The Over-Break System

560 Patricide of the Patriarch (1)

**It's Sunday Again, so no double Chapters, only a longer Chap today.**


[What's the plan, I know we can't do anything about the Tier-6 guys, but the sooner we kill off those two fuckers, Viktor and Lithlen, the sooner we can start evacuating the innocents.] 

Unable to contain himself any longer, Brance needed to know what was happening in his brother's head. 

[Originally, I planned on buffing ourselves, using KIN to suppress Viktor and Lithlen, and fighting them together, but now…that plan is obsolete. Instead, I will deal with Viktor first, then we tag-team Lithlen.] Shaking free of Brance's grasp, Cynrik surged his Mana through his body and examined the speed at which he could form his skills' Runic Inscriptions. 

Surprisingly, what he witnessed put his old Mana manipulation speed to shame. Between the massive upgrade to his MIND and INT Stats, the ease at which he could channel Mana had increased by many Times. 

In fact, Cynrik went so far as to assess that his current speed was even faster than when he previously used his Æsir Mode. Using this thought as a springboard, he wondered how crazy it would be when using his Power Up mode, considering his Base Form was now stronger than when he activated the Bloodline Ability. 

  "Geralt, we are making our move." Looking over at the Headmaster, who was still stunned as he examined the brothers, Cynrik tilted his head up and locked on to Lithlen and Viktor. 

'Tsk now comes the hard part. Although Haylon and The Governor are amid a heated battle, beings at their level may pick up on the slight distortions manifested by opening the Shadow Realm.' Cynrik thought as he stepped off the ground and flashed into the sky, appearing 20 meters below the threshold between realms and 50 meters off the ground. 

  -If Haylon didn't notice you leaving initially, I don't expect he will this time, either. Even I don't fully understand this whole Shadow Realm business, and the fact that only you have access to it still doesn't make sense.-

  -Essentially, this is an ancient battlefield filling a pocket dimension of unknown size.-

Resting on his shoulder, Tobs added while watching Brance appear in the sky beside them, both shields drawn and ready. 

'Come now, Tobs, even you should have realized long ago that there is no point in trying to explain the impossible.' Rolling his eyes and holding up his right hand to the sky while his left arm was cocked at a weird angle, Cynrik teased. 

Manipulating the fingers of his left hand, Cynrik appeared to be rolling invisible objects around his palm. Still, to Brance, who had [Mana Sight] active, he could see the Fire and Umbra particles heeding Cynrik's minute movements as they collected into two clusters of invisible yet solid orbs. 

[Holy shit…are you planning to nuke Viktor when you pull him down here.] Brance's eyes widened momentarily as the image of what happened to the last guy to eat a UTTB to the face surfaced in his mind. 

[Killing off the annoying bastard before exacting our revenge sounds good. Plus, I have so much MP with the upgrades I hardly know what to do with it. Sure, it seems like an anticlimactic end to someone who has hounded us for a while, but his importance on the pecking order pales compared to Lithlen.] Cynrik stated emotionlessly as he merged the two clusters of orbs and finalized his UTTB. 

[Are you sure you can one-tap him, though? I mean, the guy is at the Peak of Tier-5.] With a hesitant gaze on his brother's hand, Brance asked. 

[192k MP should be MORE than enough to evaporate his body to nothing. He won't get up from the attack even if it isn't. Using the element of surprise to our advantage; I'd be shocked if he could even bring up any life-saving skills to protect himself. Not that it would matter either way.]

[Regardless, both he and Lithlen are pretty banged up from getting bullied by Haylon, so they are already in bad shape, to begin with. On a good day, I have no doubt there would be some struggle involved, but playing all of these factors to our advantage, we should have plenty of leeway to deal with the two fuckfaces at our leisure.] 

Exhaling slowly, the middle and index fingers of Cynrik's outstretched right hand twitched as two needle-thin strands of Umbra Mana shot out like a web, extending dozens of meters until they were positioned directly under his two targets. 

