The Over-Break System

Chapter 537 The Consequences Of His Actions


Upon increasing the Gravity in the room to 16.25g, Cynrik's Watcet began vibrating, and his expression darkened. 

With a few taps on his device, the Gravity machine slowed down and steadily decreased the force. 

The sudden sensation of her body lightening caused Selene to open her eyes and shoot him a questioning look. 

"The others are back, and I predict things will get pretty heated between Brance and me. Head to the living room now, and don't let anyone interfere." Cynrik stated with a solemn tone as he stood up and began drinking several different types of potions. 

Selene couldn't help but think her boyfriend was preparing for battle, and she was entirely correct from the look and body posture he was exhibiting. 

"What is about to happen has happened more times than I can count. I do something to piss Brance off, and it devolves into a fistfight; I expect things won't be any different this time." Noticing the looks of concern Selene was giving him, Cynrik paused his potion chug and explained. 

"I have found that the only way to calm him down in situations like this is to meet him head-on. Back in the day, our Mother tried dozens of times to break us apart, and all that did was cause us both to stew in our anger until things boiled over again, restarting the process. It's better to let us slug it out and work through our argument."

"That's why I said not to let anyone interfere, which will only worsen the situation. The difference in our opinions will never change; all I can do now is fight it out."

"But…" Selene started to say, but when Cynrik shook his head, she shut up and nodded unhappily. 

"It's going to get pretty bloody, so try not to freak out and, most of all, keep Gabby company because we all know how she reacts to things involving Brance."
"Sigh, it's been a long time since this happened; I wonder how different it will be now that we have enhanced abilities," with a smirk, Cynrik stepped forward and gave Selene a comforting hug, which didn't do much to calm the storm of emotions she was experiencing. 

"Go; he knows I won't run from him, and I will be waiting right here." With that said, Cynrik shooed off Selene and tapped his Watcet again, allowing Brance and the others to enter the Condo. 

With Selene's exit, Cynrik's face returned to its usual emotionless expression as he began stretching his body out to loosen up his muscles for what was sure to be a fight unlike any other he had experienced. 


Stepping out of the Training room, Selene made her way to the living room and stood by the entrance to the kitchen just as the front door slid open, and the others entered the Condo. 

Upon entering the building, Brance activated Mana's sight and swiftly took care of any invading enemy drones before resealing the Condo from outside eyes and ears. 

Once finished, he watched as Kurza, Melody, and Benny made their way to their bedrooms, unaware of what would transpire. 

Only Gabby stood by his side as Brance made eye contact with Selene. 

"Where is Cynrik?" Feeling stifled by the prevailing and awkward silence, Geralt spoke up only to receive a nudge in his ribs from Garrison, who suspected things were about to get brutal. 

Selene didn't say anything and only pointed behind her toward the Training Room with her thumb, to which Brance calmly nodded and walked away. 

However, when Gabby, Geralt, and Garrison stepped forward to follow, they were stopped by an ominous black gas.

"Cyn requested that no one interferes with what is about to happen. This is a problem for the two of them to settle alone, and none of us is to do anything, especially you, Gabby. I know you are worried about what will happen, and so am I, but we don't have any stock in this; it is between brothers, and all we can do is watch."

Wanting to argue, Gabby opened her mouth, but upon seeing the disapproving and sad look on Selene's face, she could only give in and nod in defeat. 

"I was afraid of this, those two are too set in their ways, and both are stubborn as hell," Garrison added while walking up and patting Gabby on the head. 

"Don't worry; if it gets too heated, Geralt and I will step in and stop them. Sorry Selene, but you aren't nearly strong enough to stop us if we want to make a move." 

With that said, the group of four made their way toward the training room, whose door was left open, a sign that neither brother opposed spectators. 


From the moment Cynrik left, Brance's mind had been in turmoil. The logical side of his mind understood his older brother's methods and actions; however, his heart refused to allow what Cynrik had done go. 

Standing 15 meters from Cynrik, Brance swapped out of his Uniform and into a loose-fitting set of white workout clothes. 

He had spent the better part of the last three hours contemplating what he would say to Cynrik upon seeing him. Still, now that he had come face to face with his brother, who seemed utterly unremorseful of what he had done to Team Romeoville, Brance's rage spilled over in the form of an outburst of pure Mana, which swirled around his body like flames. 

"Tsk, that pissed off, huh? None of the usual banter and straight to business. I can't say I didn't expect it, though; I didn't exactly give you many outs this time." Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik mimicked his younger brother and exploded outward with sinister black Mana."

"The rules this time need a bit of adjustment. Considering the last time we fought, we were much weaker. To even the playing field, I say no skills, techniques, or weapons, only pure brute force, and combat proficiency." Lowering himself into a typical southpaw MMA stance, Cynrik stated without receiving any acknowledgment from Brance. 

"You need to get it through that thick fucking skull of yours, Brance; without doing what I have, we would still be considered weak and easily manipulated. Our example of Romeoville has shifted public opinion in our direction, giving MyrkLys a veil of invincibility that would otherwise not be possible."


Before Cynrik could speak further, the ground under Brance's feet cracked apart as he surged forward at full speed toward Cynrik. With his rage reaching a breaking point, Brance pulled his right arm back and attempted to punch Cynrik in his face. Unfortunately, the older Jetlensr brother had already predicted this reaction and, with little effort, reached up and redirected the attack with his left hand. 

With his momentum directed away, Brance swiftly flew past Cynrik and punched the wall so hard that it created a huge dent in the metal material. 

"Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You, of all people, should know there was no way a sloppy and wide attack like that one would work." Rolling his eyes and lightly bouncing away from Brance, Cynrik harassed. 

Extricating his sore fist from the wall, Brance spun around and, with fury in his eyes, blindly rushed forward at Cynrik, initiating a dance that saw the older brother getting the better of the younger. 

However, one thing stayed constant throughout these exchanges, Cynrik never once attacked Brance and only remained on the defensive, redirecting the stronger attacks away from himself and blocking the weaker ones. 


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