The Over-Break System

549 The Gala (5)

**Hey Guys, moving forward, Wed and Sunday will be one 1500-1600 word Chapter; with my other job, it is getting too tough to pump out two on those days, so 12 chapters a week from now on instead of 14. **

Upon leaving the Limo, Geralt, Garrison, and Kurza were innodated by a wave of flash photography and noisy reporters. However, the attention quickly shifted away from them as Benny and Melody stepped out next. 

Benny visibly flinched as he suddenly became the center of attention but only faltered for a moment before remembering Cynrik's words before he got out of the Limo. 

In an instant, his face became stoic as he placed his left hand over Melody's right, which was nestled in the crook of his elbow.

In contrast, Melody seemed perfectly adjusted and put up the front of a charming young lady as she greeted the reporters she recognized and wore a bright smile. 

The two quickly moved away from the vehicle, and soon after, it was time for Brance and Gabby to appear, and when they did, the already anxious reporters churned into a frenzy. 

Snapping pictures and bombarding Brance with questions, there was no limit to the insanity he was facing, and it was only then that Brance realized the limelight and fame were the farthest things from what he wanted possible. 

As someone perfectly content living in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere, the attention at hand was almost too much for him to bare. Luckily, Gabby was there, and upon realizing Brance was getting stressed out, she gently placed her hand on his, flashed him a smile, and guided Brance toward a famous online blogger she recognized from the Competition coverage. 


Still sitting in the Limo, Cynrik grumbled as he watched the shark-like reporters basically attack his brother and Gabby, and he couldn't help but hesitate when it came time for him to leave the vehicle.

"Oh my…I never thought I'd see the fearless Cynrik Jetlensr cowering behind the safety of a hover vehicle. What's this? Are you too scared to go out and face the beast of your own creation, Darling~." Noticing the hidden anxiousness her boyfriend was exhibiting, Selene teased.

"Hardly, it's all so…bothersome; my calculations had considered this would happen, but now that I am on the precipice of true stardom, I almost don't want to step off." Snorting and flicking Selene's plush thigh, Cynrik replied without taking his eyes off his brother's back.

"It has nothing to do with fear…." He muttered, causing Selene to break out in a cat-like grin.

"Really now? Are you sure it isn't because you are horribly anti-social and hate crowds?" Leaning forward and placing her chin on his shoulder, Selene further poked the bear, all in an attempt to calm him down.

"I mean, sure, that is no secret, but more than that, I really don't want to talk to any of these leeches. Their only purpose is to either start shit or make a lump of cash off our faces and words."

"Instead of allowing the tabloids to earn bank, I'd rather find a way to monetize everything so we can keep the money for ourselves."

"Sigh, alright, we have held off long enough; unlike the others, I expect you to be the cold and heartless bitch I know you can be…if you do a good job, well, I have a reward in store for you when we get home." Leaning forward, Cynrik caught Selene's hand and forced it into the crook of his elbow.

"Hehe, okay darling~ roleplay it is; I suppose you'll be pumping out as much energy as I put out, matching my level of intensity?" Thrilled by the prospect of a reward from her beloved, Selene didn't even ask what it was but rather what she should do.

"Why, of course, Ma Petite, Smolder till your heart's content, these people are beneath us, and they shall be the stepping stones we use to create an unshakeable empire."

With that said, Cynrik and Selene flashed forward, instantly appearing outside the Limo like phantoms, startling all those waiting for them to come out. 

Unfortunately, this brief interlude of stunned silence came crumbling down the moment the reporters realized that the elusive Cynrik Jetlensr and Selene Nilsson had finally made their arrival. 

The matching black and red outfits the couple wore heavily contrasted the other members of MyrkLys. Then there was the air of superiority that commanded respect Cynrik and Selene radiated, which was unlike any other competitors who had arrived at the Gala so far. 

From the sexy and fierce Selene, whose face and body language screamed, "What the fuck are you looking at," to Cynrik's smoldering and oppressive nature, the reporters second-guessed their idea of pushing for an interview. 

