The Over-Break System

Chapter 540 Volume 6 Prologue

In a distant time and space, far away from Vinestra, a loud sigh bounced off the walls of Odin's Divine Residence within the Hall of Gods. 

*It's too soon for them to fight; the Second Seed of the Legacy Strife is still years away; they aren't even midway through the Growth Phase, and the brothers have soared through the Early Tiers quickly.* 

Leaning back on a pristine white throne that had been moved from his Divine Residence to Odin's, Yahweh drummed his fingers on the armrests while watching over the fragile mental state presented by the Raven God. 

After losing his final son, Odin's mind hadn't been right. Between the bouts of rage and sorrow, the once collected and highly intelligent Deity had become a husk of his former self. 

To make matters worse, one of the biggest enemies their Charges could face was staring them down during the early stage of the Growth Phase. Luckily for Cynrik and Brance, they wouldn't be entirely caught off guard since Cynrik had already identified Jason and Leelan as potential Legacy Charges. 

*Zeus and Hades, it just had to be the two of them. The Greek Pantheon is in league with the Egyptian…* Remembering back to how annoyingly apparent Hades had been the last time he saw him, Yahweh found it increasingly difficult to keep a level head. 

While Zeus may not be the most intelligent fellow, Hades was shrewd and scheming as they came. It was nearly impossible to figure out what the Deity was thinking and even more challenging to try and beat him in a game of wits. 

As a result of the way Cynrik handled situations, there was no doubt the Eldest Jetlensr would kill the opposing Legacy Charges sooner than later, especially since the two were already his enemies.

If this were allowed, an already overly complicated situation would explode into utter chaos. Who knows what kind of outrageous scene Hades and Zeus would create if the two Top Ranking Deities suddenly lost their Charges?

Thinking further on this only resulted in Yahweh sighing even more heavier. 

*Raven God, you need to collect yourself; there will be a time to mourn your losses, but now we need to devise a plan to skirt the rules laid down by Vinestra's CSH.*

Looking away from the Mana Display showing Cynrik and Brance's POVs, Yahweh slammed his staff on the ground hard enough to startle Odin out of his depression. 
=Easy for you to say; you never had to watch all of your hundreds of descendants die one after another. You never held your last living child in your arms as he died. God of Light, you are the last person who would ever have the right to utter those words to me.=

From the blank thousand-yard stare Odin had worn to fury for an indecipherable amount of time, the Raven God whipped around and spat venomously at the God of Light. 

Hearing this, Yahweh frowned but didn't argue. Odin was right…although he had many prophets, and even some who claimed to be his children, he had never had to hold any of them as their life expired personally. 

*I have no ground to stand on here, Raven God, but the fact still stands, our Charges are entering into a battle of which they are unaware the odds are stacked against them. We cannot blatantly tell them what is happening, as we are technically forbidden from having direct contact with Brance and Cynrik.*

*So, I need you to get your overactive imagination going so we can find a conclusive option. If we allow things to pan out as they appear, the already high-stakes game they have found themselves in will escalate on a grand scale.*

This monologue from Yahweh was enough for Odin to take a deep breath and close his eye. The amount of stress and anxiety formed by this Legacy Strife had been compounded to a breaking point by the ending of his lineage, but that didn't mean all was lost.

By the time Odin opened his eye, Vigor and a renewed resolve could be seen in the galaxy swirl of an Iris the Deity held.



In Valor City, in a specific mansion, several people sat around a large wall-sized Holo-Tv, where a beautiful young woman and a charismatic young man could be heard frantically talking about multiple scenes unfolding on the many displays shown to the audience. 

"Tsk, I swear, that bitch Roni has a crush on you, Darling; just look at how her eyes light up every time you pop up on the screen." The voice of a young woman was followed up by a chorus of laughter from multiple young and old people. 

"Dawww, it looks like our little CynCyn has a secret admirer; whatever will you do, Little Selly? Are you going to let your beloved Darrrrling~ get stolen by a cougar even older than myself?" An older woman, who was still in her early 30's, teased. 

