The Over-Break System

572 Healing the Injured (1)

If there was one ability that Cynrik excelled at and had carried over from his past life, if it could even be called that, it would have to be his ability to Multitask.

With one hand controlling his Umbra Mana to keep the Death Mana isolated and contained in its present location, Cynrik's other hand went to work drawing the Health Potion down the Governess's throat to her stomach.

Next, he set about dumping the contents of multiple High-Grade healing potions into the air, where it stayed in the form of a giant orange blob thanks to the zero-g environment of the Shadow Realm. 

Once he had emptied the equivalent of 8 potions into the air, his left hand danced as Cynrik utilized the Affinitiless Mana particles to cover the liquid blob.

When that was done, his eyes scanned the Governess from head to toe, and he formed a perfect scale replica of the woman using the blob. With that part finished, he lined the construct up with her, lowered his hand, brought the orange liquid clone down, and layered it over the woman's body, leaving three spots clear, one for each nostril and then her mouth, allowing the woman to breathe. 

'Hehe, it's like making a bacta tank from SW, only instead of her getting into a tube, I brought the contents to her.' Cynrik thought as a smile crept unto his lips. 


Not far away, in the spatial cube, Brance kept tossing glances at his brother, and a deep frown had set on his face the moment he saw Cynrik taking liberties with the Governess's chest. 

Shaking his head and understanding there would be time later to scold his older brother, Brance examined the multiple untreated and unconscious people. 

However, a problem soon cropped up: his lack of Elemental Mana. In saving the Governess, Brance had effectively emptied his reserves, and currently, after chugging multiple Mana Potions, the only particles in his Codex were Affinitiless. 

Although he could heal their bodies with potions, Brance had no feasible method to deal with the abundant Death Mana coursing through their Mana Circuits and Codexes. 

Without expelling or eradicating the Death Mana, even if he healed everyone into tip-top shape, it wouldn't take long for them to become cripples unable to use Mana. 

And that was only scratching the surface of the problem. With [Mana Sight] active, Brance witnessed how the particles moving freely in their bodies outside the Codex would attack any living Cell, breaking it down like cancer. 

Blood, organs, bone, even cartilage, the particles didn't care, so long as it was tissue or matter, the Death Mana would eat it, strengthening themselves simultaneously. 

Gritting his teeth and feeling more helpless than ever, Brance began going from person to person, young and old, and feeding them Health Potions. 


As the brothers worked on their respective projects, Geralt flew around like a chicken without a head, scooping up three to four people at a time and racing toward the Spatial Cube to dump them off before grabbing another batch. 

He was so frantic due to one thing: the lack of oxygen in the Shadow Realm. As a being at the Peak of Tier-5, he could easily handle the thin air, but the same didn't apply to the unconscious and injured people. 

Essentially, it was no different than them being dumped in a body of water; the more time they spent floating in the Realm unconscious, the higher the chances of asphyxiating.

Luckily, he had the foresight to deal with the situation he was facing earlier. When Cynrik opened up the portals to reality, he took some time to send out hundreds of small cubes to trap as much Wind Mana as possible. 

The Spatial Cube he had created was good at not only keeping things from entering, but it was equally as good at keeping something such as Mana Particles inside; thus, he made a supply chain of fresh oxygen moving into the cube until Cynrik had cut off the source. 

By the time he had done so, Geralt had supplied enough breathable oxygen to the Spatial Cube to sustain well over 800 people for several hours, meaning that the less than 200 houses unconscious people stored inside would be perfectly fine. 


Crouched on one knee, Cynrik watched in amazement as the orange liquid surrounding the Governess faded rapidly. It wasn't the quantity per se, but the potion quality that changed, starting with its color, and it only got worse the longer it stayed on her body. 

Initially, the High-Grade health potion was the color of a fresh tangerine; however, the longer it did its job healing the woman, the duller that color became. 

'Interesting, as it heals her body, the potion continuously degrades, signified by the color change. The most basic Low-Grade Health potion is crystal clear, no different than the color of clean drinking water, but as the quality of the potion increases, the darker it becomes.' Cynrik thought as his eyes examined the liquid blob. 

'The highest quality I've gotten my hands on potion-wise is these High-Grade ones, which are bright Orange. Low is Clear, Mid is a dark orange, and High is bright Orange. But what comes after High-Grade? Would it start turning red next until it looks like blood or something?'

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Cynrik continued observing the liquid until it faded to a transparent color, signaling that the quality had dropped as low as possible. 

Understanding that the liquid no longer served a purpose, Cynrik flicked his free hand away from his body as if trying to get a bug off himself, causing the fluid to separate from the Governess and turn into tiny beads.

'I should store this stuff for later and run a couple of experiments to see what changes have occurred,' with that in mind, Cynrik caught hold of the loose and floating empty bottles with tethers of Umbra Mana and stored all the clear liquid in them, followed by stowing the full bottles back in his inventory. 

Glancing over the Governess one last time, Cynrik double-checked that any physical and internal injury had been healed before directing his attention toward the quarantined Codex. 

From the get-go, he first noticed the size of the Codex. Unlike his own, which was several sizes smaller than any organ in his body, the Governess's Codex looked 1.5 times the size of her heart, which had long since shifted around some of her internal organs to adapt to the extra size of the organ. 

There was a name for this; it was called Codexal Displacement. As far as Cynrik knew, it was not only harmless but a good thing since having a strange object suddenly growing in the human body tended to end up badly 10 out of 10 times. 

Even though the body treated the Codex like any other organ, the arrangement of her organs was significantly different from what Cynrik knew of Human Anatomy. 

While the woman's skeletal structure was the same as any other human skeleton he had seen in textbooks or online, the same couldn't be said about her organs. 

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