The Over-Break System

591 Fine Tuning Mana Control (3)

Asking for help and not hearing her incoherent mumbles, Brance noticed a lack of response from the fairy, so he silently waited since she appeared deep in thought while wearing a weird expression on her cute little face. 

When he felt too much time had transpired, Brance lightly cleared his throat, startling the fairy on his shoulder.

  -Huh? Oh, sorry, I just noticed something that would make your brother lose his shit if he knew. Well, scratch that; he probably saw the rare Affinity that Ginger has, but he didn't recognize the color.-

'Hm? What is wrong with his Affinity?' Losing focus and causing the Mana streams to waiver momentarily, Brance quickly regained control of them before looking at the hazy greenish-blue Mana particles inside the young man's Codex. 

  -Heh, well, you know what they say about Gingers, right?-

'Uh…that they don't have a soul?' Thinking back to the saying from Earth, Brance didn't understand what the phrase had to do with his current objective.

  -Yeah, that one, well, this kid has a Spirit Affinity…so hehe, the Ginger, who is said to have no souls, can control Spirit particles which are widely accepted to be what Ghosts are made of.-

Giggling lightly in a tone akin to a soft bell jingle, Tobs beamed brightly up at Brance, who gave her an expressionless, dead-eyed glance. 

  -Oh, come on, you gotta admit, it's both ironic and funny…tsk, party pooper.-

'Yes, yes, it is so funny, good joke, Tobs; now, can you please help me with an analogy that can solidify my visualization here?' Rolling his eyes and resisting the urge to pinch her puffed-out pouty cheeks, Brance looked back at the Valve. 

  -Sigh, yeah, how about this, the Spirit particles are Sports Team S, the home team, while Team D is the Death Mana. Now one of the members of Team A got a foul called in his favor, and Team B didn't like that so much.-

  -Well, the guys over on Team D are ruffians and decided to throw a punch at Team S, creating a brawl. Now the only problem is there are no referees; that is where you come in. Your job is to red-card all the members of Team D and eject them from the game, giving Team S the win by disqualification.-

  -The only problem is, when you eject Team D, all their fans in the audience will storm the field in anger, so you need to protect Team S from the rioting fans.-

  -Your HolyFire, will fill in the role of Referee, while your Light Mana will be the security guards protecting the helpless members of Team S. Is that good enough?-

Looking up at Brance, Tobs noticed the hesitation in his eyes, so she was about to give a different analogy when she saw him nod a couple of times. 

'Although I am not good with soccer terms….'


Tobs corrected Brance the moment he spoke, causing him to roll his eyes before continuing.

'Sure, whatever you wanna call it; as I was saying, although I am not good with the game's terminology, the example you gave is enough for me, so let's do this.' 

Holding his right wrist with his left hand, Brance pushed more Mana into the streams, bolstering their solidity, and moved them forward into the Codex. 

'Ok, just picture the particles as tiny people, and you got this, no pressure.' Closing his eyes and unconsciously viewing the Codex with his [Mana Sight], Brance thought as his Light and HolyFire entered the mock sports stadium. 

In his mind's eye, he imposed the mental image Tobs had given him. Instead of particle clouds, he envisioned two separate but equal-sized soccer **Futbol, Bite me; I'm American. I will use soccer instead.** Teams screaming and yelling at each other from across the pitch. 

What he saw was from a Bird's eye view, as if he were playing a game on a video game console, only when the Referees and Guards ran in, the refs were, oddly enough, all clones of Cynrik, while all the guards looked like Brance in police riot gear. 

Upon entering the stadium, both teams and all the fans whipped their heads in his group's direction, like something out of a horror movie, and started flailing about in rage. 

Without hesitation, the two groups, guards and referees, raced into action, with the refs running between Team S and Team D while the guards moved to encircle Team S. 

With the teams separated, the refs held up little sheets of red paper and pointed at Team D, officially signaling that the match was over, and all of Team D was ejected from the game. 

However, that was where things took a strange turn; instead of a violent riot, as Tobs had stated, the members of Team D, who all looked like Haylon, suddenly had their flesh decay, and they transformed from soccer players into zombies.

Seeing this, the Cynrik cloned referees pulled out rifles and began shooting each of the zombies, but this only riled them up, as the undead soon multiplied and drew crude shields and swords from out of nowhere. 

With the battle starting between the refs and Team D, the 'fans' could no longer wait, and lept onto the pitch, transformed into zombies, and rushed toward the members of Team S with weapons drawn. 

  -Sigh, and I thought Cynrik was strange. These two are brothers through and through.-

Tobs thought as she watched the zombie movie-style playback occurring in Brance's head. It was one thing to imagine battles or even sports matches, but jumping straight into a horror movie from a soccer game was a little tricky for her to fathom. 

But when she remembered that Brance secretly enjoyed scary movies, even if Gabby hated them, it made more sense, and a small smile brightened her face. 

Blinking several times to clear her vision, Tobs pulled out of Brance's mind and observed what was happening inside the Codex, and what she saw made her smile widen. 

Although Brance's visualization method was a little strange, he was moving quickly, perfectly, and steadily executing his objective. 

The particle cloud of Light Mana easily kept the Spirit Mana protected while occasionally lashing out at bursts of Death Mana that tried attacking. 

Meanwhile, like silent assassins, the HolyFire swam through the sea of Death Mana, obliterating it effortlessly. 

  -Mm, good job Brancie; it won't be long now; keep it up; you are on the home stretch. Steady pace, you've got this.-

Careful not to break his focus, Tobs gently spoke into Brance's mind with words of encouragement, making the young man smile. Surprisingly, he was actually having fun playing out the little horror movie in his mind. 


Meanwhile, as Brance, under the careful guidance of Tobs, worked to clear out the Corrupted Codex, an entirely different scene was playing out in the Shadow Realm, one that had Forced Tobs to box away her view of Cynrik and Selene temporarily. 



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