Their pale skin, black hair, and black and red outfits made the couple seem like they would be better suited to attending a Vampire Gathering than at a Gala. This fact alone lit a fire under many of them because they appeared otherworldly compared to what they were used to.

Catching sight of the two out of the corner of his eye, Brance's hand twitched.

[[Really, you two just have to make a spectacle out of everything, don't you? Why can't you just act normal for once?]] Fighting back a sigh of annoyance, Brance chided instantly, causing the two to snicker in the mind link.

[[Ah, that is where you are wrong little brother; when the main attraction appears, we should feed the hungry bastards begging for a feast, should we not?]] Cynrik replied as he ignored the reporters hounding him and zeroed in on a familiar face.

[[Great, it's that bitch again, Darling, remember my warning about her, any wrong move and snip snip.]] Sneering as she noticed a young lady holding a pen mic with a camera drone floating over her shoulder standing off near the front door, Selene warned. 

[[Yes, I know, I will keep it together and not flirt, Ma Petite.]] Rolling his eyes, Cynrik guided Selene across the red carpet, practically gliding along the way until he stopped directly in front of Amaris, the young woman who had gotten an interview with him over dinner a month ago.

"It's good to see you again, Miss Amaris; I hope you've been well, and our interview was a profitable experience," Cynrik said perfectly gentlemanly. 

[[Good to see you again, Miss Amarrris.]] Selene mocked before almost gagging halfway through her words. 

"Kya, ahh, ahh, hello, Mr. Cynrik, yes, I have been well, and thanks to you and the interview you gave me, I got promoted to a senior correspondent; that's how I was able to earn a chance at doing interviews on the red carpet." A tinge of red flushed Amaris' cheeks as she looked at her feet, unable to meet the overly handsome young man's gaze.

[[BLARGGG, can I kill her, Darling, please give me this one, I will torture her until she is unrecognizable.]] 

[[Knock it off, Sel, she is our meal ticket, she and Andrew did a decent enough job with their presentation of our interview, and through them, we gain greater access and control over pop culture media.]] Clutching Selene's hand with a bit of force, Cynrik stood his ground and forced Selene to cease her jealousy-fueled words. 

"I am glad to hear that you produced a good piece, and if there is time later, I don't mind having a part two to our interview. Especially since we are now part of the main Tournament, as I already predicted," Cynrik stated with a curt nod before turning around and meeting the eyes of the rest of MyrkLys.

With a short nod from their leader, everyone got the signal and moved into formation, with Cynrik and Selene at the front, Kurza behind him, followed Benny and Melody, and Brance and Gabby bringing up the rear of the formation. 

"Of course, that would be greatly appreciated; I know that you guys are getting ready to move into the Mansion, so I will leave you to it, have a good time at the Gala." Seeing that MyrkLys was moving into their renowned formation, Amaris stood back and got it all on camera, not before tossing in a few words of her own. 

If she could secure another exclusive interview, the sky would be the limit, and she could potentially earn a second promotion. 

Cynrik shot Amaris another smile before returning to his expressionless visage and walking forward to cross the threshold of the Governor's Mansion. 

Although he may seem calm and collected outside, he was on high alert inside. Standing this close to the limiter formation sent an eerie chill down Cynrik's spine, and he almost felt as if he were staring down an unbeatable opponent. 

[[Here we go, remember, if things go to shit, get everyone their gear, and be ready for a fight. Brance, I want you to locate as many of those formation keys as possible; if push comes to shove, we either have to break for the exit or get our hands on enough for the squad.]] Calming his breathing, Cynrik stepped forward and was assaulted on all sides by a sickly feeling that sapped his strength the longer he stayed under its purview. 

  -You have entered a Tier-6 Limiter Formation; your Abilities, Skills, Affinities, and Stats have been reduced to the Peak of Tier-1.-

[[Quack, Quack, Cyn.]] Feeling the suppression, Brance got in the last word. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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