The Over-Break System

Chapter 57 - The Boys Vs. Myer Part 1


{FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!} Cynrik continually swore in the mind link as he struggled just to keep himself standing. In the corner of his vision, he could see the notification from Myer's previous attack.

-You have taken 300 points of damage-

-Current HP, 350/650-

{One fucking attack nuked half my HP, and he wasn't even a Tier-2 yet. Now…} Cynrik's voice trailed off as he tried to force down the blood that was pooling into his mouth from somewhere in his body. That single attack had fractured both his arms and done internal damage.

Brance was abnormally calm as he silently threw a Minor Heal at Cynrik's back.

-You have been healed for 250 HP-

-Current HP 600/650-

Although the minor heal couldn't immediately fix the internal injuries and fractures Cynrik had suffered, it acted as a pain-killer and temporarily alleviated the intense pain he was feeling.

Exhaling slowly and feeling the pain leave his stiff body, Cyrnik started plotting. Just like before, when he used his Inspect on Myer, the only information he received was a bunch of question marks.

Tap, Tap, Tap

While Cynrik was lost in his thoughts, Myer was still monologuing like a lousy anime villain and making his way towards them.

Unfortunately for him, both boys were completely ignoring the words he was putting forth a significant amount of effort to and had their brains firing on all cylinders as they tried to desperately figure out either a way to escape or a way to win.

"Blah, blah blah, is all you can do fucking spout bullshit." Cynrik spat out while shaking his arms out to reduce their numbness.

"I've single-handedly eviscerated dozens of your weak ass underlings, Mr. Mini Boss, and they fed me a vast amount of XP.

Hearing the blood-soaked little boy's taunts, Myer's face developed black lines, and his mouth drooped into a scowl.

"Still don't understand your situation, do you, boy!" he stopped several feet away from the two wounded children and crossed his arms while looking them up and down.

"Two, weak little Tier-0 children. I'll admit you are both outstanding geniuses. However, to skip Tier and slaughter higher leveled opponents like their chickens, that's a task that very few can do. Unfortunately for you, you've kicked a steel plate, and Master Haylon will not allow you to escape. Under normal circumstances, he would have gladly forced you to submit, but now… he's already given the kill order."

{Brance, how many hits can you shield take?}

{He did 300 damage to you with a single punch; although I have nearly 1k HP, I doubt ill be able to stop more than three direct hits. If I can somehow deflect them, maybe it increases to double that.} Brance didn't look at Cyrnik as he responded. The two had an astronomical amount of faith in each other regarding dog fights. Thus Brance didn't sugar coat his words as he gave his best estimate.

{I doubt we can beat him, but we can choose to either stall for time until our parents arrive or try to get the hell out of here.}

'Tobs, how many SPs is it to unlock another loadout?'

-The first additional loadout will cost 20 Skill points. Would you like to purchase it (Y/N)-

'Only 20 SP, yeah, that's fine,' Cynrik watched as a third loadout appeared in his system panels, and he quickly tossed both his damaged swords as well as his assassins tools into their respective slots before naming the new loadout DMG,

{So, Brance, it's a PiccoloXGoku vs Raditz situation. I've got an idea, but I'll need to charge up the attack. First, you need to stall for 30 seconds. You up for it?} Tilting his head down slightly and allowing a shadow to form on his face, Cynrik broke out into a massive grin.

{Haahh, Always with the weeb references. At least I know this one; yeah ill hold him. You better be ready!}

{If all goes well, this shit will at best kill him, and at worst, severely injure him, allowing us to escape. But ill need you to pull his aggro; the second he notices what I'm up to, that's rip-a-Roni geeg. All right, it's up to you now.} The entire conversation had taken less than a second, thanks to the sibling mind link, leaving Myer unaware that neither child was afraid of him and were instead plotting to take him down.

"Alright, that's enough talking; while I don't usually enjoy killing children, I'm not against it. So come along like good little brats…"

"TSK, cmon now, you don't really think we would give in to an ugly-ass looking dumb fuck who goes ON AND ON like a fucking fool." Cynrik didn't let Myer finish his statement.

