The Over-Break System

587 Cynrik's Willful Decision

[Cyn, you can't expect me to be like you; how can you even consider the possibility that I would sacrifice lives for the sake of learning? What the hell is wrong with you?] Feeling something off about how things were laid out for him, Brance glared at Cynrik, knowing there had to be more to what was happening than his brother was saying. 

[Sigh, dumb, stupid, innocent Brancie, open your fucking eyes and observe that group's situation. I have done all I can to help you; the only issue is whether or not you accept that help.]

[Unlike me, Mana Control has ALWAYS been your biggest issue, causing you to fall behind me in the one thing you need most. Instead of playing the part of Dumb Meat-head Jock, use your fucking brain.]With a loud snort, Cynrik looked over at Jessup and Geralt before turning his face up to the first floor of the Mansion.

[[Ma Petite, come down to the training room alone; it's time I took you on a date; I know I have been harsh to you as of late, so think of this as me saying sorry.]] With the tension of the life or death battle worn off, and his lust peaked thanks to seeing the Governess naked with [Mana Sight], Cynrik summoned his woman. 

[WHAT THE FUCK!] Brance shouted, but it was ignored by Cynrik, who stood there picking his ear with his left pinky.

[I do what I want; I already got rid of the Death Mana stored in the deadweight's bodies, and there is no point in me standing around idle, so the rest is up to you.] Cynrik replied with a snort as he flicked some earwax off his finger toward a stack of buff guys. 


In the living room, when Selene heard the honey-sweet words of her lover, she immediately jumped to her feet with a bright smile and sprinted toward the training room, startling those present and ignoring their questions. 

Less than a minute later, the door to the training room slid open with a loud decompression hiss, and Selene, still in her Gala dress, appeared. Noticing the packed room chalked full of bodies, the young lady didn't even bat an eye, as they meant nothing to her.

Paying the bodies nothing more than a passing glance, Selene quickly cleared them with a graceful leap and landed in Cynrik's arms as he caught her in a princess carry. 

"Well, we got things to do, fuck the rules, and fuck the dead weight, later nerds," Cynrik stated while nuzzling his cheek against Selene's and stepping back toward the portal. 

Then, without waiting for a response from anyone, especially Brance, who looked like he had kicked him in the dick, Cynrik fell backward into the Shadow Realm with Selene in his arms and closed the portal with a thought.

Since Geralt had already dispersed the Spatial Cube, the couple fell a few meters into the Shadow Realm and were wrapped up by the comforting feeling of abundant Umbra and Shadow Mana. 


'Sigh, I can only carry you along for so long, Brancie; you need to learn to walk on your own at some point.' With that thought, Cynrik expelled a burst of flames from his feet and hovered in place, looking at the bombshell woman head over heels for him and resting her head against his chest like a good little wife.

"Woman, you better prepare yourself because once we get far enough away from the Mansion and to someplace comfortable, I plan on railing you till you can't walk for a week." Wearing a predatory expression, Cynrik's hands slipped into the side of Selene's dress and began massaging her breast, drawing a surprised moan from the young lady.

"I was wondering why you said fuck the rules, oh, darling, I have waited for far too long, take me, ravish me, mark me with your warm seed until no other man can stand being around me without jealousy feeding their ego." Excitement surged through her body as Selene felt a second heartbeat coming from her womb. 

Months of low-level physical intimacy with her beloved had left Selene feeling down, but it was finally time. Having thought she almost lost Cynrik in battle, Selene wouldn't pass up this opportunity, no matter what she had to sacrifice. 

"Good answer, Ma Petite," Cynrik said as he leaned forward and kissed his woman passionately. 

He had already done everything he could above; what happened next, in reality, had nothing to do with him. Since he had no intention of facing his parents, especially his Father, Cynrik decided to throw any other responsibility to the others and follow his desires instead. 


Geralt, Jessup, and Brance were stunned into silence in the training room. None of them were new regarding the willful and wild Cynrik's actions, but what he did shocked everyone present. 

"That little shit, he is pushing all responsibility onto us!" Geralt grumbled as he ran his tongue over his teeth in anger. 

"Sigh, that fucking brat, what does he expect us to do with all these children? Leave them here until the fallout zone recedes? He doesn't even realize things won't stabilize for two months at the earliest." Massaging his temples, Jessup extended his consciousness and felt the consequential aftereffects caused by the Governor and Haylon's battle. 

"Fuck…it's worse than I thought; well, we need to find some way to deal with these kids because if what I am sensing is correct, we will be stuck in the house for a while. Luckily I have plenty of food and resources stocked up for situations like this."

"Hold on, how long is a while?" Geralt said with a severe expression. Although he knew a little bit about Divine Particles and the Divinity Stat, this was his first time in a situation like this; thus, his heart raced with panic upon hearing what Jessup said. 

Across the room, Brance looked away from the Governess and toward the two men with worry in his eyes. Having known Jessup for years, he knew how to the point the old man was, so if he was saying things were bad, then they were way worse than Brance or even Cynrik anticipated. 

"If it were just the grav-zone we were dealing with, things would be manageable, and this could even be considered a good opportunity for everyone in the house since it would allow them to get stronger."

"But the problem lays with the Divine Particles themselves. For a being that hasn't unlocked their Divinity Stat, these particles are no better than a strong poison to the body, and prolonged exposure to them will dematerialize an average mortal body." Jessup continued speaking, crossing his arms and looking from Geralt to Brance with a worried look. 

"By my estimates, a large portion of Valor City has now become a no man's land, and although evacuation procedures were carried out by the Enforcers and several branches of the Military, anyone within a certain distance from ground zero will be considered unsavable, as within a week they will be dead."

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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