The Over-Break System

593 F*** The Rules (2) **

** BE ADVISED, THE MAJORITY OF THIS CHAPTER IS SFW AND IMPORTANT INFO! THE LAST QUARTER  IS R18, and you can skip it if you so wish. However, THE FIRST PART IS NECESSARY INFO; there will be a marker when the split happens. Also, the next chapter will be 100% NSFW, and feel free to skip FUCK THE RULES PART 3 unless you're a horny man/woman of culture.**

  -Half the particle storm leaked into your Shadow Realm…so in theory, if you decided to become a menace to society and a master of genocide, you could potentially expel them from the realm, doubling the force in reality and, well…killing everyone outside Pinhurst Mansion with double the gravitational pressure.-

"Hehehehehehehe," upon hearing he could potentially earn a fuck ton of XP, Cynrik's evil side came forward, and it wasn't just him either. 

"KyuKyuKyu," even Selene was on the same page as him as she started laughing strangely with a sinister glint flashing through her eyes. 

  -STOP IT! The two of you are freaking me out, plus there is no way in hell Brance allows you to participate in a mass execution.-



Simultaneously, the couple clicked their tongues in disappointment because they knew the tiny fairy was right. Once Brance learned about their XP farming venture, he would be the first to step in and stop them. 

  -UGH, both of you are batshit crazy, you know that? No reasoning can be done; neither of you can be saved.-

Tobs complained as she began walking Brance through the steps necessary to clear corrupted Codexes. 

"Daw, little Tobsie, your words are so sweet," Cynrik teased, causing Selene to giggle. 

"Sigh, so upwards of a year, huh? That's kind of annoying. I was expecting to return to school and power through the Tier-3 Obelisk. Hey, Tobs, next question, what happens if we unlock our Divinity Stat early? Like, are there any additional benefits to doing so?"

  -No clue; no one has ever done it before; even the children of Deity level existences are born at Tier-5; naturally, they come stock with the Divinity Stat due to their parents having it. To my knowledge, there has never been a being under Tier-5 who has obtained the Stat early.-

  -The reason is they have to subject their bodies to copious amounts of Divine Particles, plus it's required to have some form of Divinity stored in their body, be it handed down or developed through one of the infinite methods devised by intelligent lifeforms.-

"Eh, so basically, what we are about to do is the primary way of unlocking the Divinity Stat, noted." Nodding his head in understanding, Cynrik took a moment to observe his surroundings, specifically the heavy density of Divine Particles. 

  -You need to understand something for an average person even to try absorbing Divine Particles; one of two objectives must be met; first, they have a body that can withstand the powerful nature of the particle, or second, they have a form of Divinity on hand, be it a shard, fragment, or whisp.-

  -In the case of you and Brance, you both obtained Whisps of Divinity from killing Lithlen and Viktor, while you have acquired multiple Divinity Fragments from your Turning Point Quests over time.-

  -Whereas Selene, whose Soul was restructured and healed by Freya, has multiple Divinity Fragments merged with her Soul; thus, if any of you were at Tier-5, you could quickly begin your Tier-6 Evolution since you are already part of the way to unlocking the Divinity Stat.- 

  -Comparatively, if, let's say, Gabby or Benny walked outside of the protective barrier created by Jessup, within 24 hours, they would look like radiation victims, with melted skin and soft bones, and there would be no way to save them from an excruciating death.-

  -Mortal bodies, simply put, aren't built to withstand the properties presented by Divine Particles, and as such, they will…melt. Then there is the DGP, which alone will crush anyone without a high resistance Stat.-

"Tobsie, if you wanna say the three of us are special, there's no reason for you to be so long-winded and beat around the bush. I get it, Divine Particles, bad, make mortal go splat." Rolling his eyes and making a hand puppet gesture that flapped while Tobs spoke, Cynrik smiled at Selene, making her cover her mouth to fight back laughter. 

However, upon realizing something important, he suddenly stopped and shouted, making Selene flinch. 

"Hold up, if everyone inside the fallout zone is going to die anyway, why the fuck can't I kill them all and earn some gubbins!" Waving his arms and pointing around at some of the nearby houses in reality, Cynrik cried. 

  -…sigh, like I said, unsavable, whatever, I'm leaving. You two find a tree or hole in the ground so you can fuck like monkeys; I have more important things to deal with. I would say, "Use protection," but we both know you won't.-

Hearing this reaction, Cynrik raised his index finger above his face and started to defend himself against her accusations, but soon, his mouth, wide open to speak, didn't, and he slowly closed it before sporting a frown with his finger still raised. 


"I mean…she has a point; even the one time we hooked up during the War, you refused to use a condom and even came inside me without hesitation." 

Releasing her boyfriend's arm, Selene slapped his chest playfully and ran forward before spinning around with her hands behind her back and leaning forward to expose her cleavage to tempt him into attacking. 

Seeing her temptation, Cynrik rolled his tongue over his teeth, rushed forward, scooped her up, and raced through the fallout zone until he found the hoveled ruins of an olden stone house. 

Selene could barely even breathe, thanks to how fast he moved, and although she wanted to squeal, the anticipation that she was about to lose her Vinestrian body's virginity to the man she loved with every fiber of her being took over.

The next few minutes were an absolute whirlwind for both Cynrik and Selene as they tore at each other's clothing, shredding and ripping what came in contact with their fingers until they were both nude and making out in the ruined house. 

Breaking the kiss and huffing due to lack of air, Cynrik ran his tongue along her neck down to her collarbone before looking at his woman with hungry eyes. 

"Bed, floor, or table?" He asked. 

Although they had messed around quite a bit and even tasted each other back on Earth, this time was different. Before, their meeting was only about fleshly desires and primal needs, but now, there were actual emotions involved, and to make matters worse, having been reborn with a new body, Selene was now a virgin, hymen and all. 

Caught off guard and deep in the throws of lust, Selene blinked once, twice, three times before his words finally registered, and a deep blush took over her cheeks and ears. 

"B..bed, a bed would be nice. Since I will have to go through experiencing that…breaking again, and it will be worse since our bodies are multiple times stronger, I want to be comfortable at the very least." Looking down shyly, something entirely out of character for someone with experience like Selene, she said with a voice akin to a whisper. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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