The Over-Break System

604 Consoling Gabby (1)

Like two magnets, Brance's eyes honed in on those mounds, which were a cup size smaller than Selene's, and noticed how freely they swayed, indicating Gabby had forgotten to put on a bra…or did she.

"Hm, good morning Gabby," Sitting up with her and Sliding Gabby over the waking hurdle in his pants, Brance positioned her on his thighs and lightly pecked her lips before attempting to move her aside so he could get up off the cot.

However, contrary to what he wished, Gabby was having none of it, and like a spider monkey, she threw herself at him and latched her arms and legs around Brance's large frame

The sudden and unexpected shift in momentum caused Brance to lose his balance. Not wanting to accidentally hurt Gabby by falling on her, Brance immediately hugged her to him and fell onto the floor, landing on his back, with Gabby on top.

"You…you…you big Dummy stupid head!" Sitting up and once again mounting Brance provocatively, Gabby began smacking her small, balled-up fists on his chest in a mixture of sadness and anger. 

"You made me leave…*sniffle*… and couldn't even *sniffle* have the common decency to tell me that you were still alive and back home safe *sniffle*!" Half yelling and half sobbing, Gabby continued her assault, each hit causing a massive One point of damage.

"Do you not love me? Is *Sniffle* is that it? Am I not good enough for you? *Sniffle*do you not want me anymore because I am too weak?" Unknown to Gabby, but with each hit, her thin pajama top was riding higher on her body, and after a few hits, her entire belly was exposed. 

From where he was positioned, Brance could now see directly up the front of her top, from underneath, and caught sight of her milky white skin, but most of all, the base of the round and soft melons hidden within. 

  -You done fucked up this time, Brancie…-

Sitting on the cot beside the awake Milo, who had no clue she existed, Tobs chimed in, earning a slew of frantic thoughts in her direction from Brance as he lay on the ground with Gabby assaulting him. 

'Tobs, what do I do? I've never been in this situation before. Sure, I was in a serious relationship in the past, but this is nothing like that; I don't know how to deal with a hormonal girl right now!' Panicked and trying not to sneak a perverted peek up his girlfriend's shirt, Brance felt the blood rushing to places they shouldn't. 

  -I mean, if it were your brother, he would shut her up by pinning the girl down, and forcing a kiss on her lips to seal them, then his hands would probably start wandering…-


Thump, thump, thump

"Why aren't you saying anything…*Sniffle*," Finishing her punches by slamming both fists down on Brance's chest, Gabby seemed to lose all strength in her body and finally broke down entirely into a sobbing mess. 

"I was so scared to lose you, Brance, when we heard the two explosions and then watched the devastation on Tv; I thought you were gone, forever, and that I would never meet my soulmate again in this life." Dropping face first onto Brance's chest, Gabby vented all of her frustrations in tears, which stained Brance's shirt. 

  -Stop hesitating, or things will have gone too far to salvage. Make a move, do something, Brance, ANYTHING, it doesn't have to be as physical as fucking her, but you need to act NOW!-

For some reason, Tobs began getting overly excited and even jumped onto the floor beside Brance before practically screaming into his ear to wake him from his stupor and anxiety. 

Her words shocked him out of his thoughts, and Brance knew what he had to do, even if he wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea. 

Reaching his arms around the much smaller frame collapsed on his chest, Brance gripped the hem of Gabby's silky pajama top resting just below her ribs and gently pulled it down before embracing her in a comforting and warm hug.

His sudden touch caused Gabby to stiffen like a frightened kitten, but she soon melted into it, and her sobs became louder. In response, Brance's hands trailed up her petite back and lightly caressed it. 

The two stayed like that, with Gabby crying and Brance rubbing her back as if saying let it all out, for several minutes, until he noticed her falling silent.

The only way he could tell she was still crying was the subtle quiver of her entire body, meaning she had fallen into a quiet sob, breaking his heart. 

Her reaction was his doing; he had fucked up big time this time. Unlike his brother, whose first action after doing what he could with the injured was to get Selene and leave, Brance had spent hours slaving away while his worried girlfriend panicked not far away. 

Even worse, when he finished, he went to sleep right away instead of going upstairs to tell her he was ok. Leaving the worried Gabby to find out he had returned from a second party, Jessup. 

With a shaken heart and mind, Brance hand's stopped rubbing Gabby's back, and he sighed sorrowfully.

"I'm an idiot." He said while looking at the ceiling woefully.

"Un…" Gabby's voice was quiet, like a whisper, but due to their proximity, it was loud and clear to Brance's ears.

"I should have come and told you I was safe the moment I returned."

"Un…" again, Gabby said, only this time, she rested her right cheek above Brance's heart and gripped his shirt with her left hand. 

"I am sorry…Gabriella…sorry that I am a bad boyfriend who worries the one woman who loves him so dearly." For the first time in a while, Brance used Gabby's full name instead of her nickname, causing the young lady to sit up slightly and look at him with strange eyes.

When someone calls you a nickname all the time and then suddenly hits you with your full name out of the blue, it is a surprising thing, and for Gabby, it was like getting smacked in the back of the head since she could count on one hand the number of people who call her Gabriella. 

"And how do you plan on making it up to me? I was so worried, Brance; I thought you died, or at the very least, were heavily injured, and that was why you hadn't returned." Weary about his use of her full name, Gabby looked into Brance's eyes with tears threatening to spill over her own again.

Brance sat up and moved Gabby onto his lap, gulping down his saliva while making her face him.

Next, his hands trailed to her hips, and he stared back into her eyes; although his mind was in turmoil, he knew it was time to make a move…something he was heavily hesitant to do. 

But with resolve, his fingers caught hold of the hem of her pajama top, and slowly, he raised it up, exposing the white jade skin underneath.

Gabby's eyes shot wide open when she felt her top rising, and her heart began racing so fast she thought it would burst at any second; still, she didn't fight.

Having long since made up her mind that Brance was who she would spend the rest of her life with if it was time to do…that…she was ready and willing.

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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