"Tsk, you listen here, Miss Maeve, if you don't cut out this teasing, so help me, Chaos, I will one thousand percent sneak into your bedroom in the middle of the night **Muffled words**." Before Selene could continue her rant, Cynrik leaned over, covered her mouth, and scooped his girlfriend up before forcing her to sit obediently in his lap. 

"OHHH? What is that, Little Selly? Hm, were you about to say something you shouldn't, teehee, oh my? How Scandalous." With raised eyebrows, Maeve's eyes flicked between the dark expression painting Selene's face and the lack of expression on Cynrik's. 

[[RAHH, That's it, Darling, you are TAKING HER TONIGHT, YOU HEAR ME? I will sneak into her room, strip her down, tie her up, and present this She-Devil to you on a silver platter. HAVE YOUR WAY WITH THIS WOMAN AND MAKE HER SUBSERVIENT TO US ALREADY!!!]] Selene howled into the mind link as her right eye twitched erratically. 

Hearing her words, Brance, sitting across the room with his girlfriend, spat out a mouthful of soda all over the carpet, causing Gabby and Milo to complain in protest as they dodged the spittle. 

[[WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, SELENE? THAT IS SA, ON TOP OF THAT, BIG SIS MAEVE IS STRONG AND A FUCKING GORILLA OF A WOMAN!]] Brance cried as he swiftly apologized to Gabby and Milo before cleaning up his mess under the watchful eye of his Mother. 

However, Brance just received a loud snort from Cynrik and Selene, who ignored his protests. It had been a long and frankly dull past two months, which saw them Sweeping all the competition one round after another and becoming the top team in their Bracket. Cynrik had even sat out several times, not bothering to fight, as he left the events up to the rest of his team. 

Needless to say, after walking over the other seven teams, VSFA was now sitting pretty and had stepped out of the preliminary rounds as a top seed. 

With the first part of the Competition Concluded, there was a lull of one month where the members of MyrkLys were allowed to go home on a break. In the end, MyrkLys had found themselves back at the Pinhurst Mansion with the exclusion of Kurza, whose family also lived in Valor City. 

"Now, quit messing with them, Maeve; you know Selene's sensitivity with all matters concerning my son. If you keep it up, you'll find yourself in a catfight." Standing up and taking away the paper plates everyone used for their snack, Cinyah rolled her eyes and thumped her best friend on the head. 

"It's almost time for you all to get ready, the Gala is tonight, and it will take time, especially for the ladies, to get dressed up and ready. Melody, Gabby, and Selene come along. I will help you all with your hair and makeup." Wearing a warm smile, Cinyah looked over all the girls before her eyes finally fell on the odd one out, Melody. 

Her attendance in the last few days was the most surprising because initially, she was supposed to return home to her parents. However, after many missed calls, they found that both of her parents were missing and no longer at VSFA, a startling fact that saw the young girl breaking down in tears of abandonment. 

Being the tender and caring parent, Cinyah didn't stand by on ceremony and quickly forced the girl to come to their place. As such, Melody had been practically smothered with love and affection by both Cinyah, who almost viewed Gabby and Benny as her own children, and Mrs. Sanford, who was already considering the girl as her daughter-in-law. 

Clapping her hands loudly and drawing everyone's attention, a chorus of Yes, Mrs. Jetlensr rang out. Soon enough, the only ones remaining in the room were the boys, Aiden, Cynrik, Brance, Benny, Rikard, Mr. Sanford, and Jessup. 

"I already had the staff put your Suits on each of your beds, so you knuckleheads should go shower and get ready; make sure to do your hair as well so that you don't embarrass those young ladies." Smirking at the lost look in everyone except Cynrik's eyes, Jessup instructed. 

"Remember, this is their night to shine; you are just there as arm candy," Rikard added. 

For the two experienced adults who had been through this same situation hundreds of times, they imparted some knowledge to Benny, Brance, and Cynrik. 

"Don't forget to keep close to them at all times; the young generation flirts a lot at high society parties like this, though people will look down on you due to your lack of substantial background. They know your strength, but that all goes out the window when hormones are involved, so try to avoid trouble." Jessup added before kicking the boys, minus Aiden, out of the living room. 


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