The Over-Break System

575 Conclusion of the Battle (1)


The tide shifted faster than anyone could have predicted. With Haylon expending so much Mana to raise a group of undead, he had invested too many resources only to have them go up in smoke, thanks to Cynrik. 

Unable to figure out what went wrong, since he wasn't present when Cynrik left the Gala in the first place and thus didn't know about the Shadow Realm or that Cynrik could break through his Domain Skill, he was grasping straws while fighting on his back foot. 

'Damn, damn, what the hell went wrong, and what is with this bastard's sudden surge of energy?' Haylon thought as he weaved in and out of the flurry of attacks before batting several [Piercing Thrusts] with his War Scythe. 

Flourishing his weapon and lashing out with several high dps attacks of his own, Haylon's eyes darted around, looking for anything he could use to get him out of this situation, and that was the moment he realized two things.

The first was the lack of people, dead or alive; the second was the large crowds surrounding his [Decrepit Domain], otherwise known as the isolated area of Death Mana.

Tens of thousands of armed combatants ranging from Tier-4 to Peak-Tier Five had surrounded the one square-kilometer Governors Mansion Grounds. Since he had been in the heat of the moment since arriving, he hadn't noticed the place was surrounded. 

Looking to the sky, he was greeted by several fleets of High-Grade Battle Cruisers and knew he only had one option left, flee. 

The moment his Domain Skill came down, all hell would break loose, and there would only be one target these forces were directed toward, himself. 

Grinding his teeth in rage, Haylon's Aura exploded and generated a shockwave, which he used to create distance between himself and the Haggard Governor. 

'All is not lost; luckily, my minions captured around a hundred geniuses before teleporting to our headquarters; this should be enough for my plans; it is time to cut my losses and get the fuck out of here.' Glaring at Governor Samieer with a strange glint, Haylon made up his mind and burned half of his remaining Mana, charging it into the blade of his weapon. 

'It's a crying fucking shame that I couldn't get my hands on those brats, and since I don't see Viktor or Lithlen, they must have found a way to flee the scene.'

'Had they died by way of corrosion, I would have gotten a substantial boost in my stats along with a notification tsk; I will have my revenge on those rats. All that remains is to cover my tracks and wipe away any traces of the ghoul's teleportation.' With that thought in mind, Haylon began not so randomly sending out Death Mana blade lights, targeting every spot he noticed the stench of ghoul, eradicating it along with the corpses of the dead ones. 

The sudden change in pace sent the Governor and everyone on standby outside of the Domain into a panic, especially the Governor, who struggled to dodge the incoming waves of attacks. 

Everyone knew what would come next, and other than Governor Samieer, who was the closest, no one had even a remote chance of stopping it from happening. 

"Can't say it's been fun, Abdul, but my goal has been achieved. Don't think this is over; you will hear from me again." Haylon's voice came out in a sinister snarl as his body began glowing in a bright blue and golden light. 

Upon the bright strobing lights manifesting, bulbous growths appeared all over Haylon's body, creating a similar effect to being stabbed with thousands of air compressors, disfiguring his body. 

The first thing to go was his right eye, which expanded until it burst into a gory mist. 

"HAYLON! DO YOU THINK I WILL LET YOU LEAVE SO EASILY?" Governor Samieer roared and rushed forward with his Rapier at the ready and glowing with Mana. 

However, he was too slow to stop what was already occurring. Right as the Governor drew down on Haylon, several powerful shockwaves, a consequence of the micro explosions the man was going through, connected with his body, sending him flying through the air before crashing into the ground. 

Unwilling to relent and realizing the man would flee unhindered if he didn't stop Haylon then and there, Governor Samieer rolled on the ground, caught himself by stabbing his weapon into the terrain, and rushed forward again while pushing his Codex to the limit as he unleashed everything he had. 

Finding the Governor's efforts futile, Haylon didn't bother blocking or dodging and continued the process of self-destruction.

Soon the man let loose a hideous cackle as his body inflated like a balloon. Then, as if his flesh was made of fireworks, all his fingers exploded, followed by his right foot and left hand, which continued as his body engorged five times its original size. 


In the Shadow Realm, Cynrik heard the Governor yell and snapped out of his staring contest with Tobs, only to behold the sight of an obese human-shaped balloon, which was rapidly expanding and popping in certain places. 

"What in the fuck is going on up there?" Wearing a strange expression of half intrigue and half creeped out, Cynrik gave the Governess's tit one last squeeze before supplying enough Mana to her Codex to keep it isolated from the rest of her body without his physical touch. 

  -Something that makes every Masochistic act you've ever achieved pale in comparison.-

Standing up and tilting her head toward the sky, Tobs' eyes glazed over with a look of disdain as Cynrik kicked off the ground and flew up toward the Barrier between realms. 

Noticing his brother's movement, Brance looked up, saw what was happening, and raced over to Cynrik's side.

The two stood in silence as they watched Haylon's body enlarge to the size of a small airship, losing more body parts along the way.

[Care to fill us in on what we are seeing here, Tobs? I don't expect that Haylon is doing this without a sadistic and seemingly justifiable cause.] Sensing the arrival of his Brother, Cynrik swapped from talking in his head to using the Mind link so that Brance could join the conversation.

However, the answer to his question came from a third party.

"Be sure neither of you looks away from this. What you see is a rarity unseen by the public eye; you can even consider it a forbidden act. Even with my position and social standing, I have only seen something similar to this twice, and both times were during Wars."

"When an individual reaches Tier-6, they unlock a special stat called Divinity. From Stage Three onward, Evolution and Tier advancement depend solely on this Stat, and Levels no longer exist."

"The bright light and enlargement is a sign that Haylon is burning a combination of Vitality and Divinity Points…in doing so, he is sacrificing his body to escape in an intangible Soul Form." Geralt's voice held a tone of amazement and fear as he gave the brothers classified information. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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