The Over-Break System

584 Operation Saving Asses (6)


"Plan A failed, so I gotta do some muscle man shit; see you in a few minutes, old man!" Then, ignoring the strange looks Jessup shot him, Cynrik bent backward, similar to a scuba diver going off a boat, and fell through the portal. 

The sudden sensation brought about by the drastic shift in gravitational pressure caused Cynrik's stomach to churn. Still, it didn't hinder him from arcing his body until he was in a downward dive position with his arms firmly by his side. 

'Alright, Tobs, how many cables do I require to bear the Cube's weight for a prolonged amount of time?' Racing down, Cynrik stifled a laugh when he saw Brance and Geralt. 

Acting as anchors for the extremely heavy Cube was a task easier said than done, and upon having the tendrils wrapped around their waists like belts, the moment Jessup began pulling it up, the two were sent flying to the ceiling of the Spatial Cube. 

Then, falling into their role as if helping a mountain climber, Brance and Geralt braced their feet against the Cube's ceiling and pulled against the tendril, creating a counterforce and stabilizing their ascent. 

'Let's give them a little help, shall we?' Cynrik thought as he closed the distance between himself and the Cube during his free fall. Extending his left arm out and targeting the thinner portion of the tendrils wrapped around Geralt and Brance's waists, he manipulated the constructs until they took the form of a full-body harness. 

The sudden dispersal and equalization of weight caused the two anchormen to stumble for a second before regaining their wits and shooting thankful expressions at Cynrik as he streaked by the Cube like a meteor. 

  -The answer to your question is eight; you will require eight Mana construct cables if you wish to distribute the weight of the Cube evenly.-

  -Since you already have a massive tendril being used to pull it up, that will suffice for holding the central part of the Cube; however, you can't expect Jessup to hold out forever.-

  -By my estimate, due to the gravitational force caused by the Divine Particle interference, at present excluding the weight of the Spatial Construct, which is practically nothing, the beings inside have an estimated combined weight of over 350 Tons or 317,515 kg. **700,000 pounds*.- 

'Tsss,' sucking in a sharp breath, Cynrik couldn't help but observe the athletic bodies of the unconscious beings and be confused at how they were so heavy. Then again, thinking about how his weight shot up due to both Evolution and Mana saturation, he felt it made sense. 

'Right, well, then I suppose I have to make these tendrils sturdy as fuck,' clicking his tongue, Cynrik moved the Fire Mana he had collected when outside the Shadow Realm toward his feet, and two thin bursts manifested like jet trails. 

"HUPP," with a grunt, Cynrik angled his body, broke out of the free fall after passing the Cube, and came up to the underside of the construct with a little effort. 

Although it took him a couple of minutes, thanks to the rapid rise of the Cube, which caused him to mess up several times, Cynrik attached eight intricately woven, braided cords of pure Umbra Mana to the bottom of the Spatial Cube. 

To do this, he had required the help of Geralt, who had opened thick portholes at the positions Cynrik needed, allowing him to loop the braided cords through and tie them into dense triple knots. 

'Hehe, it reminds me of the cable management necessary to make a computer look good when building them.' Flying up around the base of the Spatial Cube, Cynrik nodded and appreciated his handy work. 

  -Hey, dummy Cyn, I sure hope you don't think securing the bottom of the Cube will be enough to do what you want. Get your ass moving and do the top half, too; if not, how do you plan to secure them outside the portal.-

Unwilling to allow her host to stay cocky, Tobs smacked his cheek several times to break him out of his revelry. 

'Tsk, I'm going, I'm going; why do you have to be such a nag all the time, Tobs? I miss the days when you were all cute and Monotone.' Rolling his eyes and ignoring the pouting tiny fairy angrily punching his shoulder, Cynrik didn't allow himself to keep acting lazy, and by the time Jessup had brought the Cube within 30 meters of the Barrier between Realms, the young man had finished the first step in Plan B, turning the lackluster Spatial Cube into a neatly wrapped present of dead weight. 

Then, landing on top of the Cube, Cynrik held his arms outstretched, taking hold of the eight braided cords, thick as tree trunks, which floated freely like giant black spaghetti noodles. 

With the Cube only 30 meters from the Barrier, Jessup slowed his progress until the construct was close enough that Cynrik could stand on his tippy toes to bonk his head on the barrier. 

"Hey, kid, what do you plan on doing next? I hope you don't expect me to keep holding this damn heavy thing until you evacuate the injured?" Gingerly stepping forward, Jessup spoke with a clear and annoyed tone. 

Covered in sweat and muscles twitching every few seconds, it was apparent to everyone present that it had taken him a lot of effort to raise the Cube, and it wouldn't be surprising if his Stamina were ready to bottom out. 

"Sooo, this is the part you will probably hate me for, old man." Walking toward the portal and looking up at Jessup, Cynrik wore a wry smile as he spoke.

"Fuck, let me guess, you plan on having me widen the Divine Particle ring so you can bring those hulking things into the house and destroy the walls of my training room." With a grimace, Jessup shook his head and was about to work on widening the Divine Particles when Cynrik snorted and stopped his action by holding up his left hand, dragging along four braided cords of Umbra Mana with the gesture. 

"Wellll, you are half right. I don't need to widen the portal; condensing these cords is simple. As for the second part, well, I need to anchor them somewhere, and since the training room walls are made of material strong enough to withstand Tier-5 attacks, ima needs you to punch some holes for me, eight to be exact, OH, and one in the ceiling too."

"You little, ugh, FINE, but I damn well expect your lazy ass to repair the damage later." Chewing on his bottom lip till he tasted blood, Jessup felt a strong urge to beat the young man below.

"Che, no shit, of course, I planned on fixing the damage; what do you think I am, a …." Cynrik started to say, but suddenly three voices cut him off, all using derogatory phrases.

"Sadistic Monster who loves causing irreparable damage," Geralt said with dead eyes. 

"A fucking Sociopath who likes breaking others' objects because it gives him a sense of pleasure." Brance retorted with an equally dead expression.

"A lunatic who doesn't give a shit about anything other than his stupid plans and experiments," Stated Jessup as he struggled to shift the weight of the Cube to his non-dominant hand. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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