The Over-Break System

580 Divine Destruction (2)

Collapsing to the ground and feeling nauseous, Geralt double-checked that his construct could sustain itself by absorbing Ambient Mana particles before rolling over onto his back and looking up at Brance with questioning eyes.

"Whew, fucking hell, that was close," Brance exhaled loudly before falling down onto his butt, inside the new Spatial Cube, and massaging his temples.

With one problem out of the way, he tilted his head upward, with distress and worry painting his face.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he wanted to go up and check out the situation at the Pinhurst Mansion, due to his lack of propulsion, Brance could only stay grounded and watch as Cynrik investigated the Barrier up close.


'Hm… it's different but the same, although I can't be sure since I don't have much experience with Divine Particles; there seem to be some slight differences in the shades of blue and Gold depending on the individual.' Cynrik thought as he observed what was happening in reality. 

'From what I can tell, though, this is a third Tier-6 being, which confirms what the Governor said; sheesh, it looks like that old bastard Jessup has been hiding in plain sight; who would have thought he was so strong.' Extending out his hand, Cynrik was about to touch the Barrier between Realms when he sensed a disturbance in the Mana particles below, drawing his attention. 

[Heh, see Brancie, you're always such a worry wart; Geralt woke up, and now the dead weight lives to see another day.] Licking his lips, Cynrik didn't miss the opportunity to tease his brother.

[Shut up, you heartless fuck; what about everyone in the house. I can't see through that Aura. Are they ok? Whose Aura is it?] Sputtering out questions frantically, Brance glared at Cynrik for his indifference to other people and spoke about what he cared more about. 

[No idea, but I can say that Jessup is most likely at Tier-6, so the Governor's words about him being strong were the truth. I am only making an educated guess here, but I can tell you there is a definitive difference between these Divine particles and those of Governor Samieer and Haylon.]

Turning away from Brance, who had stood up and was looking at him, Cynrik moved from side to side, trying to see if he could look through any potential gaps in the bubble surrounding the Mansion.

[I can't see inside either; it's like looking through murky ocean water. However, I don't think we have to worry; the whole place is locked down, and from what I have seen on the house's exterior, all the defensive protocols have been activated, turning the Mansion into a literal compound.] Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik came up with several Ideas on the fly, but none of them were up to par with what he wanted to achieve. 

[Another thing to note, unlike Haylon's particles, which were able to leak through the Barrier between Reality and the Shadow Realm, these ones don't; it's like they only serve the purpose of shutting off the entire Mansion from the outside world.]

[Either that or they aren't as powerful. If that is the case, then that makes Jessup somewhere between Initial and Early Tier-6.]

Cynrik smacked his lips a few times before rolling out his shoulders and speaking.

[Im going up; you stay down here.] He said, and before Brance could say otherwise, Cynrik slipped back into reality and appeared on the front lawn of the Pinhurst Mansion.

Since he had already adjusted to the 5.5g of pressure in the Shadow Realm, and his resistance was SIGNIFICANTLY higher than that measly amount, Cynrik ignored the continuous force and observed the rest of the neighborhood. 

'Well, at least the houses here are made of some sturdy shit; I see barely any structural damage, and everyone on the same street as us has some form of defensive protocols to lock their homes down tight.'

'Heh, can't say the same for the vehicles and fauna, though; it looks like a hurricane came through here.' Walking around and taking everything in, Cynrik remembered living in Florida on Earth, where Hurricanes and powerful storms frequently occurred. 

Hover Vehicles of all shapes and sizes were thrown about or flipped over before being smashed like soda cans; trees that once stood tens of meters tall now looked like stumps due to being buried in the ground, and those that weren't lucky enough for that, couldn't be seen since they had fallen over and sunk into the pavement, soil, or grass. 

Anything made of metal, from street lights to fences and gates, had folded on itself like aluminum foil. That was only scratching the surface of what he observed; there was still the dangerous and dark sky, filled with multi-colored lightning, storm clouds, and of course, Divine Particles.

Entirely apathetic to what he saw, Cynrik continued walking around the Mansion grounds, with an uneasy feeling brought about by the strange Divine Particles abundantly swarming around. 

That is, until suddenly, he felt a strong pull on his body, and he flashed away before appearing in the center of the living room, surrounded by shocked faces with puffy red eyes from crying. 

"URPPP, What the fuck," in an instant, Cynrik collapsed on the ground and emptied his stomach all over the nice and frankly expensive carpet flooring. 

"BRAT, WHERE ARE YOU PUKING RIGHT NOW?" Jessup's booming voice silenced everyone. 

"OI, Fuck you, old man! Warn a Guy before you suddenly teleport him with your annoying Mana." Spitting a couple of times on the ground before incinerating his vomit with BlackFire, Cynrik flipped Jessup his middle finger and took an offensive stance. 



Before Cynrik and Jessup could continue their argument, he was assaulted from all sides, as Maeve and Selene threw themselves on him, not forgetting to squish their boobs against his body in their happiness. 

"Ladies, ladies, please, there is plenty of me to go around," wearing a sleazy smile, Cynrik wrapped his arms around their waist and didn't forget to get a good handful of their respective ass cheeks, something that went ignored by everyone in the room, except for Maeve, who blushed and smacked his hand away. 

Thankfully, she was too happy to see the young man alive and seemingly ok to comment on the fact that he had once again copped a feel, taking liberties with her body, and decided to take solace in the thought that he was ok.

After a full minute of getting to live out every man's fantasy of having a beauty hanging on each arm, Cynrik, Maeve, and Selene separated.

[[I want to know everything, Darling, don't miss a single detail.]] Selene chimed in with a hint of venom in her voice. His wandering right hand hadn't escaped her vision, but since she had already stated he could have a night of passion with Maeve if he wanted, she let it go. 

[[Don't worry, I will fill you in when we get a moment, but there are more pressing matters right now.]] Shooting his girlfriend an understanding glance, Cynrik looked toward Gabby, who seemed erratic and downright horrified that Brance wasn't with Cynrik. 

"He's fine, Gabby, just down in the Shadow Realm; we both are ok. He isn't with me because he didn't have a way to get through the Barrier since he burned all his Mana during our fight." 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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