The Over-Break System

569 MyrkLys' Side (3)

"Listen to me, Cynrik would never walk into a fight without weighing the options and finding a path to success; you and I both know this. Sure, he may be going up against two Peak-Tier-5 beings, but that brat is the toughest son of a bitch I've ever met."

Jessup's words resonated with Selene; even so, she could not curb the fear that had been flourishing in her heart. 

"I…I understand that, and I know Cynrik and Brance have fought powerful opponents and come out on top in the past, but this time, it's different. You didn't see or feel the destruction behind those two attacks they unleashed." As she spoke, a tremble ran through Selene's body as she remembered soaring through the air uncontrollably. 

"Doesn't matter; from what you have said, Viktor and Lithlen were already on death's door at the beginning of the fight. With Haylon's Death Mana invading their bodies, there is no quick way to recover from their sustained damage." Releasing Selene and crossing his arms, Jessup didn't break eye contact with the young woman as he spoke. 

"At best, they should be able to output strength equivalent to a Peak-Tier-4 or Initial-Tier-5, especially in the case of Lithlen, a ranged SpellBreaker. You underestimate Death Mana's devastating and invasive impact on a person's Codex."

"Then there is the case of the Shadow Realm itself, which cuts off the flow to outside Elements, which increases the chances of those knucklehead brothers when it comes to victory."

After hearing the old man's explanation, Selene's eyes widened in realization, but they sank again as she expressed her opinion about the brothers' rescue mission. One that would more than likely be forced by Brance since Cynrik wasn't the kind of person to give a flying fuck about outsiders. 

This time, Jessup fell silently into deep thought before speaking. 

"This is the more troubling matter, in my opinion; it is one thing to wipe out a couple of old fogies who can't fight back properly, but if they end up doing something on that level…." Midway through his statement, Jessup noticed something strange on the HoloTV feed, which the reporter hadn't picked up. 

"Those two…I hoped that Geralt could talk some sense into them, but it seems he is aiding them instead of stopping this careless farce from occurring." Due to his age, Tier, or maybe his keen eyesight, Jessup noticed multiple people suddenly passing out in the far corner of the screen before vanishing from sight. 

With a loud sigh, he then dropped the noise cancelation barrier and turned to face the adults in the room, mainly Rikard, who wore a stony expression as he looked into the old man's eyes. 

"We need to talk…alone." With that, Jessup didn't say another word and turned to leave the room right as the rest of the members of MyrkLys, plus the Governor's three children and Garrison, appeared in the living room short of breath. 

With the sudden arrival of their children, Gabby and Benny's parents rushed forward and grabbed the two in a tight embrace, leaving Cinyah and Maeve to walk up to Selene with tears in their eyes. 

Meanwhile, Garrison walked up, placed a hand on Kurza's shoulder, and observed the events happening on the HoloTv before shooting a worried glance at the three children whose eyes had tears threatening to spill over while they watched their father fight. 

Selene was at a loss when breaking the news to Cinyah; Maeve was a different story altogether. It was one thing to talk to her future mother-in-law, but Selene felt she still had to say something to the other woman, who appeared just as heartbroken when it came to the missing Jetlensr brothers.

"They…they stayed back to fight, not with Haylon, but instead the other two threats." Cinyah understood Selene's words, although she had been vague; even so, the confirmation struck like a bomb.

Feeling all the strength leave her body, Cinyah collapsed to the ground on her knees, causing Selene to follow her and embrace the woman tightly on the floor, seeking comfort that they were both upset. 

Suddenly, another pair of arms wrapped around their bodies as, somehow, Gabby extricated herself from her parents and joined them. 

"Those…idiots, why can't they ever stay out of trouble…." Cinyah choked out between sobs, causing Gabby to burst into tears along with the woman. 

Meanwhile, Selene could not respond, as she buried her head into Cinyah's shoulder to hide her tears from the world. 


Suddenly, a cacophony of loud sounds came from the other room, where Rikard and Jessup had vanished, causing everyone in the living room to flinch and stare in that direction. 

Along with the noises came a wave of oppressiveness, which forced everyone present to shiver in fright.

"KNOCK IT OFF, YOU STUPID FUCK! DO YOU WANT ME TO HURT YOU? WHAT'S DONE IS DONE, AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU OR I CAN DO ABOUT IT!" Jessup's voice boomed loud enough to cause tremors throughout the house. 

Cinyah's eyes moved away from the two girls in her arms and toward where she knew her husband was as a sorrowful mask slid onto her face. 

For Jessup to have such an outburst, only one thing could have happened. Upon learning his children were fighting against his father, Rikard must have lost his temper and lashed out, demanding the protective array covering the house dropped so he could rush to the aid of his sons. 

This outburst must have caused the significantly stronger Jessup to lash out and restrain Rikard, stopping him from acting rashly and throwing his life away. 

Only then did something dawn on Selene…she hadn't realized it immediately. Still, the words Jessup said finally dawned on her. Her head whipped away from Cinyah's shoulder toward the HoloTV, where she watched it with narrowed eyes until she, too, noticed the strange disappearances happening on the feed. 

"They won?" Selene's voice was faint, but due to her proximity to Cinyah and Gabby, the two turned toward the TV, and soon enough, they also noticed the strange incidents. 

However, unlike what one would expect, Cinyah wasn't excited; instead, her heart broke for her husband. If what they saw was a sign that Cynrik and Brance were on the move, that could only mean that Lithlen Jetlensr was dead. 

No matter how much Rikard hated his father, he was still the man who raised him; his passing would be hard on the man. Not only that, but there would be a storm in the Jetlensr Clan when word got out, and Cinyah could only pray that Cynrik had a good enough plan and hidden any traces of his involvement.

The Jetlensr Clan was massive, with dozens of branch families, and if this information ever got out, there would be hell to pay, and the well over a thousand members of the Clan would be out for blood. 

Soon enough, the oppressive feeling being emitted by Jessup faded, and the old man appeared back in the living room. He then stopped and motioned for Cinyah to go to her husband; the man needed comfort. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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