The Over-Break System

565 Patricide of the Patriarch (6)

"Is that all you've got, old man? I expected more from the mighty Patriarch of the Jetlensr Family. For you to fall to the shockwave of my attack and a direct hit from my brother's Cannon, how pitiful you must feel." Slashing away several more incoming spells, Cynrik sneered and spoke.

Behind him, Brance struggled to deflect any stray attacks coming his way but kept close enough to his brother to cut a path through the dense Light Mana cloud that had consumed the hole's depths. 

"How…how is this possible? You are but a mere Tier-3 ant, and I…." 


Lithlen's words were cut off by the sound of his spells crashing against the hole's walls in the distance. 

"How? Well, that's simple." With a flourish of his kodachis, Cynrik revealed the sinister black glow coating the edges of his weapons. 

"Everyone is so quick to assume I have a Dark Affinity when long ago it evolved…mutating into something much more powerful, the negative element Umbra." As if to add cadence to his words, Cynrik stabbed his longer kodachi forward, and upon coming in contact with a Wind Blade, the attack dissolved instantly. 

"You may be using a higher form of Wind Mana, but it must still yield to the suppression forced upon it by my Affinity. Tier-5, hell, even if you had Reached Tier-6, as long as you are still wielding that basic ass Element, it won't be able to harm a single hair on my head." 

Lithlen's face contorted in horror as he watched Cynrik rush forward. Although his MP was close to bottoming out, the old man channeled enough Wind Mana around his body to push backward faster than his grandson was moving toward him. 

And so a strange game of cat and mouse ensued, with Lithlen fleeing from Cynrik and Brance; however, the longer this charade ensued, the worse his state became. 

Eventually, he made it to the crater's edge; running away didn't work, and with less than 20% of his total MP remaining, Lithlen didn't even have enough strength remaining to self-destruct his Codex.

Thus he made a rash and split-second decision. With his back against the wall, he willed every ounce of Wind Mana in his body into the two Spell Circles to make his final stand. 

But it was all for naught; before he could even fire off his next volley of spells, he simultaneously felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and chest.

Sqwelp Sqwelp.

Lithlen's eyes shot wide open as his vision blurred slightly; even so, he stared into the violet eyes of his grandson and saw the twisted smile painting his lips. 

He knew long ago it was a mistake allowing the brothers to live, but he never imagined this scenario playing out in his wildest dreams. 

Unfortunately, before he could even get a word out, two more squelching sounds could be heard as Cynrik released the hilt of his kodachis and stabbed Lithlen with both hidden blades, one in his throat and the other in his heart. 

"I wish I could make you suffer more, torture you until you begged for death at my hands; however, time doesn't permit it, so this will have to suffice." Drawing close and resting his chin on Lithlen's shoulder, Cynrik spoke softly and without emotion. 

"There is no afterlife for you, only eternal darkness and suffering, Lithlen. Die knowing that without you present, I will single-handedly burn your entire family to the ground, starting with Leelan and moving on until the only remaining members of our blood are myself, my brother, and my father."

Ignoring the tears leaking from his grandfather's swiftly glazing eyes, Cynrik continued. 

"You were a horrible parent, grandparent, and an even worse Patriarch. The day you decided to attempt to steal my brother from our family was when you sealed your fate…goodbye." And with that, Cynrik withdrew his hidden blades, reached for the kodachis, and split Lithlen's body into two uneven halves triggering a chain of notifications. 

  -You have Killed a Level 100 Peak-Tier-5 Demi-Human Lithlen Jetlensr (Human/Aerial Wolf).-

  -You have killed a being more than ten times your primary level and  Two Tiers above your own; rewards will be multiplied by the new Maximum Multiplier, a Decuple (10 times).-

  -You have achieved something only you in the History of Vinestra has ever done, Killing a Being almost a complete stage above you; as such, you will receive extra rewards.-

  -Besides being on the verge of breaking through to the next stage and having a sliver of Divinity within him, Lithlen Jetlensr was classified as an INDIVIDUAL rather than a BEING, making this achievement much more impressive to the Central System Hub.-

  -You have received 20,000,000 SPN-XP.- 

  -You will now receive personalized boosts to one of your highest stats.-

  -You have received 2000 points to your AGI Stat.-

  -You have received 1000 Stat Points.-

  -You have received 1000 Skill Points.-

  -You have absorbed half of the Whisp of Divinity previously owned by Lithlen Jetlensr.-

  -You have located and retrieved 20 Tier-6 Mana Codexes (Wind)

  -A Bloodline (Ancient Aerial Wolf) has been located.-

  -This bloodline has been duplicated and stored in special Vials at no cost to you.-

  -You have received 20 Vials of Extracted Bloodline (Ancient Aerial Wolf)

Taking note of the notifications and feeling the surge in power from his AGI stat, Cynrik decapitated his grandfather's corpse before storing the head in his inventory and burning the body.

As he did this, Brance floated not far away with a stunned expression. He knew Cynrik would be ruthless, but to say the things he had to Lithlen caused him to feel bitter inside instead of glad that such a menacing threat had been removed from their lives. 

"That…was a little much; you already beat him, why break him mentally too?" Brance asked as he ignored the flood of notifications in his vision. 

"For all that man did to us, he didn't deserve to die peacefully, Brancie…I don't expect you to understand, but what is done is done. I knew it wouldn't be easy for you to stomach me torturing him, so this was all I could do." Heaving a sigh, Cynrik tilted his head toward the sky and rocketed up and out of the hole, unable to stand the burning sensation caused by being surrounded by Light Mana any longer. 

Upon exiting the hole, Cynrik looked off to his right, located Geralt not far away, and headed in that direction, leaving Brance alone to stare at where his grandfather had perished. 

'Tobs…was this the right thing to do?' Feeling uncertain, Brance looked to his right shoulder where the small fairy sat perched, gripping tightly onto his pauldron. 

  -Honestly…I don't know. When it comes to the thoughts and habits of your brother, even I find them difficult to navigate. What he said was the truth to him, however.-

  -He didn't want to subject you to watching him dismantle Lithlen piece by piece…so even though he is a ball of rage right now and is highly unsatisfied with how things went, he still put you above his own selfish motives.-

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