type.

"Do you take me for a fool, Viktor? I have seen what you have; that little brat is far more calculative than even I previously anticipated, but it shouldn't be anything new to you. He has been like that from the moment I laid eyes on him."

"Unlike his younger brother, who shows everything in his facial expressions, Cynrik is practically unreadable and, more importantly, wild. His every action carries meaning and planning unseen in people of my generation, and if I didn't know better, I'd assume he was an old monster in disguise."


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