The Over-Break System

Chapter 59 - The Boys Vs. Myer Part 3



A massive amount of Red and Green Mana particles burst out from Cynrik's swords as he first slashed horizontally with his Sunflair and then vertically with his ISS. The instant his two arms fully extended, a massive Fire tornado manifested into existence and erupted forward at the stunned Myer.

Using his forward momentum, Cynrik emulated Myer's earlier actions and allowed the massive flame tornado to flow around his body as he followed his technique. Then, clad in the mass of Wind and Fire, Mana Cynrik slung both his sword up and rested them against his shoulders as he swiftly closed the distance between Myer and himself.

Slightly shocked by the power he was feeling from the attack rapidly drawing down on him, Myer decided to block instead of meet the attack with one of his own. Although his MP reserves were still relatively full, he opted to set up his counterattack. Feeling the waves of Mana being emitted by the cyclone, he still wholly believed that this Tier-0 attack wouldn't be able to damage him much, and it wouldn't be difficult to guard.

Cynrik noticed this response which caused his lips to curl up; things were going according to his cobbled-together plan. Nevertheless, he wanted to be underestimated. As long as Myer kept this cocky, overconfident persona active, Cynrik would be able to knock him down a peg.

It only took a heartbeat for Cynrik to travel from his activation point to where Myer was standing with his sickly yet massive Mana-arms crossed over his chest.

The world seemed to fade to nothing as the massive fire cyclone crashed against the Grey Mana-coated arms.


The collision of Mana caused sparks to shower the area surrounding the two combatants as a blast of wind shot out from the point of impact.

Watching from behind his crossed arms, Myer grit his teeth as he fought to hold back the cyclone, which was larger than him, but was slightly unsuccessful as he started sliding backward due to the inertia generated by the attack itself.

Cynrik's eyes darted around with Mana Sight active inside the Fire tornado. He was actively observing for any signs of weakness in the outer walls of his technique as it ground against Myer's Mana construct. 'First, I need to wear him down; the instant I see my Sun Cyclone start to show signs of collapse, that's when I initiate the next step.'

Time seemed to slow down as Myer fought to keep the flames from overwhelming him. At the start, he believed this attack would be easy to stop, but his thoughts made a drastic turn when he caught the blast head-on. 'What the hell is this? The kid is only a Tier-0; how the hell can he generate an attack equivalent to something of a higher tier. This attack is borderline Mana-Construct level.'

Deepening his stance, Myer kept trying to stay in one spot, but it was all for naught. The force behind Cynrik's attack kept forcing him back, causing him to exert more strength into his legs just to keep from being lifted off the ground.

"FUCKING BASTARD! YOU THINK THIS IS ENOUGH?" Myer howled as the veins started bulging on his Mana-Construct arms. Having enough of this farce, Myer began channeling more and more Plague Mana particles into his arms, forcefully growing them by 50 percent. Once he felt it was enough, he slowly uncrossed them and allowed the attack into his chest before gripping the outside edges of the cyclone.

Inside the flames, Cynrik's eyes locked onto ten fingers piercing his structure and watched as the rotation of the cyclone slowed down, and he began calculating the time until it totally collapsed.

Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling, he looked at the two blades resting against each of his shoulders one last time. When he unleashed in Fyrstr form, he knew it would be the final time he'd be able to use his swords. Although he hadn't had them long, his fondness for his first weapons had grown significantly. Even in the thick of combat, he took a moment to admire them. His vision drifted along the two damaged blades, taking in each of the massive cracks that were severely leaking Mana.

Cynrik slowly closed his eyes, and using his senses, felt the turbulent flow of Mana swirling around him. Then, using only his Mana Sight, he could see intricately formed patterns of runs, similar to the ones he saw when Brance and he had opened the teleportation circle. However, Cynrik had to stop himself from delving deeper into his inspection of these runes because out of the corner of his eye; he could see the runes breaking apart, which meant the Sun Cyclone was about to collapse.

NOW! Cynrik's eyes shot open, and he gripped the hilts of his blades tightly. Then, clenching his teeth and using his Wind affinity, Cynrik's body started spinning, quickly catching up to the rotation of the Sun Cyclone. Lifting his head and peering through the storm of Mana surrounding him, Cynrik locked on to Myer, who was crushing his attack with brute strength and violently slashed his swords down at an angle.

Two things occurred when he did this. The first was the sudden splitting of the attack in half. In doing this, not only did he force Myer off-balance, he caused him to falter. The second thing to occur upon the splitting of the Sun Cyclone was the emergence of two new, smaller ones. Using half of his remaining MP, Cynrik forced the single flame tornado to condense into two, which rapidly picked up speed while wrapping themselves around each of his swords.

Seeing this occur, Myer quickly tried to adapt to the sudden changes. Still, he was a step slower than Cynrik, who aggressively struck out utilizing both his Mana Clad swords, targeting both of the Plague Mana Constructs.

"Blóðrauðr BanamaðR: True Fyrstr Form - Baldur's Demise" Cynrik's voice rang out chillingly, as he lashed out, at both of Myer's arms sequentially. Due to his high AGI and DEX, his arms seemed to turn into shadows as he bounced from left to right while still spinning, creating the image of a drill with two flaming extensions.

Myer couldn't react fast enough and could only watch as this small flaming drill pinballed from one arm to the other, causing significant scorch marks to appear on his Mana Construct arms. Each time he tried swatting at the spinning child, he would blink out of sight before reappearing at his other arm.


Noticing his swords were Unable to withstand the pressure of his attacks anymore, Cynrik poured all his strength into his arms, broke free of his rotation, and delivered a final strike with both his sword into Myer's right arm.

Myer's eyelids shot wide-open as he looked on in horror when Cynrik delivered his final strike. Then cyclones converged on the outer edge of both swords forming a sharp, thin line of Mana. The blades slammed into the pale Grey massive arm. Meeting little resistance, they continued onward and through the construct before continuing through the fleshy arm hidden inside, severing it just below the elbow and emerging on the opposite side. The instant the two swords cleared through the bone and made contact with the Mana Construct again, they fragmented and shattered into thin slivers of metal that still contained a large amount of Mana.

A sigh escaped Cynrik's lips as he jumped back, holding what remained of his ISS and SunFlare, which was only their hilts. Then, ignoring the screams of pain coming from Myer, Cynrik dropped into his fighting stance and started manipulating the shards left in Myer's Mana Construct. Using his sword hilts like wands, Cynrik rhythmically swung his arms around and directed the bits of metal to tear through the Mana construct and make their way back into Myer's flesh.

Sensing the impending danger and knowing his arm was lost, Myer cut off the flow of Mana to his construct before the sword shards could tear apart the rest of his arm. Next, he dashed backward several steps to put some distance between himself and the terrifying young boy.

Cynrik couldn't help but smirk as Myer retreated several steps away from him, as he carefully placed the broken ISS and SunFlare back into their sheathes.

"I'll show you the difference between someone at Tier-0 and someone at Tier-2," Cynrik mocked while slowly letting his arms drop to his side loosely. "It seems to me that you fucking overestimated yourself, you pitiful bastard. Now let me show you how even a pitiful ant..."

Kicking off the ground creating a small shock wave, Cynrik charged forward at the screaming Myer. As he moved, Cynrik channeled Dark Mana into his hidden blades before unsheathing them, "Can take down an Elephant." And jumping at Myer, who was angrily grabbing at his stump of an arm.

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