The Over-Break System

Chapter 61 - And SURPASSING THEM!!!


Both Cynrik and Brance made a surprised electric-mouse face at the notifications floating in their vision.

- Legacy Tier Transformation Skill: Over-Break Mode –

-Once the user has pushed themselves to the utmost extremes that their bodies can withstand, this skill will come off cooldown.-

- Fully heals any injuries and replenish's hosts HP, MP, and Stamina to full-

-Boosts- there are two options for temporary boosts to the user-

- Option 1: The Over-Break System will scan the opponent and determine the opponent's Build and corresponding highest stats and temporarily boost the user's stats to match.-

-Option 2: The User will have all of his Stats increased by 250%

-Cost: Below is the listed cost for activation and sustaining the transformation.

-(Activation): The user's proficiency in all Elemental Affinities will be reduced to zero. The user's highest Elemental Affinity will be reduced by 1 Tier. These reductions are permanent.

-(Sustain): If Option 1 is chosen: For every minute the Over-Break Mode is active, the user will permanently lose 5 points from all Stats.

-(Sustain): If Option 2 is chosen: For every minute the Over-Break Mode is active, the user will permanently lose 2 points from all Stats.

-Due to the immense strain placed on the user's body, mind, and soul, they will be unable to evolve to a higher tier for a certain amount of time, depending on how long the mode is active. –

-Stats, or Elemental Affinity proficiency, can be re-obtained through the usual means, and the loss causes no lingering effect.-

Upon going through the notifications about the Over-Break Mode, Cynrik lowered his head and began to lean forward slightly while dangling his arms loosely.

{heheheheheheheheHeHEHEHEHEHE!} Cynirk's creepy laughter started quietly before crescendoing to a full-blown cackle.

Beside him, standing similarly to his older brother, Brance was infected by his brother and started laughing in the same way through the mind link.

Soon their laughter extended to their actual voices, and upon hearing the two children who seemed to have gone insane, Myer felt a chill run down his spine.

"WHAT NOW? HAVE I BROKEN YOUR MINDS TOO?" He was confused by the sudden turn of events. One moment the two battle-worn children looked as if they were at the gates of hell itself. The next, it was like they ascended to the heavens' peaks.

Their laughter continued for a few more moments before suddenly stopping.

Myer's eyes crept wide open as he watched a hazy mirage of fiery red and rock-like brown Mana particles form around the two hunched over children.

{Tobs…I have to say. You've outdone yourself this time. HEHEHEHE, ALRIGHT, TOBS IMA NEED YOU TO DO THIS IN SYNC…} Cynrik's voice disappeared from the mind link as he began going through a list of commands for Tobs to fulfill.

Cynrik quickly went through the notifications detailing how the skill worked and the costs before deciding on their course of action.

Letting out a slow breath, he looked at Brance out of the corner of his eye before breaking into a wide grin, causing the younger brother to feel worried by what crazy plan his older brother had come up with.

-Commands Received, activation will occur upon hearing the chant.-

{Chant? Cmon Cyn… don't tell me you're about to start calling yourself the "Prince of All Saiyans" or the Legendary Super Saiyan.} Brance's eyelids fluttered slightly as he read the notification and questioned Cynrik.


{TOBS, CHANGE IT! CHANGE IT NOW!!!} Brance cut off Cynrik's sentence and screamed internally for Tobs to stop playing along with Cynrik's little game.

-Command from Host- Brance Jetlensr Received, Activation Chant has been changed.-

The information for the new chant flowed into both of their minds, but the two brothers had very different responses to this new phrase. Cynrik was devastated, while Brance was content.

{FINEEEEEE!!} Giving in, Cyrnik said in a depressed tone.

{Let's just go with that, BUT TOBS LEAVE THE OTHER BIT! HUFF;} exhaling in frustration, Cynrik prepared himself for what was about to occur. He didn't know how much pain they would feel, so he braced himself while surrounded by intense waves of Fire Mana.

-Activation Cost has been met, awaiting Activation Chant-

Neither brother waited any longer, and in unison, snapped their heads up, dropped into a horse stance, and raised their arms at the elbow while clenching their fists. Nearly every vein on their bodies was bulging excessively as their corresponding activation costs were taken.