With everything in place, all that remained was for Cynrik to time his extraction of the two targets at the optimal moment to avoid suspicion from the fighting Tier-6 individuals. As such, his eyes flicked away from Lithlen and Viktor, and he focused on the two fast-moving men as they fluttered through the sky at speeds faster than normal Tier-3 beings could even spectate. 


On the ground where a once magnificent Mansion stood firm, Lithlen Jetlensr, a man once touted as a genius and the strongest of his generation, cut a sorry image. 

Everything had been going his way. When he first contacted Haylon before the start of the Competition, he was sure that he would finally be rid of those bastard spawns of his son. 

Initially, it had gone against everything he had spent his life building to reach out to a criminal with such a notorious reputation, but he had been pushed to do so after so many failures stacked up. 

Time and time again, Cynrik had thwarted his plans and weaseled his way out in one piece. Then there was the incident during the opening ceremonies, where he was utterly embarrassed by a brat a fraction of his age and strength. 

However, this was supposed to be his magnum opus; through careful planning and manipulation, he had helped Haylon purchase the necessary, highly Illegal Black-Tech to infiltrate the Governor's Mansion, spending nearly his entire wealth to do it. 

All that was left was for MyrkLys to fall into his trap. He could care less about the other contestants because even if a few were killed or kidnapped, the Competition would still continue, and his Grandson Leeland would still win first place. 

Be it when Cynrik one-upped the Military Officers or when he had a long conversation with the Governor, Lithlen couldn't help but sneer and bide his time; the simple fact that the thorn in his side had made a grand appearance at the Gala sealed his fate in the mind of the old man. 

Knowing what Haylon's plan was and what the first step would be, Lithlen waited until he felt a steady but slight tug on his MP. This sensation caused him to break into a vast, twisted smile as his eyes fell on Cynrik.

But much to his surprise, just as this occurred, Brance, Geralt, Garrison, and the rest of MyrkLys rushed to Cynrik's side, and the group, along with the Governor's three children, began sinking into the ground. 

To his horror, Lithlen mouthed the words, 'How did he know,' as Cynrik's face turned, and he smirked before disappearing along with his group.

From there, everything was a blur until he heard Haylon's booming voice demanding answers. Like himself, Haylon had unfinished business with the Jetlensr Brothers, and with the promises Lithlen made not being met, Haylon had taken a massive loss once again when he didn't find them present. 

Snapping out of his thoughts, Lithlen acted instinctually, thrusting his right hand forward into the frightened Leelan's chest and sending a large chunk of Mana into his grandson's body. Then, using every life-saving tool on hand, he equipped Leelan with all of his Spatial Artifacts before forcefully teleporting the boy from the mansion and back to their Clan's fortress. 

It all happened so quickly that Leelan had no idea what was happening, one second, the plan was set in stone, and the next, it all fell apart before he was sent off to safety. 

'Even if I die by Haylon's hand, at least the boy is safe…apart from some potions to keep myself alive, I gave him everything except my weapon and armor. I hope it will be enough, and since he has already been marked as the next Patriarch, the family will continue.' 

With that thought keeping him going, Lithlen faced Haylon bravely without backing down, only to be put in such a sorry state that he was struggling to get back to his feet. 

Even so, this was partially a façade so that Haylon would leave him be, and after the man reeking of Death Mana had his fill of assaulting Lithlen, he left him to the side like trash on a busy highway. 

Sneakily readying some potions for when Haylon was preoccupied, Lithlen set about clearing the Death Mana from his body so that he would be able to make his escape when the time came. 

Unfortunately, that time would never come, as right when he was about to make a move, something caught him around the waist, and he felt himself be ripped downward into the ground. Feeling his body go weightless, Lithlen attempted to force down his potions, but that's when it happened. 

A horrifying and oppressively loud…BOOOOOMMMM!!!

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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