The Over-Break System

608 Consoling Gabby (5) ***

**STANDARD R-18 Warning. Also, sorry about the lack of content yesterday y'all; I was super busy and not feeling well, but I will find a way to make it up to everyone. For now, Let's get into the good stuff.**




Brance was unsure what was causing Gabby to panic so much, but he knew it was never easy showing your body to someone else for the first time.

Generally, in situations like these, many useless and haphazard thoughts would form in your mind when exposed to someone in such an open fashion. 

As he gently pulled Gabby's waist, drawing her to his side, Brance knew he needed to be careful moving forward. 

Bringing her body closer to his, Brance felt Gabby's hip brush past his knee, and soon they sat side by side. 

With one leg splayed out to the side and the other tucked underneath her body, Gabby hid her moist and untouched cave with one hand between her legs. 

Meanwhile, Brance sat with his legs crossed and his member fully exposed and standing tall. 

Using her upper arm, Gabby shielded her breasts, and a flush of pink was so prominent that Brance worried her blood pressure was increasing too much. 

He half expected to see steam shooting from her cute little ears, but luckily this wasn't an anime, and he certainly wasn't "leaking blood" from his nose. 

Wearing a small smile, Brance looked at Gabby as she fidgeted uncomfortably and faced the opposite direction as him. Very carefully, to not startle her, Brance removed his hand from her waist and slid it to Gabby's leg before resting it on her plump yet perfectly toned thigh. 

His touch caused Gabby to stiffen, but when she looked up at him with moist eyes, Gabby saw no lust, only the gentle, loving expression she had come to expect from Brance, so with that distinct reassuring look from him, Gabby took a slow, deep breath, and removed her hand from her most precious area, allowing a clear view to his eyes.

In the process, she ended up grazing the breast which had been covered and caused it to jiggle slightly; however, Brance attention was entirely on Gabby's eyes. 

Leaning down, he placed a light and tender kiss on her lips and moved his hand to hers before putting it on his cock, which she curled her fingers around and began making slow piston motions. 

The bold act from Gabby forced out a slight moan from Brance as the electric sensation returned to his lower body, and he moaned into her lips, exciting Gabby enough that she picked up her pace a bit.

Although inexperienced, Gabby had a rough idea of what she should do, and seeing that her slightly awkward movements gave him pleasure, she felt a sense of satisfaction. 

Losing to the feeling of her delicate hand jacking him off, Brance momentarily forgot why he had brought her closer.

He soon regained his composure, slid his hand along Gabby's thigh, down to the inner part, and started moving lower. 

Due to Gabby's short stature, he didn't have to go far, and soon, he could feel the heat radiating from her pussy, a sign that she was just as sexually excited at that moment as he was. 

Deepening their kiss further and sliding his tongue into her mouth, Brance's fingers crawled against her inner thigh until he was met by wet, soft flesh and a gasp mixed with fright and pleasure from Gabby. 

Unable to stop himself from progressing and trailing the tips of his fingers along the slit, an inner battle was raging within Brance's mind, one side screaming to pin her down and fuck Gabby senselessly.

In contrast, the other, more rational side screamed about how he needed to take things slowly or he will hurt the woman he had chosen. 

Lust vs. Love. 

It was two sides of the same coin, and as Brance slowly and carefully began massaging the damp fleshy pink slit, he steeled himself and chose love over lust, instantly silencing the annoying and hungry voice in the back of his psyche. 

"AHN," breaking away from the kiss, a lovely and sensual moan escaped Gabby's lips as her hand stopped moving on Brance's cock, and a tremor ran through her legs. 

'This is so different…it feels so good…it's nothing like when I touched myself.' On the other hand, Gabby's mind was in turmoil, torn between wanting to experience the new sensations for the first time and pleasing her beloved Brancie. 

Unconsciously, her legs spread apart more than she was initially comfortable with because she wanted to give Brance a clear view of the area she had decided long ago would belong only to him.

Also, she wished to free up enough space so that if Brance so wished, he could make whatever move he wanted on her. In doing this, she had wholly given herself over to his whims, and if he wanted, she wouldn't hesitate to cross that final line with him. 

No matter the risks involved. 

It was the first time he had been so intimate with her, so Gabby wanted him to do anything he wished, even if she was terrified and uncomfortable. 

Brance missed none of her body language, no matter how subtle or obvious, and when her legs spread slowly apart, he fully understood what was happening; still, he could never imagine doing something that would put Gabby's life at risk; all Brance wanted was for this to be a memorable and pleasure-filled experience for her; thus he reached over to Gabby's immobile hand, which had stopped polishing his nob, and patted it twice. 

"Don't worry about me; our present time together is all about you, not me." He said with what Gabby perceived as a dreamy tone. Then to her surprise, she felt her body moving against her will until she felt her head land on one of the pillows laid out when Brance summoned the tent. 

Surprised at the rapid change of pace, Gabby helplessly watched as Brance carefully positioned her legs until both knees were bent and spread apart, exposing everything to his eyes. 

In a sudden bout of panic, Gabby tried closing her knees, but Brance was prepared for this reaction and firmly held them in place while shooting her a look. 

"Please don't, and I promise I would never do anything to hurt you, Gabriella; just let me do this for you," Brance stated in a clear, reassuring tone before he spun his body around and laid on his stomach, with his shoulders and head between her legs. 

"Bbbbbbbb…Bra. Brancie, what are you…doing?" Utterly horrified by seeing Brance's face between her legs, Gabby's mind panicked, and her words came out in a nervous shudder. 

However, he ignored her pleas and crept forward until his face hovered above Gabby's belly, where he planted light, butterfly kisses in a steady and even ring around her belly button. 

Each subsequent touch of his lips sent shivers through Gabby's entire body, and her back arched upward in a silent plea to use more force, which Brance humbly obliged. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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