Seeing their synchronized movements, Myer flinched and stepped back while cautiously examining the two children showing excited expressions.

"Surpassing Over our limits."


An immense wave of force blasted out from both children, causing Myer to slam his feet into the ground and make footholds to stay in place.



A second more powerful Mana shockwave exploded out from both boys forcing the entire cellway to vibrate as if an earthquake was occurring. The ground under both their feet caved in, shattering the cement and causing several chunks of rock to rise up and float around both of them.




- NOW PLAYING "Ultimate Battle" By Akira Kushida-

"RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Cynrik and Brance's bodies started swelling as their Stats rapidly increased, and they began roaring loudly.

Cynrik clenched his jaw and tightened his fists while watching his Stats climb. 100, 200, 300 before stopping.

{We've got until the song ends before the forced deactivation. If memory serves, the song should be just under four minutes.}

Feeling the immense surge of power and energy in his body, Cynrik spoke about their time limit. Four minutes would cause their stats to drop by eight, but now wasn't the time to consider the consequences.

Brance sharply nodded his head and shot a glance at Myer, who looked as if he was going to shit himself in fear.

Neither children knew how massive the changes to their bodies the Over-Break Mode had caused. It wouldn't be excessive to say at this moment; they looked like Elemental Super Saiyans.

Brance was glowing in a light brown aura, while Cynrik was bathed in a bright red aura. Both their hair had raised and spiked just like Saiyans would; even their eyes had changed color, representing the Elemental Mana they were bathed in.

"Let's go!"


Not wasting their limited time any longer, both boys kicked off the ground, and Cynrik instantly appeared in front of the horrified Myer.

Before he could even react to the boy's sudden appearance, Cynrik spun in the air and delivered a powerful spinning elbow directly to Myer's head. The force of the strike created a powerful shockwave that violently catapulted the man towards the staircase and forced a mouth full of blood to spout from his lips.

Brance quickly calculated Myer's trajectory, appeared next to the flying man, and grabbed him by the throat before running towards the staircase and violently slamming him into the third step, blasting it to pieces.

He didn't stop there, and he exerted his new STR Stat and continuously smashed the man through step after step, making his way up the staircase.

Noticing what his brother's goal was, Cynrik disappeared from his spot and flitted to the opposite side of Myer, and gripped him by the chest, assisting Brance in his endeavor. Together the two brothers yelled loudly while running up the staircase, making sure that Myer slammed through each and every stairstep along the way, leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

Moments later, they dashed through the doorway at the top of the stairs with the bashed and bloody Myer in tow.

Digging their toes into the lobbies floor, the brothers skidded to a stop. Then their muscles bulged on both arms, as together they spiked the man violently on the ground before throwing him into the air.

The moment Cynrik's hand left Myer's body, he turned into an afterimage and followed the wounded man into the air.

Still dizzy from the multiple concussive blows to his head, Myer floated helplessly toward the lobby's ceiling while rotating very slowly.

Weakly his eyelids fluttered as a small Fire-clad child flitted next to him with a vicious smile plastered on his face.

Seeing the bloodthirsty kid smiling at him, Myer raised his arm to try and swing at him, but Cynrik was faster, and he stuck out with his left leg, slamming it into Myer's solar plexus.


But that wasn't the end of it. Brance appeared in the air behind the man who was rocketing toward the grand staircase. Spinning slightly, he drew back his left arm and fired off a Wind Clad hook that connected with Myer's head and sent him soaring across the room where Cynrik was waiting greedily.

Cynrik received the spinning Myer with an overhead full power hammer fist that sent the wounded Myer towards the ground.

Unfortunately for him, he wouldn't just be hitting the ground, as just before he was going to hit the ground, both boys appeared above him. Executing a front flip, with their left legs extended, Cynrik and Brance slammed powerful ax-kicks into Myer's chest simultaneously, which caused him to connect with the lobby's floor much harder.

The impact caused the ground to form into a massive crater and kick up a cloud of dust that obstructed their vision.

"Hehe, Lions Barrage!"

"Shut up Cynrik; he's not dead yet."


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