"Hehe, Shadow Veil"

Myer's pupils shrunk to pinholes as he heard the taller boy chuckle creepily and vanish into thin air.

The instant he saw Cynrik activate his Shadow Veil, Brance swapped to his T1 loadout, unsheathed his sword, and pulled his dented shield off his back before dashing forward with it raised.


Moving like a veteran, Myer reacted instantly and met Brances shield bash with a violent Mana charged fist, causing a wave of air to expand from the point of impact and blowing Brances, hair wildly as he dug his shoulder into his shield and withstood the full brunt of the attack.

-You have received 100 damage-

-You currently have 860/960 HP-

Brance had taken the first attack head-on to test the level of strength that Myer could output, and to his surprise, it was manageable.

Meanwhile, as Myer and Brance had their first collision, Cynrik made a mad dash to the opposite end of the hallway before skidding to a stop and swapping to his newly formed DMG loadout.

Instantly, his assassin's tools appeared on both his wrists, and a sword was summoned to his right hip and shoulder.

'Alright, ill only have one shot at this,' shooting a worried glance over at Brance, who was now going back and forth with Myer; Cynrik unsheathed both his swords and examined them.

'I had to use them during the waves even with this many cracks earlier; tsk, this will really be the end of them. The question will be if my hidden blades can withstand the pressure of the follow-up attack. THINK ok, to make my second attack…' While his brain was spinning rapidly, formulating the second attack, Cynrik unsheathed his ISS and SunFlare; if this was going to be their big send-off, he wanted to do things right.

Instead of how he initially held the blades, the first time he activated his Fyrstr form, he kept them in a plus sign instead of an X. His left arm holding SunFlare extended across his body and met the vertically held ISS.

Next, he unsheathed both hidden blades and rested them against ISS before slowly and carefully charging the two swords with their respective Fire and Wind Mana.

Cynrik watched as his MP slowly dropped from 411 to 390 and continued.

Across the hall, Brance had successfully parried two attacks after tanking the first. His eyes flicked to the left, where he had his Stats open, and monitored his HP, which was currently at 632. Three hits had drained him of 328 HP, which was a big difference from how Cynrik had only stopped a single blow that dealt him 300 damage.

Each time Myer's fist connected with his shield, it rattled Brances bones and forced him to clench up all his muscles and grit his teeth. After the second hit, he had estimated Myer's STR to be nearly triple his own. However, this caused dread to build up in the younger sibling's heart.

He didn't know what crazy plan Cyrnik had come up with, but after sustaining three of Myer's attacks, he knew he'd only be able to handle another three before his shield was utterly destroyed, leaving him defenseless.

Myer was getting increasingly more furious. The young child he assumed would be easy to crush, had deflected two of his strongest attacks while absorbing one head-on. This pissed him off to no end.

"YOU LITTLE FUCKING BRAT," unable to contain himself any longer, Myer unleashed the full power of his killing intent which held 3G's of force onto Brance in an attempt to paralyze him before dealing his fourth heavy-handed punch. However, contrary to what he thought would happen, his fist was once again redirected by the small black-haired child, who looked up at him with a massive shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

Looking up at Myer, Brance unleashed his own killing intent on the man stunning him. Never in his life had he seen a child who couldn't be over the age of 6 express a killing intent that matched his own. What's just as surprising was the child seemed to be utterly unaffected by the three times gravity exerting on his small frame.

Taking note of his opponent faltering, Brance jumped into the air while raising his shield over his head and smacked Myer directly in his unprotected jaw with an uppercut using the edge of his shield, whipping the man head back, exposing his throat.

Brance zeroed in on the opening and viciously slashed his sword across the man's throat before rotating and connecting with a spinning back fist, utilizing his shield, which rocked the man's head to the left.

The triple combo attack forced Myer to take several steps back and grasp his neck.

Unfortunately, before Brance could celebrate, Visible Mana started swirling around Myer's body as he lowered his head and, with reddish-yellow eyes, glared angrily at the child who had just caused him pain.


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